What level are you most hyped to play in this remake?
Crash N.Sane Thread
The lighting makes this look like a shitty unreal engine indie game. Like you would see this in a video posted on reddit by a guy that was like "hey reddit :D I made this for a class at school and thought I should share, please enjoy :D" and all of the comments would be shit like "I tip my hat to you, good sir!"
>The lighting makes this look like a shitty unreal engine indie game. Like you would see this in a video posted on Sup Forums by a guy that was like "What level are you most hyped to play in this remake?" and all of the comments would be shit like "The lighting makes this look like a shitty unreal engine indie game. Like you would see this in a video posted on reddit by a guy that was like "hey reddit :D I made this for a class at school and thought I should share, please enjoy :D" and all of the comments would be shit like "I tip my hat to you, good sir!""
I tip my hat to you, good sir.
I tip my hat to you, good sir!
I tip my hat to you, good sir!
there are already some differences from the versions we saw at PSX
Crash wasn't a good game in the 90s and it won't be a good game now.
Right one looks better
t. Poor faggot who only had an n64
Not hyped at all dude. It's just the same old games I played as a kid and can play again on an emulator. So it's crash with better graphics, big fucking deal.
Road to Nowhere
I tip my hat to you, good sir!
N64 cost more once you considered the price of games, retard.
All of the Crash 3 levels because I never played that one.
I could never get into this one. I felt like all the environments were just cop-outs since they were based on real-world.
Who are you quoting?
Name one Crash fan game that looks this good.
>falling for a copypasta this easily
user, please. You're searching for reasons to be upset now, just go back to being nice and calm and happy like you used to be.
a casualised version of that slippery tower or whatever its called
Is that his new winning animation? Why is he no longer humping the air?
Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up Pls dont fuck him up
Because he didn't hump the air in the original
He didn't have that dance animation until Crash 2. He didn't have the ability to crouch either, which meant no crawling, sliding, high jumps, slide jumps, etc.
>people will pay money for this even tho the orig trig are still 100% playable
fuckin kek you sheep never fail to amaze
>mfw waiting for them to reveal the portal effects for warps
>Mfw the water for the scuba levels and the water jet levels
>Mfw the motorcycle levels
Tbh I just care about warped the objectively best of the 3
It's not a copypasta
I never said anything about any real life Crash fan games, I didn't even know they existed. I'm saying this looks like one of those shitty things you see on your youtube recommended videos section of someone who remade a level from SM64 and added bloom to it and all of the comments are people going "wow my childhood!! so beautiful... woah..."
I owned a PSX and played Crash at launch. Didn't like it. Sorry, mongoloid.
Stormy Ascent
and the coco levels
My bad, I was thinking about Crash 2
Crash is garbage I'm not excited
oh no hes retarded
please stop
You realise that good sales implicate a new crash game, right?
We are kinda stuck in a predicament here.
We either buy the same games we played before (And probably still have) with better graphics for the chance of a new Crash or we don't and make Sony assume Crash won't sell.
That's how I feel whenever Nintendo does this stupid shit.
Started with older nintendo games on the wii/u and dont even let you carry over purchases. Then they have the balls to sell NES Classic.
Fucking idiots bought that shit.
You realize that nintendofans doesnt what that to happen and are convincing in all forums about emulate the originals right?
It won't be anything like the good ones
I want to see the Warped levels the most, curious how they're handling that game. It's like half my favorite Crash, half my least favorite. It's platforming stages are the best in the series but they're only half the game and the other half are gimmick levels that range from ok to terrible. If they can make me like the gimmick stages I will be impressed.
Says who? Where did you hear this?
>t. mini nes owner
>You realise that good sales implicate another trilogy remake with Spyro, right?
Why do you wish so much that the game fails lol, Im not even that fan of Crash but its amazing how many people wants people to not enjoy their saga
Crash 1 could definitely use the updates this is giving it.
I tip my hat to you, good sir.
Not really, played through it last week on my og ps and it plays fine, same as 2 and 3.
CTR is also still fantastic
It's always eight
Hey, I'm excited for Nsane trilogy because I like pretty graphics (I'm the second user) and adding time trials to 1 and 2 would be good, but some people will have the mentality it is not worth it, which could lead to Sony thinking Crash won't sell.
It is a predicament.
I don't want the game to fail you man-child, I just like to know if there's any credibility to people saying this is a test from Sony for a new Crash. Seems like it's just wishful thinking.
That would awesome, also remastered cutscenes with a new voice cast. Similar how Lex Lang is likely voicing Cortex in all three remastered games.
i think crash will probably sell very well, i mean, it's probably the only activision video where the dislike bar doesn't reach 1k. It was even trending on twitter, only behind last of us and ellie.
And? as long as they keep Vicarious as the Dev we're good
They showed him doing the air humping in the trailer near the end, I'm sure the victory dance will be kept intact in all its glory.
This. Was rather disappointed we only got to see footage from Crash 1 because I'm curious about whether they're going to make any tweaks to the gimmick levels
So long as they're done well, after playing through two games' worth of platforming something to mix the gameplay up might be welcome
i want to see those sexy ps4 water physics in the jetski levels
>ever good
>ever right
Here's a perfect run of N.Sanity island, includes the TA-DA at the end.
They nailed the shiny sound effect, the gem sound is alright, and the TA-DA from Jess is..okay i guess
Finally someone who knows how to play the fucking game.
It's almost as lifeless as new WoW models
>those comments
So much better than that guy posted in an earlier thread
>just give me a minute
>oh so you have to jump & move forward at the same time
>wow this game is much harder than I remember
The dude remembered the the two boxes on the left hand side and didn't bother traversing the rest of the way. I beat the game 100% years ago and even I don't remember that.
Marketers love this guy.
I love when a lot of people complain about some of the stiffness of the animation despite not realizing it's because all they have shown is Crash 1.
It wasn't until Crash 2 where things became more fluid animation-wise. I guess this is a weird case where they replicated 1:1 way too well.
A new crash game by not naughty dog? OMG I can't wait.
too bad naughty dog is now making movies.
>Implying Twinsanity wouldn't have been held as one of the greatest if they'd have been allowed to finish it like they wanted.
Hey, Twinsanity was pretty good and Vivendi made Nitro Kart, so I'll give them a chance.
What does that speculation have to do with reality, I wonder? It's like you didn't touch that piece of shit game.
>Hey, Twinsanity was pretty good
So it's true, Sup Forums just goes with whatever they read here without playing the games.
Even if Twinsanity were a good game, which it seriously isn't, it's not even the latest game they made.
>implying modern Naughty Dog knows how to make fun video games anymore
Their games quality wise are A+++ tier. If they actually had to do a platformer it would be fucking great. they dont fuck up any gameplay elements in their ""movies"""" so they wouldnt in the platformer either
I have Twinsanity.
Admittedly, I have only just beaten Dingodile because I only got the game recently. So far, it's pretty good, nothing has broken the deal with me. There are problems, but it is a pretty solid package for the most part, especially the Soundtrack.
Also, Vivendi didn't make Titan series of Crash games, they made Nitro Kart and the GBA games so there is some faith. Remaking the originals would also give them insight on how to make proper crash levels as well.
But Twinsanity is good, and I've played through it multiple times and revisit it every so often
It had a lot of cut content, and pretty much everything including the controls could have been refined to be better if they had the time, but they still managed to make a pretty good game
>implying anyone else should even try to make new Crash games.
This is just activision trying to revive one of their archived IPs. Let it die with whatever dignity it had left after pic related.
>especially the Soundtrack.
That will never be an acceptable compromise for anything. Not for movies, TV shows and especially not for video games. A good soundtrack will never, and has never, saved a shit game.
>But Twinsanity is good
Keep telling yourself that. Enjoy your 10 minute loading times and shitty level design and the dumbest bosses this side of mario games.
That's Wrath of Cortex user.
Nigga, ND has literally said that they're "too mature" for Crash now. The studio isn't outfitted to make fun platformers anymore. They probably have few employees that have been around since the Crash and Jak days.
But the remakes look fine you fucking autist for sire better than mutant and twinsanity/woc
it's not vivendi it's vicarious visions
Yeah, that's what everyone is saying.
The playable version was a newer build, and looked much better than the trailer. Which was presumably recorded a while ago.
It looks so much fucking better and they got rid of the awful dpad controls of the series with the slippery shitness and it's 60fps
Hopefully they edge up the timing on things to be a bit harder to compensate
Ah sorry, I screw them too up.
Shit this looks really good. I have no nostalgia for Crash though, so I might not be the best judge as far as fan expectation goes.
I totally see how the lighting lends itself to one of those stupid Mario in unreal engine things but it isn't that bad, plus the animations are really lively.
Twinsanity is probably my second-favourite in the series next to CTR. Honestly my only gripes were with the loading times & the Ice Lab music getting really stale after a while
Except it doesn't because it's on PS1 with it's awful fucking graphics and literal 20fps
I still enjoy Naughty dog's newer games (especially TLOU) but they simply aren't equipped to make games like Crash anymore.
Did they say anything about possible quality of life improvements? Mostly if they're going to change Crash 1 so that checkpoints register broken boxes.
Those graphics aren't awful for the PS1, you need to stop being underage.
Literally 'mature games for mature gamers'
Does this mean that one day Naughty Dog will grow the fuck up like we all did?
Yes I realise that I'm posting on Sup Forums
>Realistic non shitty lightning makes the game look like its made on modern engines for modern consoles
State of this board
I'm fucking older than you and I know that for a fact because I'm probably one of the only fuckers still here born before 90.
I played the originals. PS1 graphics were and are jittery, low res, shit.
This is 1080p 60fps with improved everything.
Yet, it looks bad because X mushroom isn't purple. That undoes it all. Yep.
>ps4 exclusive
dead on arrival