A literal child playing on a gamepad controller can win Capcom Cup in this game

>A literal child playing on a gamepad controller can win Capcom Cup in this game.

Disgusting. What a joke.

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Heres an early (You) user. Enjoy

b-but THICC!

That "child" is already better than you'll ever hope to be OP.

At a game for babies, yes. Lets see him play Third Strike on his PS4 controller.

>akuma's taunt DEALS DAMAGE
I'm already seeing myself styling on stunned fools to finish the round

It's not some hidden fact that the game is watered down as fuck

I didn't think it would be this bad that literal whos playing on controllers could beat top Japanese pros who play on arcade sticks in arcades.

Having a stick doesnt automatically make you good dipshit.

And sfv isnt even in the arcades.

And Sup Forums still can't get past Bronze

man no wonder nuckledu wanted to kill himself you fgc guys are assholes

Back in the day, playing on a controller showed everyone that you were a noob and a scrub. The real tourneys were held in arcades, so anyone that didn't play on an arcade stick was playing a different game, a worse one. Nowadays fighters are so watered down in terms of both gamepay and content that it doesn't matter and you see randos beat beat Daigo.

>Implying I'm an FGCuck.
I'm old school user, before this FGC meme took off. Third Strike till I die.

I hope they make season 2 so you dont have turn your brain off in order to win

Boy, that's some good bait user!

>Capcom had to take out footsies out of the game so murrica can win anything by memeing with "hype" setups + dash and mash faggotry


>Mad shotofag can't deal that people prefer real Street Fighter games.

I know you need your wakeup DPs and fireball spam as a crutch, but if you tried that garbage in 3S you would be immediately shut down by any competent player.

>turd strike shitter telling others what real sf is
You told me all i need to know about you by saying fireball spam, i would reccomend you a game for the adhd ridden like you, smash 4

>I'm old school
>Third Strike

Where was this commentary when Asians were dominating the game months ago?

Face it, people adapt and overcome

Interesting things happen when you stop seeing the Japanese as "Gods"

>Shotobabby can't win unless he spams fireballs from fullscreen

The moment they took parries away, they killed Street Fighter. The series was evolving with every game and then Ohno decided it was too hard for Amerifats so he dumbed it down in SF4 and made it even worse in SF5. You'd never see retards scrubbing out wins with shotos in 3S.

>Everything is Americas fault
Well i guess you gotta blame something for your shit taste.

Im so confused. There weren't even any shoto's in cap cup to 8 though?

>Third Strike till I die
you are worse than them

Infiltration, Tokido and Momochi all died early.
This capcom cup made no sense.

Because normally shotos are the braindead characters in SF, in SF5 every character is as braindead as a shoto.

>Best gameplay
>Best music
>Best designs
>Best cast
>Best balance
>Best depth

You what.

the fuck you talking about he was a top player in 4 also.

>The moment they took parries away, they killed Street Fighter
It was also born with SF3? Was the entire lifespan of Street Fighter 1997-2009?

>muh fightan games is srs buisness

Fuck off dude it's a video game.

4 was just as braindead as 5. Knuckledu would never survive in Third Strike

Are you born capable of what you're doing now? No, you had to grow and mature to become that. Well not you specifically because you're a retard, but nothing ever starts off perfect. SF1, SF2, SFEX and SFA were all phases that lead up to SF3, the series peak. And then it went all downhill.

More like

>Japan loses the Arcade advantage and starts getting blown the fuck out

Japan just isn't a year ahead of everyone else this time.

>call everything modern shit
>make blatant appeal to the pseudo "hardcore" notion that only fight sticks can make you good at fighting games despite any professional player telling you that it's all down to

lol get fucked kid

>retard cant deal with zoning
Lmaoooooo tell me do you feel so accomplished pressing forward a couple of times to os a parry then doing cr.mk to comfirm a super? Do you feel like a good sf player? Do you know you would get mauled at any other fg if you tried to play so retardedly? That every other fg doesnt have a flowchart that practically has no risk and you actually have to use your brain to win?

I'll never understand this "Kids can't be good at video games" meme. Kids have an easier time learning things then us old men do, plus they're young and have sharp reflexes plus the free time to actually practice for hours on end. I don't see how it's surprising or even a bad thing.

I'd like to see you do any better

>t. mad bronze shitter who bought an arcade stick just so he wouldn't be labeled as a gamepad scrub

3rd strike is literally one of the most braindead SF games ever

It stems from things like sports and other competitions where a child being able to compete is impossible or if they are able to compete it's a rare and outstanding situation. People have a hard time detaching that standard to something like video games where you just need to be able to hold a controller.

>09er who's first game was SF4 caught feelings because he plays on a controller.

It's not that arcade sticks make you better, it's that absolutely nobody but scrubs plays on gamepad controllers.

Is that what they call it now? In the old days you would get your ass kicked and thrown out in the arcade for spamming that shit. Now we live in the SJW era where everyone gets a medal and nobody is allowed to hurt anyone's feelings. Back then you had to play with real skill, now anyone is allowed to play like a faggot and it's encouraged.

>Season two fighters are Akuma and five characters who are new to the Street Fighter universe

Guys, what is going on?

>autist is buttmad that his japanese "gods" are old and busted

We have entered the best timeline.

Calling it now, first two characters are Helen and Eisbahn.

LTG get off Sup Forums and kill yourself already.


>cant deal with zoning
Theres a smash tthread right now here you know, go there, there are people that think like you

daily reminder that someone won EVO with a PS1 pad.

>America wins capcom cup
>a fucking 30 year old tranny got second place

If you needed any indication SFV was kusoge, this is it

Seriously tho, if you can't deal with zoning you should just do us all a favor and end yourself.

>Combofiend still in charge of balance
>V is never gonna reach it's true potential
Where the fuck is Seth?

I'm with you OP, everyone knows you can't be good at SF unless you spend 200 bucks for a fight stick

>best timeline
It's not the best timeline when Tokido and Infiltration go 0-2 in capcom cup.
It's a weird timeline 2bh

What was more surprising

Marvel or an American winning capcom cup?

>Enter SF thread
>immediately have to jack off
Every time

Capcom wanted to make the game more accessible. Now that americans are winning it is safe to say they were successful at that.

No one deserve it more than him. He is the best player of 2 characters that are really different so he can cover every fucking matchup.

He was the only consistent player, winnin every major he was in since he perfected his guile.

In the entire capcom cup he didn't let anyone take two sets of him. He won either 3:1 or 3:0.

He didn't even play any top tier character and won, completely consistent. It was a flawless victory. He blew top level japanese players out of the water. He didn't get an easy bracket. He destroyed tokido, the absolute favorite to win it all.

Sup Forums should love him for killing that degenerate operated trans faggot ricki ortiz twice.

3S fags are the absolute worst.
>best balance
>best cast
>best designs
You are no better than the Melee players with the "muh old school" retardation. Yes, 3S is a damn good game, but it's also dead.

I have two personalities
Nicest person you will ever meet

This is the most embarrassing post I've ever seen

The most surprising is Sup Forums not going full retarded patriot spamming "muh usa won capcom cup"

>It's not the best timeline when Tokido and Infiltration go 0-2 in capcom cup.
Are you kidding? Those upsets were the best, everyone just went insane

Also those matches were fucking good

He'd probably body you if he learned the game. Hell, I'd body you in 3s

Yeah SFV is a dumb game that reduced itself to harder reads and less footsies which gave US players a better chance. Hopefully the update fixes the stubby limbs.

>old school
>third strike

ITT: buttmad weebs

>the lights of Japanese fighting game "gods" are going out all over the world
>they will not be lit again in your lifetime

So how will Japan respond to this new era of American dominance in the FGC's most important game? Will they stop playing SFV entirely?

>He didn't even play any top tier character and won

Nope, Mika's nerf just came from the sky. I can't wait for that character to get normalized

Most people got it out of the way yesterday
That or it was replaced with making fun of Ricky for losing

I want to stay by his side and tell him it's ok he will win next year

>didn't play a top tier character

Mika is the most broken garbage in the entire game. The nerf is coming.

He definitely still deserved it though.

They can do what they must but Mika has already won.


But they did. Weren't you in those threads? Literally after every round when Du or the Tranny won.

After Du won the chimp out/chest beating was barely containable.

This pic and the Mika version of it always makes me laugh for some reason

THE BESTEST TIMELINE. I fucking wish Daigo got command grabbed 5 times in a row in Capcup

Are participants/staff allowed to hook up with those cum cuties?

Is Luffy finally not a fraud?

i wasn't here I was sleeping. Too tired to watch the top 8. I'm glad I didn't then

Who cares. Where does the "you must move on" mentality come from? Guess we should all stop playing ST as well, right? Just enjoy the superior SFV

Fucking retard

How can anyone still hype Daigo after fucking Kbrad destroyed him?

Maybe if you act like an adult about it and not some animal or virgin.

>win one cup
>muh dominance

lay off the roid shots, Chad

>most broken shit
Nah, that's Nash Ken or Chun.
Mika is only a problem if you cant keep her out with her limited tools.

I respect him more now that he dropped mika.
He also only goes for boobs, he should grow up a little

Part of me is gonna miss throw loops



>Urien jumping lk now crosses up

Actually Nash got completely exposed once they improved input delay. Everyone in Capcom cup had him completely figured out. It was pathetic to look at.

>Sup Forums should love him for killing that degenerate operated trans faggot ricki ortiz twice.
How the fuck did that tranny even reach GFs? Shit's fucked.

Ingridfag getting utterly BTFO is what is happening


You sound like Toronto Maple Leafs fans who like to beat their chests about "muh history" and "muh past performance".

Should we just go ahead and rename Winners brackets to "USA Bracket" and Losers to "International Bracket"?


No, he probably knows capcom is going to overbuff her since she was a late dlc character so no one knows what she can really do. Even Ibuki started to look like a decent character with time.

He is still tierwhore who only reason he is leaving mika is because she is getting nerfed

What does he know about Juri that we don't?

I can't really see what they can do to her to make her fully viable.


I have a question about a tournament rule.

When you register do you have to specify a country at all or do they automatically pick the country that's on your ID so they can put in the streaming UI as a flag?

Daigo hasn't been able to perform well at all in SFV, sure he manages to reach top 32 in tournaments, but he isn't as threatening as he once was

delete this

If you're on a CPT event they need your passport and they take your nationality from that.


>carried by Rose in 4 because nobody knew how good she actually was
>carried by Mika in V because she is a crutch
Nah, still bad

>Even Ibuki started to look like a decent character with time.
On that topic


>Got the D-low. Ex Kunai restock, +on St mk, can press any normal from her glide. Generally useless buffs so far. Fingers crossed for better