Did you like it Sup Forums?

Did you like it Sup Forums?

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Yes it's my GOTY

I loved every second of it

A breath of fresh air compared to the one-step-above-a-rail-shooter bullshit that has been popular in the FPS genre for the past decade.


I didn't like that one part where uncle Sam blabbers on and on about something unrelated to slaughtering demons and doesn't let you get back to work.


Besides that, this


Wish there was a longer version of this part on the real OST.

I actually really liked the way Doomguy was portrayed in this game. Really liked how he straight out ignored Samuel and destroyed all the machines during the cutscenes, Doomguy had a really cool personality in this game even though he never talked, and his character is only built through hand gestures and some more or less subtle pov camera movements during cutscenes

like the part right at the start where Samuel wants to inform you about how everything that has happened was only meant for the benefit of mankind, and then Doomguy just looks to the right and watches that corpse while clenching his fists and punches that screen that Samuel skyped you on, takes out his shotgun and gameplay control switches back on

I think this game should get a directors cut where the standing around listening "HL2 cutscenes" are replaced by that info being conveyed by radio while Doomguy does what Doomguy does.

I don't think that besides the incredible hulk there has ever really been a well-made character who literally expresses everything through violence. That's what Doomguy is in D44M. When he disagrees, he destroys. When he agrees, he doesn't.


Every time I see this I hear this

Uncle Sam sounds serious, Serious Sam

Did your ADD make it so you couldn't sit still for a whole two minutes?

The only issue with the game is that the Dev-tools they gave creators in snap map aren't comparable to the original Doom Dev-tools, I would have loved to see Scythe1-2 Plutonia/TnT, or even Mementor Mori1-2 created but I don't think we ever will. Still hyped for Doom 2 per se.

Of course I could sit still. I wanted to know what he had to say. Until I had played it enough times to have memorized what he said. I don't mind there being story, but it can be told without interrupting the game. Or, like in the case of actual non-interactive cutscenes, it wouldn't hurt to have a skip option in the pause menu. I'd say that if one argues against that in a segment like this, then they'd also have to argue against the skip option in all cutscenes in every game.

I mean goddamn, Thief The Dark Project lets you skip the entire first level because it's just training, even though it's an absolutely essential part of the story.

And in HL2's defense, there was nearly always something to do during those story moments without action. All kinds of cool stuff to play with in the environment. When Samuel locks you in his office, you just stand there while he explains to you.

Why was the UAC putting cyber weapons on demons from hell?

It was good, repetitive though. Really needed enemies like the zombies from Doom to create the kind excellent gameplay I was hoping for.

Titanfall 2 is my favorite shooter this year.

Because they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.

Did someone make one of these for a revenant yet?

Best FPS campaign in the longest time. It was also cool how it linked to the other DOOM games through it's backstory

Aye, 'twas fun but ultra-nightmare can fuck right off

no. console design, felt nothing like id of yore

everyone here loves it because they think they're supposed to. it's just as consolized as any other shooter these days though

Playing it now. I'm getting a lot of Metroid Prime vibes from it and I loved Metroid Prime.

I'm enjoying it.

You are a piece of shit.

Yes, it's literally Doom the way we and the devs imagined it over 20 years ago.

IO'm playing Doom now after having just beat Titanfall 2's campaign the day before. Doom blows it way, and I loved it.

This so many times.
Doom 2016 feels like they took Metroid Prime, strapped a Doom skin over it, and made it level based, instead of metroidvania.

>doom as not made by the devs is how the devs from 20 years ago imagined it

rofl. pretty sure they never imagined it being a locked arena shooter.

Tat bit was annoying. I vented my frustration by jumping around the room and crouching a lot.

I enjoy how they portrayed Hell as some sort of complex ecosystem with its own culture.

Would've liked more bosses and a few more enemies, but I don't think i had any gripes with any of the enemies in the games.

As for the weapons, they were all good, but I didn't care too much for the upgrades, besides a select few. I also ended up using the shotty a lot, but that's more of my fault since I'm a slut for shotguns.

8.5/10 A reboot that isn't shit and plays well, but has a few small faults that could hopefully be ironed out in future installments.

Someone never played Doom 1's multiplayer.


I liked it, but there were flaws. The upgrade systems + runes felt tacked on, there was no framerate limiter aside from vsync, and it's a pain to replay the game without the double jump until you're 1/4 of the way in.

With that being said, I'm currently replaying it with the arcade mode and I'm having fun

So this game is better than Doom 3 but marginally falls short of being better than Doom 1/2.

Does Sup Forums agree.

Beat it recently. From all the reviews it seems everyone is in love with the glory kills. I found that they felt kind of flat and unsatisfying. Do they get better with headphones or something? I was playing with my mediocre monitor speakers.


loved it, its been a long time since i had so much fun on a fps

I found them really satisfying sometimes but I had to learn when to do them because fucking Imps would always kill me in the short moment I couldn't move after doing them

plus he's a bro for backing-up VEGA

>id remakes Wolfenstein
>it's fucking awesome
>id remakes doom
>it's fucking awesome

Hopefully other studios planing on doing reboots we learn from them on how to do it right.

Yes but I keep dying.

i had lots of fun with it, but on an objective level i dont think its that great.

It was alright.
Then I played Shadow Warrior 2 which I found infinitely more fun.

Best shooter in years

It's pretty fucking good.
Why did they feel that was needed?

Been playing through with a friend switching off on deaths on the hardest available difficulty for a first playthrough. It's been great so far the shotgun feels perfect.

Playing through it for my first time now. Haven't played any other Doom game before, but I'm enjoying the hell out of this one. Definitely going to play the originals after this.

yes and that someone is you

fill in the blank: dwango_

Story confuses me

You're fucked in the head.

I'm gonna sound retarded, but it's too cartoony.

Too soft around the edges.

Needs to be darker. Even flipping that switch in the options isn't enough.

Game would have been much better with weapon variety. Once I had the super shotgun I felt like half the weapons were useless. Gauss cannon and SS were 90% of what I used. 10% being the BFG once I got that.

You haven't played Let it Die then pleb

It's pretty good. Probably one of the best games of 2016

No it's shit but you can't reason with the reddit doom defence force