What has been the best JRPG of this generation? Some contenders

What has been the best JRPG of this generation? Some contenders

>Persona 5
>Tales of Berseria/Zestiria
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2
>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
>Star Ocean 5
>Disgaea 5

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>What has been the best JRPG of this generation?
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

Did not expect fpbp, but I got fpbp.

Super Mystery Dungeon was fucking fantastic and a massive improvement on the already great Explorers, and I don't even like dungeon crawlers or roguelikes that much otherwise

Its soundtrack was really solid too.
I do wish the post-game didn't bring your partner back using the power of bullshit though. I liked that bittersweet ending it had.

>not posting these


>RPGs should be rock-paper-scissors with a successive loot treatmill
>Role-Playing Games should not be about roleplaying
Why are you playing such terrible RPGs, OP? You couldn't even pick a good one.

I don't play enough JRPGs to make a fair comparison between them. I've certainly not played actually any on that list.

Out of that list it's easily Bloodborne

Trails in the Sky you cuck

>Disgaea 5
i know it's fun but GOTG? nah

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. Not the second one.

>turn based games

Can't we all agree it's dark souls 1?

Probably XCX

>real-time games

I really don't like this new trending meme of hating turn based

There is nothing wrong with turn-based. FFXV is proof that not all things should go the action way.

>Not the second

2 was infinitely better then 1 though? School got boring around summer.

>fresh new mechanic offers town building/maintenance, new ways to explore, focus on gathering and crafting
>allows open world experiences tied to structured, NPC driven quest system
>old school side quests that give hints instead of modern go-to-point-A questing
>traditional boss fights
>simple but exciting geographical destinations like a desert, snow, or forest zones
>action based combat that's engaging but not overly complex

Not even a debate. It's the most innovative, the best well done open world, and weirdly the most traditional JRPG out there.

Persona 5

Minecraft-esque games are not rpg.

Demo's on PSN. Come back when you've tried it.


Dragon Quest Builders? It's really that good? I thought it was a Minecraft clone?

This image would be better if it criticized how players approach turn-based combat.

Everytime I see a person who mainly plays in real-time combat talk about turn based combat they always complain about grinding in jrpgs when that shouldn't even be happening.

If you play more strategically by experimenting with equipment setups, attack patterns, and party formations you won't need to grind for most jrpgs.
But they play them like action games and just choose whatever attack is currently the strongest.

My personal contenders:

Best turn based:
>P5, Trailsin the sky/of Cold steel, Exist Archive
Best action based:
>Bloodborne, XCX
>Best Strategy
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Biggest disappointment

user... that's a gen 6 game. Remakes can't be "best game of this generation" when they already were previous.

FFX was my first turn-based game and I had to grind that game despite being notoriously easy game for being turn-based. It's a genre that requires a completely different mentality from an action-oriented medium. Quick reflexes can carry you in any action game but that will do for shit in turn-based. So people who, despite playing hundreds of games, will still find turn-based games weird and archaic. The people who criticize turn-based are generally those that aren't very good at it.

Also not sure if FFXIV deserves a mention aswell ITT.

Yeah, and how to get those skills/stats/gears setup to be readily available for experiment? By grinding.

If you like Minecraft, I think you'd be disappointed. There's a free build mode, but a lot of content is locked behind the story mode. The story mode gives you objectives, quests, and boss fights. It's a very structured JRPG with open world islands to explore. Demo is on PSN for PS4 and Vita for you to check out.

All of those seem like they could be possible depending on your taste (I'm guessing popular opinion on here would be P5 or Bloodborne), but SO5 seems like it's universally disliked.

I love JRPGs but I hate Final Fantasy, and everytime I try to play one that isn't 6 I drop it immediately. .

Is that normal?

>FFX was my first turn-based game and I had to grind that game
Wow you fucking suck.

>nothing happens for the most part of the game
>civil war that does not feel like a war at all
>an important plot-related quest is available only in NG+
>awfully boring mecha battles
Battle system is better, exploration is probably better, but that's it. And school stuff in CS1 was really well done imo.



I don't even know where to start. I loved So2 and even So3 to some extent, but this? This is a travesty beyond words. Not only is it super short with no replayability, but its the most basic attempt at a star ocean ploit/adventure ever written.

>Literally barebones SO, Planet under treaty visited by higher tech aliens.Guy wants dominion over them.
>Plot involves a little girl as a superweapon, with a twin and both will give this other government power
>Has nothing to do with the below world, unlike any other SO
>When faykreedians get beamed up they don't even act surprised despite the fact this tech is millions of years beyond them. they just accept it in 2 seconds and move on
>Literally no reason for faykreed to invovle themselves, yet they do anyways and put their entire planet in danger for a genetic kid
>Villain has no motives other then powerlust, and no memorable underlings whatsoever unlike the wisemen and demonking

>is suddenly invested in this little girl even though they've spent no time whatsoever together other then walking to and from places, and yet hes willing to fucking suicide for her and leave his own world behind
>His dad gets mad at him for being selfish and not caring about others even though hes optomist mcgee and shows no regard for his own self the entire game
>Dad dies and he just treats it as "oh well"
>Vows to never leave his friends behind, yet has no problems leaving his home and not saying anything to his friend ted as long as loli is safe
>Has no goals whatsoever and just floats by with whatever is decided for him

XIV deserves a lot of praise as a JRPG and MMO. But mostly as a FF game.

Makes me wonder if 14 may end up being the last FF game if 15 doesn't sell well enough for a 16.

No, this is where the exploration aspects of most jrpgs come in.

Most jrpgs start you in towns, dungeons or areas that have tons of resources for this very reason.
All you have to do is talk to npcs, and look around, this not only allows you to become invested in the world, but it allows for you to get beer early in the game to help you out.
You shouldn't need to actively search out hordes of enemies and grind in a well designed jrpg.

>Generic animu friend who lusts for fidel, has no qualities other then following him
>has no character development other then "Fidels friend" and pretty much is on the sidelines the entire adventure
Knight dude (hes so forgetable i forgot his name)
>Loyal to his country
>Suddenly loyal to fidel and shirks duties to follow them
>Even though not doing so would be safer for his country

>Most ridiulous outfit ever made, especially when higherups have better ones in the institute
>A researcher, yet does nothing the entire game save for one symbology encription
>Spends more time being eyecandy then useful
>Worse then Ronyx, really lax about his duties and slips up all the time
>Still the best character on the team, but not by much
>Anne is some super-magical hacker with skills to bypass anything she gets her hands on
>Even tech shes never seen
>Her faykreed outfit is FUCKING UGLY.

And don't start me on gameplay
>2/3 artes max at any given time
>bosses are annoying bullet sponges with no skill or strategy, just non stop spamming
>AI so dumb it CONSTANTLY corners itself forcing you to revive them
>save points poorly placed and locked at in opertune moments that force you to-rewatch cutscenes
>Can I also say how fucking WEIRD Realtime cutscenes are, like whats the point? you can't even skip them now

All I CAN give it is it had nice visuals. Thats fucking it.

does the 3DS count as this generation?

3DS, Vita, PS4, Wii-U and Xbone are all Gen 8. so yes.

>Makes me wonder if 14 may end up being the last FF game if 15 doesn't sell well enough for a 16.
Despite Sup Forums's vehemous shitposting XV is selling/shipping pretty well so far

bravely default
maybe persona 5 wont know until it comes out

It's alright. We'll see if the 5M shipped sells through and requires a new shipment. 15 sells as much as 13 did or makes the comparable profit, because digital and DLC and so on, I think 16 would happen. But I could also see it not going through all 5M and 16 maybe being like Hitman, digital episodic, or something else.

That sounds weird, but also not.FF games are very accessible and even if you aren't find of the genre there's always at least one you may like.
I suggest you try X, VII, XIII, or XV, the gameplay in this selection is varied enough that you might like one.

What turned you off of the ones you tried?

wew lad

then the best JRPG of those is Bravely Second. if we're going by gameplay

Imagine Minecraft with actual story/progression.

Better than I expected

>No STM4/Apocalypse
>No Dragon's Dogma: AA

Kill yourself OP.

pic unrelated

I don't know what people expected after SO4/The Last Hope.

How do I not end up building my town out of dirt?

The game requires you to build some houses before you get better materials, and at that point most of your shit is made out of dirt and it's way too annoying to break it all down and replace it, and adding new stone stuff looks inconsistent

PC when.

Disgaea 5, maybe SMT IV.

There is cladding. It turns dirt into stone, brick, etc. Just make sure to make every recipe at least once and it should pop up for you.

People thought SO5 would be good because one of the characters wheres a checkered suit with a little skirt.

Thats basically the only reason anyone was hyped.

Shipment means nothing though.

And also it's probably selling because it's been 7 years since a "new" FF.
13 blessed us with two sequels.
We had a pretty long generation and all of the FF games of that gen were about the same character. What a fucking mess.

Even 13 sold well because it was the first FF on the new console gen but it was still a bad game.


Shipments mean something. Let's just see how many of those shipments get sold.

Is Trails of Coldsteel 2 better than 1?
Because 1 is freaking good

I've played X, got as far as the thunderstorm desert and dropped it hard because it got really boring plot wise. Haven't touched 13, or beyond. I jsut find them too basic, they're as barebones at the original DW games with little interest in combat, it just gets boring after a while. I love RPGs that change the status quo, make interesting ideas with turn based, or add a spin to it. The only "Default" RPG i thoroughly enjoy end to end is Okage, despite how bland and dull its combat is

>file deleted by retard janny

>best JRPGs are ports of games from over 10 years ago
The sad part is you probably aren't incorrect.

Dragons dogma is 7th gen guy, not 8th. An update doesn't suddenly thrust it a gen forward.

2 Is fantastic, screw the naysayers. It singlehandedly gave me hope for modern JRPGs again after the constant waves of Gust/Compile heart tier Pantsu trash we've gotten for vita for the past three years.

You think REbirth is also a port?

I started playing it, I'm liking it a lot but fuck man.




really, had to say this, it ruins the game for me.

is heavensward better?

Noice, I should hurry up and finish 1 and get 2 then

>Best thing to come out of SO is a trailer for a mobile game.


I meant to say remakes, although I'm sure you understand what I mean anyways. This gen is fairly disappointing.

You're not skipping to Heavensward. Just play it if you keep liking it or quit if those invisible walls make you hate it. Never understood how people could spend dozens of hours in something they hate just because they think the end part is better.

>Ratix, claude and Fayt


I played X, Persona 5, Tales of Berseria, Sen "coldsteel lol" 2, Bloodborne, SO5 and Disgaea 5

Without counting Bloodborne that is something completely different, Berseria is the best in term of gameplay and story/script.
I liked X up to Noctum but the continents after that are fucking boring, the gameplay doesn't evolve, the story doesn't give any incentive to continue, the dolls or whatever they are called in english are fun for like 10 minutes when you get them and 1 hour after getting the flying pack but after that it's just infinite boredom. The doll gameplay is the worst thing as well.

Sen 2 is just half-assed as hell, the script is a joke and compared to Ao no Kiseki it's just a sad entry. If you guys like this I wonder what you would say after playing the Crossbell duology.

SO5 is shit enough say, most disappointing game I played this year

Disgaea 5 has strong gameplay as usual but the main game is too long and the plot pretty boring. But well a real Disgaea experience starts at the end game

It's a way better one than anyone expected. The best is yet to come

There's a lot of great game, peoples just don't bother actually buying and trying them. The sales numbers proves it.
Peoples have no right to say everything is shit without even trying the damn games.

This is why this kind of comment just sound stupid to me.

Replace Coldsteel 2 with Ao no kiseki Evolution, it has the better story of the games you listed. Haven't played FFXV yet but story for that looks like a mess.


Haven't played anything that's come close to it. Hard pressed to find a better game.

Berseria has a better story than P5?

Better story, better script, better characters

Is this actually good?

what's the point of this webm

What's the point of your post?

man, I'd love an anime of SO with that quality, holy shit.

The PSP ones were some of my favorite on the system, no idea for this one though because >3DS (it seems very similar though)

>Sen "coldsteel lol" 2


Is it bad?

No, he just doesnt like "Trails of cold steel" as a name, he prefers the japanese Sen whatever shit

Non jap Jap elitists are the absolute worst.

Bloodborne got me back to playing videogames. I had forgot how interesting and fun they could be.

to ask what was the point of the webm

Yes. Exploration is second to none.

Not that guy, but I was calling the game Sen since 2012 and I just got accustomed to calling it so. Cold Steel sounds great tho.

Huh. Are both PSP ones translated or just 2020?

For me is still TMS, but maybe, just maybe, that's because I'm a filthy Nintendo fanboy and a horny bastard that ships Fire Emblem chracters.

>that's because I'm a filthy Nintendo fanboy

You're a Filthy Fire emblem faggot, lets get this right.

Been really enjoying Cyber Sleuth, just makes me want that Digimon PSP game that told the full anime story localised in english

Where the fuck are the 3DS games OP?
Where's SMT, BD, FE?

Also, I can see bloodborne as an RPG but I kinda think it fits the action/adventure genre much better.