Why is the battery life on the PS4 controller so abysmal?
People gave the Wii U gamepad shit but that thing has a big fucking screen on it. What the fuck is this doing besides acting like a normal controller and flashing a light?
Why is the battery life on the PS4 controller so abysmal?
People gave the Wii U gamepad shit but that thing has a big fucking screen on it. What the fuck is this doing besides acting like a normal controller and flashing a light?
It lasts like 7 hours. That's plenty.
Remind me why a controller needs a giant light and why I can't turn it off.
The camera uses it for tracking
But the Ps4 doesn't come with a camera.
What are you talking about, I never got the low power notification and I game 10hr+ every day
It does if you aren't poor
The PS3 controller lasts 4 times that much. The Wii U Pro runs 80 goddamn hours.
A conventional controller is not something you should have to charge every day.
It seems like you just want a reason to complain't. The controller is fine.
So being rich means shit taste?
No. It means the bundle came with a camera. Sorry you took the cheap way out.
You can dim it
i get low battery notification every 3-4 hours
at least its charging pretty fast
>he doesn't own a 10 foot charging cord
Sounds like you're getting use out of it and enjoying games with it everyday so why the complaints? Sony even provided you with a cable to charge the controller with and you can play games while it's charging.
Rejoice for you have nothing to want for my friend! What a glorious age to live in viva la player!
Sounds like you're a faggot. 3-4 hour battery life is a joke and you know it.
I don't know why you keep saying 3 or 4 hours. Mine lasts like 8 hours.
The light is useless, but LEDs don't take much power anyway. It's the fucking touch pad that saps the battery away. Absolutely worthless gimmick on PS4, but kinda handy with PC.
Then swap out the PS4 battery for the PS3 one
You CAN do that you know
lights and rumble as well as motion control and also touchpad
Yes because going to eBay to pay 2x for a shitty camera is a good idea.
The camera is 25 dollars. Are you a third worlder
sony is a cheap bastard, they could have easily make it 2000mAh
>people seriously defending less battery life in exchange for a useless and annoying light that you can't turn off
The light is a LED. It uses literally almost zero battery. Turn your rumble off you retard. Also, you sound super upset about sony in general. Just calm down
It lasts like half that.
No it lasts around 7 to 8 hours on a full charge.
>It's the fucking touch pad that saps the battery away
>most games' use of the touch pad is so trivial it basically functions as just a giant button
You know what's a good idea? Controllers with fucking wires, so you never have to worry about batteries taking a shit every 5 hours and eventually wearing out to the point you have to have it plugged in all the time anyway.
I'm not saying the light is drawing the power, I'm comparing features to DS3.
Consider that your argument here is "it could be worse" and "you sound mad because they made a shitty product" for a company that you (presumably) have no vested interest in. Like, the only way you could be this dumb is if you're literally a paid shill.
Is there a decent 3rd party controller on the market? or even some kind of "pro controller" from Sony?
don't have my ps4 yet but I think the controller is gonna be an issue
OP is a dipwad who forgets to charge his devices.
I still have my launch controllers and they go 8+ hours like a boss.
Controllers with wires were fine back in the day of humble CRTs.
Now I'm playing games on a TV literally almost as wide as I am tall and I'm sitting like 20-something feet away.
Now there are USB cables that are that long, but still, a wireless controller that dies after less than 10 hours should not be an issue in this day and age.
I'm sorry, but OP is right. The charge time on this thing sucks balls; and I love the shit out of my PS4. I would gladly pay for one that let me put in my own AA rechargeable batteries.
It's getting so bad, I'm seriously thinking of buying a second controller just so I have a back up when the first one dies.
The battery life doesn't bother me, but the sticks are such garbage. I got mine on Black Friday, and the left (I took it apart and changed it to the right) stick is already way worse than the right one.
I switched them around so I could see if the other one wears the same way, which it doesn't look it it will. The one that was originally on the left just flakes off one little chip at a time. Look how rough it is compared to the other one. What in the fuck?
It charges extremely fast so don't really care. My controller lasts over 12 hr before I need to charge
Too bad you can't shutoff the fucking light
Just replace the battery. Sony went full jew and shipped the controllers with shit 1000mAH batteries.
It really isn't. I'm sick of charging this fucking thing almost every second day. A controller should at least funktion for 15 hours for fucks sake.
it's RGB LED, I think it does uses some energy
I usse eneloop pros in my xbox one controller with headset and the shit lasts a long time. I swap the batteries out every 2-3 days I think.
I didnt know the ps4 controller battery was such shit, I just ordered a ps4 pro
I don't think it's very reliable.
I have two offical DS4 controllers. One grey-blue, one black (came with the PS4). The grey-blue one lasts multiple days without bottoming out, though it reports low battery for about half the time.
The black one goes full to empty in about 8 hours.
Not a problem though, I never game much longer than 8hrs (I know, I'm a casual). Plus, I keep my controllers on a charging cradle at night anyway.
>buying both consoles
for what purpose
How fast does it go from 0 to 100, user
It's console, you're not supposed to play it for hours
worst gamepad ever created
just open one of those things to see how cheap it is
> why can't my controller stay charged for weeks long gaming binges?
> why do I have to plug it in every time I want to take a break and play with my clit-dick?
> why do the thumbgrips start coming off when I use my greasy NEET hands after eating tendies? I don't wanna use a napkin REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
kys famfam
This is literally me.
The black controller that came with my system is dead by the end of a session, but the 20th anniversary gray controller last for weeks.
Idk why I laughed pretty hard at that.
A hour and a half
That flies by quick when I'm still playing
That's bullshit. I bought one on Black Friday, and the battery on the controller lasts like 4 hours. It's actually pretty annoying.
i bought a long charging cord for it because of that
I hate the light more than anything, though
I am a total PC snob, and don't give a shit about peasant wars, but PS4 controller features almost everything a person may need, compared to proprietary shitfest that is Xbox gamepad, which still needs batteries in motherfucking 2016.
Anyone who supports proprietary dongles and AA batteries should be hanged.
>playing 7 hours of vidya per day
Sony caters to normal people with busy social lives, not basement dwellers like you.
I play modern consoles on a 50" but only sit about 5 feet away. The length of the cables is only a problem for my Japanese retro consoles, but I play those on a much smaller CRT anyway so I have to sit within distance. My Dreamcast, Ps2 and Gamecube cables are about 6 feet. And even if I sat further back I could always get extensions. I can still use those controllers fine after 15-20 years, while you'd need to change the battery in the ps3 and ps4 after only 5 years if you game a lot.
if you exceed more than 2-3 hours of gaming daily, you need to consider castrating yourself
>give controller shit battery life and no easily accessible battery cover so casual consumers will buy a brand new controller instead of replacing the battery
>opening the controller to replace the battery voids warranty
Fuck Sony.
Just keep it plugged in like a normal person
7 hours is feasible even with a 9-5 job. If you're a basement dweller you should be able to do 10 at the minimum.
>he doesn't sit close enough to his tv to have his controller always plugged in
I only have 5 hours of free time after work
can plug the controller into tue wall and charge it near your couch. gotta charge your phone every fucking day but needing to put another electronic device on a charger when finished for the day is horrible. autism detected
I got a controller pc kit for 40. jealous?
For starters it has the smallest physical battery of all the controllers. Only 1000mah vs 1200 and 1300 in others. And those are just the base models. There are extended packs you can get for other controllers but you can't do shit for the DS4. Then there's the radio that these use. DS4 uses shitty Bluetooth which is horribly power and signal inefficient. Microsoft uses a clean RF connection, and I don't know what Nintendo uses.
Lastly there's the mechanics of the controller itself. DS4 just has more complicated features going for it. Xbox and Wii pro controllers are just buttons. No touch pad, no gyroscope and accelerometer. Just simple input devices. These things take a toll on the battery since it's extra processing going on, chipping away at the power source.
If Sony made a DS4 without the gimmicks, and a slightly bigger battery, it would easily dominate every other controller out there. It already is amazing even with the shit battery life.
Pretty sure you're supposed to be playing the games instead of watching the pretty lights on the controller
stupid faggots dont know you can use your usb wall charger and charge at your convenience near any receptacle
This. My couch is by an outlet and I just use my phone charger.
> doesn't have a Wii U Pro Controller that has everything you need and an 80 HOUR BATTERY LIFE
Holy fuck user stop being so pathetic
wht program do u use to make the wii u pro controller work on Pc?
It's the touchpad constantly polling for inputs that eats up so much power, and all it is is a start and select button
Fucking trash design idea desu, but everything else about it is great so I'll just keep using it
This is how I get around the headache of crapped out DS3 controllers and DS4s that die after 5 hours.Still need to be right next to the multiadapter because the phone charger wires are too short. But would still be great with actual wires so you never had to think about that crap.
Does the newer model PS4 controller have better battery?
I got me this babey
It's light yo!
Friends on both and exclusives. Have a gaming pc too but I barely use it. Kind of a normie.
>Castrate myself
>Forced to lay in bed and heal for a few weeks
>Play vidya the whole time
The PS4pro and the PS4 regular has a 1000mah battery, which fucking idiotic considering it has a blue fucking light on at all times.
The Pro controller lasts a bit longer than the original though.
If you're that annoyed, you can open it up and replace the battery with a much larger capacity DS3 one for about 10 bucks.
Or you can just get one of those mobile phone charges with a USB port on it. Even the small cheap ones have a 2800 mah battery