It'll be good, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>girls replaced by dudes
I wanna fuck that cat
>supposedly Beach Splash gameplay
>turns out to be apparently Yakuza 0
Better than expected.
Have this, for all you Senran fans though.
Man, the soundtrack is great.
Yeah, it's fucking gureato.
>Hear One Eyed Dancer
Shit I can see myself using that style just for that theme.
You mean you wouldn't have used it regardless?
Haven't been looking at too much gameplay but it looks fun.
No it won't be fucking good, nobody plays these games because they're good
SK2 and SV were great.
The rest are hot garbage.
Is this the Mirai thread now that the mods deleted the other one?
I reported the other one because it what just "lol pedos". There wasn't even enough content to qualify for an image dump.
Go take it to /e/ or wherever else you want to discuss fucking little girls.
The gameplay honestly isn't that good. SK2 works really well because you can co-op into a fairly good brawler. I'm not sure how well SV works in Steam, but revisiting the Vita version was fairly disappointing.
You mean Senran Kagura threads aren't for discussing having sex with the characters?
Not really dude, SK2 had the stuff to make for a good game but really still isn't quite there to be actually good yet. SV is just a shit.
No fuck off.
No, we talk about gameplay here.
Fuck anyone that actually thinks like this, seriously.
No silly user. We have them to talk about cuddling them or being friends with them
Leaving the "muh story and characterization" aside, I still think SK2 is great brawler, especially for a 3DS. SV's gameplay while simple is fast, and then again, for a Vita it wasn't a bad game.
Burst was really bad from a gameplay view, and EV ruined what made SV fun and has the most cheap and shitty finall boss that I can remember.
>Tamsoft dev: "What if we made it easier to sexualize Splatoon characters?"
This game better have a white paint mode
>I still think SK2 is great brawler, especially for a 3DS.
Eh. Gozen is always a pain in the ass during the story, thanks to how the camera works. Kagura isn't much better, especially with Hard difficulty where she always has an instant teleport into that air attack any time you try to hit her. The difficulty scale means that everything is either a cakewalk or beating against a wall until it falls down; it is really rare when you hit a sweet spot. The gems/jewels just makes this all the worse, since you can easily magnify the damage you deal to absurd levels.
It doesn't matter that much in co-op, though, because brawlers are always a lot of fun in co-op even if things aren't well balanced. I think that is SK2's biggest saving grace. Even if you are both overpowered, underpowered, or a mix of the two, a pair of players can still have fun running through the Youma's Nest.
Oh, OK. I hope the next game after PBS is a proper action game. Really disappointed that they're not going to continue in the direction SK2 was going. SK2 felt like they had learned from Burst and improved things since then, but there wasn't much improvement going from SV to EV. The Versus series seems stagnant in comparison.
Maybe they'll bring the story and gameplay elements that you would expect in SK3 over to the Versus series now that it's the only series, basically combining the two series. I'd love it if Mirai's gameplay was a combination of her weapon switching in SK2 and her bullet hell thing she has going on in Versus. Unfortunately, PBS makes it feel like they're ditching everything from Burst and SK2 to only make Yumi beach adventures.
>always wanted to get into the Yakuza series
>most of the games are on PS3
>PS4 has no backwards compatibility
So good.
>PBS makes it feel like they're ditching everything from Burst and SK2 to only make Yumi beach adventures.
To be fair, Bon Appetit was based off Shinovi Versus and they still made SK2 after that. For the spinoff titles, it probably makes more sense to base them off the game with the larger cast, just to make sure you get everyone's favorites. Plus, Kagura and Naraku are there, so they aren't forgetting SK2 entirely.
Still, SK2 bombed everywhere from what I understood. Japan didn't like the difficulty and most places apparently complained that it wasn't Versus/that it wasn't on Vita. Apparently the series picked up a larger Vita fanbase and those people weren't happy with the entry being on 3DS. We'll have to see if they want to make SK3 out of a labor of love, or if they'll try sticking with the Versus fanservice for the larger fanbase.
Dancer is Majima's most destructive/broken style.
Post Miyabi
Yakuza 0 looks good. I'm a fan of Sleeping Dogs and the combat looks similar to it. Though it's probably the other way around. I wonder what kind of usual crazy Takaki will do in beach splash.
i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek
If you liked the contextual actions during fights in Sleeping Dogs then you'll light how fighting is in Yakuza, but the overworld wandering isn't like it. Sleeping Dogs was more GTA with vehicles and all that whereas Yakuza does its own thing and wants you to wander the streets.
I should have mentioned that Takaki said in a Famitsu interview for PBS that the SK2 timeline was concluded and future games would be continuing from PBS.
I don't wanna
At least say please
You can't marry the snek. It's against the law.
do you have Imu cards? please?
I am marrying this Snek and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Which senran makes the best mother?
oh boy, the waifu brigade is here, time to bail out
That's an easy one.
>Which senran makes the best mother?
Big Yo, of course.
Ah well. I guess we can hope that Versus turns into a better series, and takes some notes from what worked with SK2. That series isn't terrible, just too much flanderization of the supporting cast.
Mirai. I don't give a shit what the Yozafags say.
So this series is never coming back to ninty hardware?
Heck, it might not be coming back to the Vita.
People say I'm afraid of women in games but that's nonsense. I play the hell out of senran, onechanbara etc.
Looks like you're afraid of women in real life.
Don't post nerds then.
Afraid for them more like. Afraid I'll turn my escapades in Rapelay to real life. :(
Quit it.
Why would she be putting her arms UNDER her boobs? That doesn't seem to cover anything up. Are her elbows cold?
Also, since you want to keep post anyways, which character is your favorite and which game do you enjoy playing them in?
Where I can find these comics?
pixiv and 2chan.
Kafuru was told by Sayuri, a mother and grandmother, that she would make for the best mom out of all the girls in Estival Versus, so I'm going to go with her.
She told her she was probably going to be the first one to be a mother out of all the girls, not the best one.
>how to kindly tell your kid that you think they are a little whore
Well she isn't wrong.
Which Senran do you want to titfuck the most?
Not Katsu
Now you can
>tfw EV didn't have her bash herself in the chin with the scroll like SK2 did
Disgusting. Get that shit outta my face.
More you say?
Alright, I'll keep going
Oh shit Murasame is playable and new his new character design looks great!
Which Senrans do you think had lost their himens?
I think Ryouna is the sluttiest among them. She probably fucks a guy and a girl every week. The uglier the better.
all senrans are pure
Ryouna and Haruka are cumdumpsters.
Katsuragi too.
ALL senrans are pure
Japan wouldn't have it any other way
Ryouna, Haruka, Sayuri and maybe Shiki are used goods.
Everyone else is pure
>Senrans will never engage in hardcore turf wars with high stakes and risks.
You've always got /vg/
>video is japanese game done right
>image is generic weeaboo trash
Makes you think.
That would be a lot more interesting than the current games are.
>River City Kagura
Sign me up.
Hikage in SK2.
Frenzy mode feels super satisfying.
>It'll be good, right?
I bet it's part of why she's rich
>Hikage in SK2
>Frenzy mode feels super satisfying.
You should give Shinovi Versus a try. She has a super which makes her invincible, and you can do that when in Burst mode. Hikage will just tear absolutely everything apart, and grab enough of a super meter to pull off the same move again and continue. It's ridiculous.
I'm not sure if she has the same thing in Estival Versus, though. I skipped that one.
Leo is perfect for rape.
I have played both versus games.
Her frenzy in SV was nice anytime I actually remembered it was there.
In Estival, they changed it to be her 5 scroll ultimate technique, but I thought it was too floaty and slow to capitalize on it.
Why are "evil" Shinobi considered evil? I don't see them doing anything that resembles evil.
Most of them, if not all, have a very good heart.
Just because of the employers?
Pretty much. Not being slaves to the government is grounds for being evil it seems.
Haruka kidnapped men, locked them in a basement, and gave them drugs to make them become her masochist slaves. That's pretty evil.
They are supposed to do any kind of job, even the most dirty ones, must be because of that, but I think it's agreed that "good" and "evil" are probably the worst names they could've choose to describe them.
I find that the "good" shinobi are typically just based on loyalty: they're the ones who follow the organization and typically take orders from them. You see this in Katsuragi's parents, who had orders to kill some old guy running an orphanage and got bounties on their heads when they didn't.
The "evil" shinobi tend more towards being renegades or freelance. Just take a look at Versus new Hebijo, who ran around shooting and stabbing each other while it was kind of assumed that was fairly normal. Most of the evil shinobi tend to be the ones taking contracts rather than taking orders.
It seems to mostly parallel the loyal retainers vs. hired mercenaries from feudal Japan, which is what I'd assume the good/evil intent is. Then again, sometimes the evil shinobi act like major dicks for no reason ("because they're evil") and sometimes they are just treated like two different flavors of the same team (the good/evil high ranking shinobi working together, specifically to fight Yoma).
>Why are "evil" Shinobi considered evil? I don't see them doing anything that resembles evil.
They're essentially hitmen for the highest bidder taking any job no matter how shady or terrible it could be, whereas the "good" Shinobi do it for the greater good or something akin to that, though in SK2 the government is calling hits and it muddles the entire thing since the government is just doing it for their favor more than anything else, not for some valorous cause. I believe the "good" Shinobi are also trained specifically to take out Yoma for the greater good whereas the "evil" Shinobi just take on jobs that benefit them. I think I'm forgetting a bit of the evil side though.
Good shinobi are very by the book and are afraid of any signs of wrong doing, even if those wrong doings were for like good reason. Like with Katsuragi's parents.
Doesn't Ryouna sometimes talk about what is good and what is evil?
I understand why people think Haruka is evil, but I would never call Ryouna "evil".
The closet we get is a conversation between her and Yozakura in Shinovi Versus, with Ryouna explaining that she and Ryoubi left Gessen for personal reasons, as in avenging their older sister, something they knew Gessen wouldn't tolerate.
>Doesn't Ryouna sometimes talk about what is good and what is evil?
Are you thinking about someone else?
Ryona is the character who is always asking to be whipped harder and treated like a dog. Her biggest concern is that her whole defection from Gessen to Hebijo would've ultimately been pointless, meaning that not only would her and her sister have given up Gessen for no reason, but that they couldn't avenge her older big sister. She's also fiercely devoted to her remaining sister, Ryobi, to the point where she's pretty much willing to go along with whatever Ryobi wants to do. (even when she questions the actions herself)
This is a boy.
No, that is my wife!