Are you a casual or are you hardcore, Sup Forums?
Are you a casual or are you hardcore, Sup Forums?
>white text with a black outline on a white background
casual and proud
no ksp?
I think I'm somewhere in the casual spectrum but with a mentality of someone between GAF and Sup Forums?
I don't play a ton of games anymore but I'm also not retarded like the lower half of the bar.
Can't list everything user.
reddit tier
Casual Gamer master race.
All the fun of the deeper levels with none of the obsession, hygiene issues and unwarranted self importance that comes with taking GAMES too seriously
GO HARD OR GO HOME, im good at games but dont take them seriously. srs bsns fags please leave
The Metal Gear category
Hardcore, third to the left
Like a good shmup though so I can climb a bit
>tfw casual
It's honestly sad because when I was a piece of shit NEET all I did was shitpost, browse the internet and play videogames. Now that I have a job and the means to actually afford games, I blow my money on getting drunk, clothes, and sneakers instead.
>hardcore gamer
>into Japanese games equally if not more than Western ones
I should buy more shoe, especially now it's colder. I don't wanna wear boots all winter.
>VN is more hardcore than DmC, Dota, Skyrim
VN shouldn't be anywhere on the list
>jrpgs are more hardcore than fighting games
>VNs are more hardcore than both of those
you weebs need to jump off your fucking high horse waifu
the graph reeks of self-projection
"hardcore" here means niche, not skilled
I'm guessing is not about the difficult of the games.
Unless you're really into japanese games, you would play an VN, and if you're too casual, you may not even know what a VN is.
So where do I fit in on this chart if I only play Japanese vidya?
Only casuals deal with shitty western localizations anymore.
graph is retarded
i know an ultra casual and by this graph he'd be hardcore
My mom put my boots next to the heater like an idiot and then the fucking soles of the boots started to peel off so I had to waste like $60 buying new boots. But I just bought some new Nikes and Adiddas. You should definitely buy some new shoes though user, there's no better feeling in the world than new shoes and socks...except maybe getting sloppy head, but I wouldn't know about that unfortunately.
>second tier from the left
>shmups and fucking VNs of all things
> Visual Novels
> Hardcore
Pick one
>enjoy playing retroshit, along with innately niche shit like jrpgs and musou games
>but mostly play dudebro shit because friends are all dudebros and having a good time with your buds is more important than whatever game you're playing
I-i don't know.
Put a street fighter cabinet everywhere and everyone will play it, this is what he is saying, but you need to be a weaboo to pass the 10 minute mark in a jrpg or vn
Probably one notch from the left. Most people here barely play games.
I see Sup Forums as generally mean spirited casuals.
Casuals either get bored after a hour and dump it, or it has porn in it and they never touch it.
>plays the same shit
More like, autismo-casual
Not really about how hard each game is but how hard your life will be if anyone found out you play fucking Visual Novels and JRPG's and considred yourself a "hardcore" gamer
I play doom wads and doom 2 online with the Zandronum. But i do not own a console becouse consoles are for casuals.
zandronum is shit. S H I T
>tfw played a huge amount of games years ago but haven't been keeping up with most modern games purely out of disinterest
The emergence and dominance of the AAA industry has just totally killed my interest. Like, the last few years no games have caught my interest. But I've easily played at least 300+ games from generations before that and I still am more likely to go back to an older generation of games than play a modern game when I want to play something even today.
In my experience there are no people who are well-versed in all types of games. Also, good taste is nothing general - plenty of people who have good taste in one kind of genre have absolute shit taste in others.
I played ghost trick last year. How hardcore I am?
Sup Forums likes to say that it isn't reddit, but this is the kind of masturbatory, self-congratulating garbage /r/edditors lap up
I would be top of the scale but I don't play sports games.
>Visual Novels
>Niche the same size as hardcore
You fuck
I unironically fall into the far left category. Ask me anything, I know everything worth knowing and my answers are always objectively correct.
>VN's anything above gaff
>"Into japanese games if not more than western ones"
Weebs lowkey pushing their shitty opinions into things
Mainline Mario is harder than AssCreed, why is it more casual?
Most games I play seem to be in the "actual hardcore demographic" but VNs and Grand Strategies aren't hard to play, I mostly play them when work sucked and I want something relaxing with some wine or beer
Probably somewhere between the left two hardcore arrows. I play any sort of game but I definitely have my favored genres.
Pretending that you're "hardcore" is the height of casualness.
i know i am borderline autistic or at least severe OCD that i can't even enjoy grand strategy games anymore
One Day Sup Forums. One Day...
>visual novels