>that one game most people think is anywhere between between bad to kinda ok, but only you REALLY fucking love and think is a 10/10
What's her name Sup Forums?
>that one game most people think is anywhere between between bad to kinda ok, but only you REALLY fucking love and think is a 10/10
What's her name Sup Forums?
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For me it's Tales of the Abyss. Absolute 10/10 story, characters, worldbuilding, music, fun combat, the whole package. I agree the pacing suffers in the 3rd half due to a lot more exposition cutscenes, but it's all to build the story and is just a lot of dialogue as opposed to an offensively bad slog like the Wind Waker's Triforce Hunt.
GameSpot's review actually is the only one that "got it", but for some fucking reason despite all the pros listed there it still got a fucking 7. Nothing that looks too weeb can ever get a good score, right?
Suikoden I
Most Musou games.
This or Castlevania Los 1
L.A Noire.
In most recent memory, Shadow Warrior 2.
Divinity 2 Ego Draconis
I love the unique fantasy vibes the game has, its cooky sometimes but it also really stands out. Potentially my favorite RPG.
Brutal legend. Well not 10/10 because i see its flaws but its a game thats my #1 and i really fucking love it. Too bad that proper sequel never ever. Hell, the first game is half of what it's supposed to be.
I opened this thread to post this, surprisingly.
Watch Dogs
Recently, Dark Souls 2.
All time: Valkyrie Profile.
fucking loved this aesthetic
voice acting was 10/10
music was 10/10
characters 10/10
dialogue 10/10
story/plot 7/10
gameplay 2/10
Deadly Premonition
My negro. Recently replayed it and its getting worse with every playthrough. Still have fond memories of it.
Mah nigga
Larian studios games really seem to be a hit or miss with most people. Personally my favorite devs.
Dragon Commander was also a great experience imo.
But this is a classic? Who ever said tcg was bad?
I enjoy that each of their games is a completely different style. I've liked all their games (haven't played Beyond, though).
Dragon Commander was a huge amount of missed potential but was a ton of fun for what it was. I'd like to see it expanded in a higher-budget sequel.
But only hiosrerfaggot autists like v think its bad so yeah
its aged like milk
Witcher series
>all those pros
why do game journos hate jrpgs?
also is the 3DS version good? maybe I should try it out
So it's not valid for the thread then idiot
Darksiders 2
Sleeping Dogs
It's not perfect but I did like it
Dark Souls 2. One of my top 10 games of all time. I never play multiplayer shit, counts for DaS2, and I'm pretty sure what people liked the most about it was the PvP. So that makes me seem even worse. But god damn I really fucking enjoy Dark Souls 2 holy shit
Mirror's Edge. Plot was pretty much nonexistent, and the gunplay had no reason to exist but I still love it.
Also Disciples 2
Valdis Story
Saint's Row 2.
Lots of customisation, driving's fun, gunplay's fun, advancement is steady, sidequests are diverting, gameplay difficulty is easily varied by order of missions/quests, humour is the right mix of silly and dry, and the soundtrack is brilliant.
*sigh* but she is known as "meh" to the world, and forgotten in favour of her younger and dumber sisters. Alas.
Mega Man X6.
? I thought people liked patapon.
3 was the least liked in the series but it was my favorite.
Still to date my favorite FROM game. I loved almost every new idea they had in the game, and then they removed all that cool shit just to make Dark souls remake for 3.
RE5 with a friend for coop
Soul Calibur 3
i... i just do
it's a fucking retarded anime of a game and i can't stop loving it
however the real ending being a dlc is fucking retarded and not in a good way
but i watched a gameplay of it with no commentary and didn't feel like i missed on anything, which i guess goes for the rest of the game, so if you're kinda interested about it
just watch a walkthrough
My niggas. I loved DaS2 and all the hate it gets makes me sad.
I agree. Maybe not 10/10, but solid 9/10 easily
We're in the same frequency; I adore the Souls games and I don't like or care about PvP.
Better than 3, that's for certain.
I really liked it but I get wrecked anytime I say it.
Skyward Sword I guess. Amazing art-style, great gameplay, colorful characters, but people took really badly to the wiggle-waggle.
I don't think it's a 10/10 but I sure as hell love it.
Sonic 3D Blast
I don't think it's a 10/10, but I really like it. Probably nostalgia.
It's a 10/10 probably because it's so simple. It did everything it tried to do, nothing more. Enjoyable game easy to pick up
Final Fantasy XIII because the combat post game is the best of any game I've played and the soundtrack is god tier.
Most people don't even consider it when talking about the Far Cry series.
I loved the shit out of Dragon Age Inquisition
Hell I spent more than 350 hours on it in less than 3 weeks. But I get why people dislike it a lot.
It's like a single MMORPG, but me being friendless I loved it.
Mein neger
This game is awesome and has a godlike OST.
I played it through 6-7 years ago, was pretty fun with the predator abilities or whatever they're called
This was meant for
Thanks doc
It's the original PC Far Cry. No predator abilities, you're just a guy in a red shirt.
Well shit
This. The Metalhead fanservice, and overall homage to the culture and icons of the music is top-notch, the gameplay is fun, and while almost all of the world-exploring is unnecessary, the upgrades, rewards, and adventure all feel epic and "brutal". Good taste user
Drakengard 1
even love the combat
Dark Souls 2, literally 10/10
Got exactly what I wanted. Big fan of John Woo and Chow Yun Fat also
I thought it was cool. I really liked how "epic" everything was, shit like cutting the god damn moon in half and craterizing chunks of the planet... It actually made me want a Superman game of the same caliber instead of Superman being nerfed to be a beatem up game, have him doing world-destroying, atom-splitting Azura's wrath rape-everything-in-your-path fights.
This fits Grim Dawn for me except I think people rate it between mediocre to great.
I think it's a general consensus that the game is god tier and is a JRPG classic.
Not a 10/10 but I love it. Absolute top tier art direction, soundtrack and voice acting, and some interesting gameplay ideas.
Dino Crisis
It would be the second one for me.
Digimon World, without a doubt one of my favourite RPGs of all time. Exploring the island really felt like an adventure. Too bad Redigitize felt so soulless in comparison, hopefully the new DW game coming out next month is better.
Sonic Adventure 2
>between mediocre to great
Pretty much sums it up. It's another option for ARPG fans, between PoE and D3.
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse.
Wtf is wrong with people? That game is just as comfy and fun as every other Kirby game out there.
Code VFD. I know 7th Dragon doesn't really have a presence over here, but it really brought together a lot of stuff from the PSP and even DS games, the three-team combat was one of my favorite battle systems, and making/skillsetting your own full team of 9 was a ton of fun. I'd play it again, to me it was more like a 9 than a 6 or 7.
It's such a shame that it got overlooked, it's the first game I've blasted through and beat within about a month of buying in a long time.
I put like 80-100 hours into this, base game and the plus edition. It seems like a really mediocre RPGmaker shit game, but it's got 10/10 gameplay, story, and just ends up being perfectly fun to me.
I think it's different from either. It's more focused on solo play, atmosphere and lore which I like very much. I feel immersed.
D3 ans PoE are much much better in term of online interaction but it breaks all immersion. No one takes the time to enjoy the game and rush the fastest possible to get to end game content.
Mario Party Advance
nah, it's alright but it's still the worst from game
Same for me.
Rapin' natives
One of the most enjoyable games I've ever played
Still have to go back and play the second one
Agreed. And I don't even mind the motion controls.
The bad aspects of motion controls evened out the legitimately inovative ones, so it ended up being unimpactful for me.
But that music though... Good lord, that might be my favorite Zelda soundtrack of all.
The tunes were a bit more subtle, but they complimented the environment perfectly.
This combination of beautiful music and the imaginative environments was the best in any Zelda game by far.