That's it!

That's it!

Other urls found in this thread:

I've come up with a new recipe

Can't wait to try it

Between this and the refueling animation why can't we skip them


>Playing with dubs

Check 'em.

>I'm afraid Noct!
>Noct really!
>Noct this time!
>Noct on my watch!
>Can you Noct

he reminds me of me 10 years ago. God I was annoying

I think Prompto is really fuckable

I think you really are a faggot

>I want to fuck a bald faggot who glued some straw to his head

Man user, you must be pretty desperate.

Does that faggot know how to set the right exposure? Half of the photos he took are bright as shit

Love the lighting on this one

There is always 1 blurry as fuck picture out of the set.

WTF where is my bloom?

You can choose what type of fillters he uses for the pics

Everything in ordah?


Go to archive and you can turn all of the fugly filters off


>>"homosexuality is the best allaround cover story an agent ever had,"

He did this two times in a row when I killed some giant crabs

Why is Ignis best bro?

It's a shame Sup Forums hates ignis.

Is hanging out with friends really this goofy?

Nah we all love him.

I really Prompto's photography desu. It shows that they're still enjoy each other's company and aren't super serious all the time

>Ignis loses his vision
>Noctis loses the love of his life, his father, and his kingdom


uh, what?

I think how good the food looks is honestly the best part of this entire game.

Like so much detail went into making that I'm wondering what the fuck they were doing, sushi spooks are really strange people

That's it!

>Sup Forums

You can always love someone else but you can't really get a new pair of eyes.

Yea, you can always find another girl who you've loved since you were 7 and have been romantically attracted to for 15 years. You can also get a new father, just like the father you've loved for 22 years of your life and raised you from birth.

He wants to dick Iggy, not Noct duh


Yes, tripping and falling is goofy looking.

You'll lose your dad in your lifetime anyway so who cares.
All girls are replaceable. So yeah losing your vision is worse.

>All girls are replaceable.
t. kissless virgin

That new father just went blind, user.
Also Iris is better by miles.

>getting attached to someone this profound
I pity you, user.

>Friend zoned by the love of my life, time to give up on relationships!
t. Overdramatic pissmonkey that thinks the week of hanging out before confessing you're undying love to a creeped out girl was a relationship.

You can mourne anything, but you become pathetic when you can't get over it.

I wish Ignis would be my new dad who cooks good food and heals me instead of hitting me.

Maybe you deserve a good spanking, user.

I wish I knew what my dad even looked like

he's the most liked one, maybe tied with Gladio because of gays

Is prompto actually CIA?

Noctis gets three weeks to get over Luna dying and move on with the goddamn mission at hand. Ignis literally can't, but tries anyway.

What was this guy problem?

>takes a picture where the entire scene is obscured by shrubbery/foliage
>"This one is really good" or something along those lines


turns out he was actually a good guy and was some kind of a double agent. but who gives a fuck he dies ofscreen and you never really talk to him, just like almost all side characters in this game

you know the story is shit, when freaking talcott
got more character development than any other character

But he was a huge cunt in the movie

Who the fuck is this

yeah you get like two scenes of him in the game.
one where he beats up gladio and another, which is a flashback, where he helps luna get the ring to noctis and tells her how he is keeping regis sword so he can deliver it to noct once he is ready. and then he dies offscreen and then you fight his half demon half corpse for a 3 min long boss battle

>3 min
Man it took me forever and my companions kept dying

>That feel when no choice to marry best girl Iris

why live

Prumpto's biological daddy.

Which remind me, do you even see the emperor before he turns into a daemon?

PLEASE! Explain to me, does the summon system in this game more difficult thant the others? I rarely see people using it.

Like, fighting the Adamanthoise. I've seen only one time, like half a sec on someones youtube channel a piece of trailer showing it.

Does anyone here saw summon fights against Adamanthoise or during the game? How many summons can I use?

>just said fuck it and ordered this
I'm hyped

The summons are triggered by certain conditions, usually relating to the health of Noctis and the party, or some other silly prerequisite.

>get a trophy for Gentiana photobombing me
>can't even see her

thanks Square

Aaah, I see. Thanks user. That really sucks...

This game really grew on me. Everything got better after that first dungeon.

I think she is being the guy with the blue jeans

why do these dudes have hairs like that