So is Kirby male or female?

So is Kirby male or female?
also Kirby thread

Other urls found in this thread:エビテン-ebten-星のカービィ-ロボボプラネット-オリジナルサウンドトラック/dp/B01N531571

>is Kirby male or female?
It's whatever makes your dick happy

depends on what it eats

why does it matter?

Did you just assume xer gender??

It's whatever you want it to be

Kirby is not for sexual.

Don't lewd the poyo !
Lewd the borb instead

It's gender fluid.

>not lewding the penguin

>Dedede drooling while eating.jpg

Whats that? Lewd the poyo? Well ok anons, since you asked for it

Either male or a lesbian, since h--ah, Kirby got all flustered when that fairy kissed hi--um, kissed Kirby.

Kirby RPG when?

Can we have one neo-Sup Forums thread about Kirby that doesn't suck? Please?


Dibs on Hammer!

dubs of truth

Post Kirby things



Mah nigga

>suplex is god tier against normal enemies
>always make sure to keep it
>boss comes up
>none of the moves fucking work
>have to jump on their head with the only damaging suplex move for minimal damage
>hard mode unlocked.jpg

>little cousins were over playing Smash in the other room
>one of them comes to me and asks if Kirby is a boy or a girl
>"Kirby is a boy"
>here her go back into the other room and tell the other cousin that Kirby is a girl
At that point I realized it doesn't actually matter what Kirby is, if anything they probably avoided using 'they' pronouns because it would be difficult for the Japanese language, and it would set manchildren off.

Can't you suplex their little stars near them for damage?

Kirby is the ultimate life form. It cannot be hurt so reproduction is pointless.


Kirby is asexual and pure.

Pic related

probably, but I think some of them didn't make stars like the guy who was only hands or marx

The hands guy drops rocks you can use.

Clearly male...

>Not knowing Wham Bam Rock

Its canonically "unknown", as per the 20th anniversary encyclopedia

Same goes for his place of origin

Kirby's male like Borb is. Though ultimately it doesn't really matter.
What does matter is that Super Star Ultra is the best Kirby game

He's a cute shota.

I miss the comfy Kirby threads we had going for a few months after Robobot's release.

Circus 4 life

Those threads were the Gold in the pile of shit that was Summerfags.

>yfw you never got to go to the Kirby Cafe and eat delicious food with your pal Waddle Dee
A-At least the music is cozy...

"Kill yourself" is two words.
"Kys" can not mean "kill yourself".
"kill your self" means nothing common, the best interpretation would be to eliminate one's individuality or character, but not suicide.

well it has been a long time since I have played it and I remember fighting all the bosses with just the jump down attack from suplex, most likely never even though of using their stuff against them

>doesnt wear pants
>no visible penis or vagina
Kirby is clearly asexual.

Suplex is actually fucking amazing against bosses, I used to make the same mistake and rely on the kick but as others have said, its all about grabbing onto stars. The crazy part is that you're invincible before you pick your throw, and can stay there as long as you want and wait for a good opening. Now that may take some time, but it also helps that thrown stars do a fuck ton of damage, suplex will tear through life bars

maybe his genitals are in his mouth and when he sucks in something he mates with it and his body also functions as a fast breeder that will raise the next generation that feeds on his old body and eventually consumes the rest of it in a flash of light and is reborn as an advanced kirby

Forgot to say, you not only get to damage via the actual suplex, but also via the star flying about after the throw, if you're lucky you can get both to hit

That and you're also not limited to stars, you can grab anything Kirby could absorb

I liked robobot and all, but I was disappointed when I figured out that not every power transfered into robobot form...

I was really excited to see all of them...

I was following through with the game's news so it wasn't a surprise, they kept saying shit like "over 20 abilities and over 10 robobot armor modes!".

Would love to have seen every ability get a mode, but the actual dev time aside I think the game would have to be a lot bigger to accommodate for all that. It already has trouble implementing and giving you chances to use a lot of the regular abilities, let alone the robobot ones, you'd need at least a couple extra worlds for that many Robobot abilities.

Game balance seems to be the recurring limiting factor for abilities, its why the regular count has hovered at around 25 for the last few games, any less or more breaks it even though they could easily copy paste every ability since RtDL onto the latest game.

Maybe not all but it had more variety and fun than Hypernova also known as "Hold A for Five Minutes to Win"
Sectonia may have been a fun boss fight but those damn Hypernova bits always made me dread heading into a midstage

Hypernova could have been better. I like it still however.

>Lewd the borb instead


>only borb


The chip-damage game is real.

Is there any way to set up a kirby air ride game through wifi?

What does it feel like to be kissed by Kirby?

ufo is best ability

Kirby is scary. He's like an SCP.

Like putting your lips ageist a pillow, Hal labs told us that Kirby feels like a pillow so it's safe to assume that's the case.

>Kirby feels like a pillow
I want to hug Kirby!

>associating Kirby with "kys" reddit cancer
End yourself.

Kirby threads are not for hating!

We all do.

>Enemies have mercy invulnerability
>But only for individual attacks
>Gas clouds, puddles and a column of poison each doing their own gradual chip damage

Love it

computer virus is absolutely horrible to fight with suplex

>Building speed for 12 hours.

I want to hug shota Kirby!

This reminds me of that one episode of batman beyond where a shadow man phases though everything and ends up in the earths core.

Scary shit.

So when is Kirby gonna get a new look? I'm sick of the Return to Dreamland look.

Eh I'd prefer a normal Kirby to hug but hey whatever floats your boat.

Shota Kirby a cute!

gijinka's in general are cute if they are done well, awhile back I saw one of nova that looked kind of bad.

guys i have to preach to you about our lord and saviour pipe dude from pipe dreams 3d



If your not here to post cute round things then get outta here.

I like how in robobot they put the "copy" abilty into the robots scanning which is a cool reference you can miss unless you played super star, it even uses similar aiming reticle's

Greetings from /m/!

What's that a reference to? also does /m/ like Kirby songs?

>is Kirby male or female

FUCK someone got Plasma.

Uh, Yo-Yo.

Zyuohger, the current Super Sentai

HAL's at it again, scroll down to the track listエビテン-ebten-星のカービィ-ロボボプラネット-オリジナルサウンドトラック/dp/B01N531571
>40. Soul 0 System~回歴スル追約ノ忘レ貝

Oh Kirby super sentai art? that's kinda cool to see.

I'm not super big into sentai but it's always fun to see strangely cool crossover art.

>doesn't deliver to your zip code
Oh well...


ESPfu claimed

Its fine, I'll settle with downloading it once it comes out, its not like I wanted the physical disc and art that comes with it

Its also not like I wanted to visit the Kirby cafe, or the Kirby museum, or catch the Kirby marching band

was meta knight inspired by robin mask?

Kirby does this on your bed. What do?

Let him have it. I'm not getting eaten.

>post yfw

Tuck him in.

What? were you expecting something lewd?

I just got the kirby n3ds faceplates, fuck they look so nice. Anyone have the wood mario ones?


Kill your-self, it's divided in syllables


Wrap him up in the blanket so where only his face is showing, then carry him around in my arms :3

I hope someone makes Kirby fanart for the next sentai, but it's not very likely

Beat the enemy with beetle