>mfw Nostalrius release date
Bye bye retail, I did not even get to 110.
I feel bad for my friend who gifted me Legion and 1 month of game time though.
Oh well, I legit do not enjoy retail but I had so much fun on Nostalrius.
>mfw Nostalrius release date
Bye bye retail, I did not even get to 110.
I feel bad for my friend who gifted me Legion and 1 month of game time though.
Oh well, I legit do not enjoy retail but I had so much fun on Nostalrius.
You think you do, but you don't.
Glad you could make it, Anonymous.
You think I don't but I do.
I thought I didn't but I did.
Legion was just so bad I couldn't believe it
Does this reference Alex or something else?
Unsubbed and ready for Elysium.
>Nostalrius release date
what do u mean by this
how to play nostalrius op?
i thot blizzard shutem down
Why the fuck would I ever want to play vanilla again. Especially with the freaks that usually infest private servers.
jojo reference?
its 90% 3rd worlders who wants a stable server for free and there rest is neckbeards, people fake-flagging and baiting
Good, fuck off to your gay little illegal server.
We true WoW fans will enjoy the definitive World of Warcraft experience while you nerds lap up our left overs on your precious illegal server.
Enjoy your sloppy seconds nostnerds.
17 this month for PvP and PvE old nost servers
fresh realm comes later
>he literally typed this out in a weak bait attempt
wow autist
but what about the blizzard lawsuit
Enjoy your shit, buggy """"""""""""""vanilla"""""""""""""" server nostnerd :^)
Dont take that tone with me user, Im still your superior as a shitposter.
>he's still tryin
i dont play either just enjoy the shittalking
>call out weak bait
>proceed to fall for it
I unsubbed after 2 weeks. Realized raiding really isn't that fun and it's all wow has.
>calling someone out for his shit is falling for bait
>be nost player
>be retail player
Hell yeah! I love how every class/spec is viable! Sure glad I'm not a nosttard so I can play whatever class I like without being forced to be a healslut. I sure do love this constant stream of new content too because I'm not a pathetic loser who wants to do the same content over and over for a decade!
He's right. Point of b8 is to get replies.
>this denial
If bait is truly bad, you won't even feel the need to dignify it with a response. If someone can just spit out 0/10 shiposts and somehow trap you into a chain of replies, you're falling for it.
why are vanilla fags so insecure that they need to make these threads 24/7.
you fell for my bait
like you replying to my bait? :^)
>Hell yeah! I love how every class/spec is viable
It isn't
>I can play whatever class I like without being forced to be a healslut
Most hyrbid classes are shit and still have to heal to be optimal
>I sure do love this constant stream of new content too because I'm not a pathetic loser who wants to do the same content over and over for a decade!
Sounds like Mythic+ to me
>see guys vanilla isn't about new content or mechanics it's about the COMMUNITY
>how will we get more people to participate in our wonderful COMMUNITY (that consists of /vp/cancer, literal redditors, and the eastern scourge?
>i know! let's act as pretentious and superior as we possibly can and refuse to listen to any potential criticism
No thanks
wait so nost pvp and pve are coming the 17th, but when is the fresh pvp server coming?
>stream of new content
>pay $15/month for one or two major patches per expansion cycle and a bunch of time-gated content
>pay another $60 after a couple years, repeatedly telling yourself it'll be different this time
It's no wonder retail's sub numbers are flourishing and definitely not sinking lower and lower each month!
>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!
Name one spec that you absolutely CANNOT raid with at all in retail. That's right, you can't.
Meanwhile if you want to play something like a Balance Druid, Ret Paladin, or Enhancement Shaman in Vanilla you are shit out of luck and will probably be laughed at.
Face it, Vanilla sucks ass.
This level of astro-turfing though
I mean I don't blame you since theres nothing positive to promote Legion with; so the only thing you guys *can* do is act like total cucks!
Y-yay retail...it's not like people arn't leaving in droves over 7.1.5 or anything..haha! Nost s-sucks!
If you criticize Vanilla WoW chances are you aren't the kind of person they want around anyway.
meanwhile there isn't even a legion thread up
that comes this january
i still miss middle of cataclysm
I prefer launch Cataclysm.
The Heroic Dungeons were some of the funnest shit in the game and its sad that they were forced to nerf the shit out of them by crybabbies.
Brewmaster is garbage, and there are certain affixes for M+ that make certain specs useless.
For instance, overflowing >+6 cannot be done with a holy paladin, even a mythic-raid geared one. Necrotic is impossible for disc.
>molten core
>blackrock depths
>questing after stv
>paladin buffs
>totems life span and range
>solo endgame killing scarlet mobs
desu the only reason I'm interested is because of the possibility they might resume work on their TBC server.
Vanilla ain't perfect but I wouldn't mind being able to get a head start if they allow you to transfer your vanilla characters over like they said they would.
>US based law suit
Ho ho ho ho ho
i dont get the appeal of vanilla but leveling and talents is pretty good. i played vanilla back when it was on retail. that list is what i hated about it.
i would love to raid in bwl and try out naxx (vanilla). wrath naxx was a walkover
>wikileaks ISP
>legacy negotiations with blizzard aren't happening anymore
why would they take it down? blizzard would have to pressure the ISP that keeps wikileaks safe to hand over their clients info and send an army of lawyers to russia to fight a legal battle that they have nothing to gain from except bad publicity.
I think the leveling is the main appeal. Its nice to see the focus shifted back to Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms instead of everyone being in whatever the new expansion continent is, it just makes the world seem more alive while you're questing.
I don't really count on ever raiding shit like Naxx because I don't have the willpower to go full poopsock, but I will probably just do some PvP and familiarize myself with the class before they drop TBC in like a year or so.
You think you don't but you do.