How badly do you think they will fuck up your main job with the changes, user?
How badly do you think they will fuck up your main job with the changes, user?
Can't do any worse than they did with HW.
Now you're just encouraging them to try.
I'm not a WAR main but I fear what they will do to it.
I also fear that they will nerf WHM damage in compensation of a better mana regen.
Don't let me start on SCH who they will probably strip of everything that make it good
>No more aetherflow
>No longer dots based damage
>Fairy nerfed
remember 2.0 WAR?
never underestimate yoshi, a man who doesnt even play his own game
do your worst
Considering they already fucked up bard to the point where 95% of its playerbase immediately dropped it, I don't think they can fuck it up any worse.
I honestly welcome them to try to make it worse. Just give me another fucking reason to drop it, I already hate it but my guild won't let me.
BLM is basically perfect as of HW and any changes will make it worse so I'm expecting they will fuck it up tremendously.
I want my MMOs to be casual enough to appeal to a wider audience and be accessible as possible. No MMO can survive these days with a small but dedicated population of try hard elitists shitting up the game.
Fuck your guild, tell those nerds to eat shit and die
>where 95% of its playerbase immediately dropped it
Honestly this just goes to show you how many shitters flocked to the class in the first place. WM was an improvement to the overall job's design.
reminder that this is an mmo and a lot of guys catfish
dont go into deep
Separated the mediocre from the actual good players by presenting a true skill ceiling, and thus makes it more rewarding to play well as you will be valued and revered.
But I can see why someone who just wanted results for little to no effort would be upset.
I doubt it when I get Greased lightning 4
Just reached 50 with my first gatherer job, Miner.
It seems to me my equip is way too shitty for that scripture stuff, as I can't get the minimum quality out of it. Are the ones that don't reach that threshold useless or can I still do something with them?
Anyway, it wouldn't make sense to spend much gil on high end lvl 50 gear (forager set for example) because the HW gear for lvl 52 onwards will be significantly cheaper and better, is that correct?
MNK is going to get overbuffed because its the posterboy
I would like to but no one else will play it anymore and these dudes are cool and honestly the only reason I even have fun with the game anymore.
I would disagree. They turned a mobile attacker into a turret and refused to actually buff its support abilities in any meaningful way. Its buffs are only ever really useful for high end raiding, which is fine if fucking retarded, but nothing else about the class is compelling compared to the other ranged dps classes. All the shitters just flocked to summoner since it is the next most mobile and it shits out damage.
Drg wasn't.
BLM dps
WHM healer
RDM tank
It's still very mobile. Again, it takes encounter knowledge and experience to truly shine on the job. Their support should be buffed I agree, because as far as support goes, BRD is an abomination. It should be more song focused altogether.
What is it with some tanks and forcing themselve as MT on the entire alliance despite not being group B or asked to? Not to mention running ahead of everyone and pulling before the entire alliance is near the boss room?
>PLD will get more heals
>WAR will get more dps (and be the tank to go when statics start to use 2 WAR)
>DRK will get more edge
I can't wait for it
BLM could definitely use improvements as to make a good amount of its abilities (Surecast, Lethargy, Freeze, Convert, Flare...) not be fucking shit.
They'll make BRD better, I have hope.
it's not that hard content and most people wont care who the MT is
All the experience in the world unfortunately doesn't make it fun. I've been playing this shit a year, I still hate it. I would honestly rather just play a dragoon or monk that could use the MP regen song.
>Main job is Monk
>We're going to Monkland
The same elation a dragoon main felt when Heavensward dropped.
Why did they nerf aoe damage again?
Because every pull in every dungeon was shit so they wanted them to be more difficult
No, they didnt actually manage anything with the flare/holy changes, every pull is still trash
Okay, well anecdotes don't dictate something as a shit job to play. I don't go around calling WAR a shit job just because I find it unfun to play, even in comparison to PLD. Tell your guild or whoever to find a new BRD.
WHM will probably do a lot more damage, but STILL have no MP sustain compared to the other healers.
Because aoe is SMN's gimmick, while BLMs should be doing greater single target damage.
gotta slow down the aoe speed running somehow user
don't want people doing their dailies that quickly, gosh
>swiftsong in combat
>LB changes back to healing
>a few new DoTS
I need that first one bad. Swiftsong should just be a buff that bards bring to the party. Even if it turns off in combat, as long as it turns back on without me pushing it again I'd be fine with it. Its clunky as shit right now.
I want a Regen song, thats all I want
Really boring, how about a haste song and avenues to restore MP for longer song uptime.
>Greased lightning 4
Would feel fucking good
If it was just anecdotes I think the class would have more presence than it does.
Believe me I'm going to try to switch to whatever the new hotness is in the expansion unless they work some miracles. RDM will probably be the new support anyway.
>>LB changes back to healing
just go ahead its not like i ever get to use it anyway unless we have no melee
Samurai dps
G-guts? Griffith?
Considering how pathetic the average DF player is, it's really no surprise BRD isn't popular now that it requires effort. The same thing would happen if they made MNK or PLD require more work to play well.
They didn't really, they just brought BLM more in line with other classes considering it's an unlimited resource character. SMN will probably be getting the same treatment soon with deathflare seeing as its aoe is reminiscent of 2.0 BLM in terms of gap.
I really don't know, the job isn't that fun anyway. Ninjutsus are an interesting mechanic in general but it basically boils down to Huton once or during long downtimes, and then Fuma/Suiton whenever it's possible. Maybe a Katon sometimes, or a Raiton if you have a BRD, but that's it.
I kinda regret switching from tanking, at least I felt more responsible for my group's failure or success as a tank.
You'd rather people play bad underpowered jobs on principle ?
Looking at DRK, MCH, and AST at release, they're going to fuck SAM up quite a bit.
I think it's fun. I'll drop it though if RDM is released and ends up being the support caster the game needs.
You know the best comps for speedrunning often include a BRD and MCH. It's only overshadowed because it shares its job slot with another borderline overpowered class. Otherwise, it's one of the most versatile classes in general.
I just don't feel it, I guess. Every time I do a fight it's basically the same since my rotation is pretty static and there isn't really any randomness to it. Granted I understand that many people dislike randomness in their rotation and that's fine, but I just wish there was a bit of variation in combat.
Why is Scholar so much fun, Sup Forums?
>Every time I do a fight it's basically the same since my rotation is pretty static and there isn't really any randomness to it.
Literally every DPS job aside from procs. Even healing and tanking is like this unless someone fucks up.
>Every time I do a fight it's basically the same since my rotation is pretty static and there isn't really any randomness to it.
Honestly man you could say this about every job. Even the ones with procs still have a set rotation they do to get their procs in order.
Because its a DPS with Healer Queue times.
Also shields are more fun than just heals
Again, do you want people to play underpowered jobs? If a job can do the same thing and is overpowered why wouldn't people flock to it? Why would they intentionally gimp themselves? The point is work smarter not harder. It was the same when warriors tried to MT before they got buffed. It made no sense to try and fail with warrior when pld did the job with less stress.
They never nerf. At most they did so in 2.1 to BRD's crossclass abilities and then the adjustments to flare/holy, but otherwise they adopt the correct way of balancing.
Does anyone know if they will put out a compalation game for ps4 with all xpacs when this releasea?
I guess you're right and my issues with the game are seated somewhere deeper. But for some reason playing DPS really doesn't feel satisfying for me at all. I had the same issue with GW2, I guess it's because it felt floaty as fuck.
MCH is an alternative. It's overpowered but BRD is just as ludicrously strong. On top of both of them doing melee-tier dps with a DRG, both have the most powerful support abilities in the game.
BRD's performance metric with MCH is see-saw with it almost entirely depending on the length of the fight. If the fight ends right before MCH's next hypercharge or before, for example. Or on short fights like a10/9 where foes with BV gets much higher value than the 2/1 hypers MCH gets. People flock to MCH because it's more efficient in prog, but that shouldn't matter for 99% of the playerbase who constantly pretend that the minute power differences between classes are enough to affect them in reality.
>tfw you found warrior more fun back when it was all about lifestealing.
I mean it sucked yeah but at least it felt unique.
Are you the type that forego stats because your character does or doesn't look good in a piece of gear?
im more worried with what theyll do with additional jobs. The way content currently is theres not really any niche they can fill so theyll either be the new "best" or theyll be in the corner with AST/PLD
No that's what vanity slots are for silly.
I just actually liked the mechanics of it. I would rather they had buffed those to be good rather than just turned it into paladin but that's long past now.
They reduced the potency of Wide Volley.
What if they finally give you the famous Fourth Mudra?
>getting excited for even more gcd clipping
Reminded me to ninjas trying to blink tank back in ffxi when I warrior or pld could do the job better. Some people just love struggle I guess. I've always been one to level up all jobs and get them geared so when nerfs come around I can pick the flavor of the month.
I honestly don't see how they're going to switch it up unless they somehow combine the support particular DPS classes can bring into one. DRG/NIN are just to good to not take with you, same with BRD/MCH. The caster slot is filled by SMN/BLM anyway, so where the fuck would a RDM fit in, or any other DPS for that matter?
Or what the fuck are they going to do about the mandatory SCH/WAR slots every single static has other than nerfing both to the ground to make them as shitty as other classes? I really don't know.
Blink tanking was the name of the game from 2004~til cap increases, and plds were crying for atleast 3 yrs til SE gave them shield mastery/reprisal making them even better blink tanks then nins
>mfw Yoshi wants to nerf WAR in 4.0
just nerf my shit up, pham
I could certainly understand it for ff11, blink tanking was so superior for 95% of the content no one believed traditional tanking was actually good for that other 5%. What a weird game it was looking back.
they can only make blm and drg easier
DRG has been better than monk since HW launched
It's not even a contest, it still is.
I'm more interested in changing the way the game is set up than class balance. I'm tired of the format, the linear dungeons, lack of open world content,etc.
>Literally the highest DPS in most speedkills
>>>>>Needing a buff
That's the thing. SAM -could- fill in as a different flavor of WAR tanking, but its still stuck in either being better than WAR or being worse, in which case why bother. Easiest solution is to make them all DPS, but that just creates the problem XI had where you had 12+ DDs and only a 1~2 tanks/healers. Except you cant build a DPS into a tank in this game with gear/support
I wish they stopped making consumable such as food and pots just as difficult to make as gear of equivalent item level. If good food didn't require 42 steps to craft people would be using it more liberally.
>just use lv52 what's the difference
kys yoshida
>every fight is a speed kill attempt
They can't mess it up that bad right? I mean it's the big focus of the expansion.
If you make SAM into another WAR the meta will inevitably be SAM+WAR
I loved that game @ 75 cap. Best mmo experience I ever had. I enjoyed it more than my everquest days. You can imagine my let down when I bought ffxiv 1.0 thinking it would be ffxi 2.0.
I guess you should play something else then because we sure as fuck aren't getting anything new.
I mean I'd kill for better servers. Nothing is more infuriating than getting hit by something that has clearly not hit you at your end. Same for PvP, shit's unplayable with how everything's lagging. But it's the dev team that didn't even implement a fucking partial item name search in their market board until a year ago, so I don't really expect anything on a technical level from them.
I don't think so. You could, and still can, cast three flares one behind the other. Considering its potency at the time, it wasn't as balanced as deathflare is now.
Pretty sure that patch also linked river of blood with Rain of death which pretty much made them godlike for aoe.
Don't tell me what to do.
But DRK was fine at release, people just sucked.
Well yeah, that too, which just shifts DRK into PLD tier unless it makes some silly niche for itself elsewhere, which is doubtful. The classes just have no flexibility and if content is just gated around DPS checks then that's all that will determine what makes a class viable.
SAM need to be dps. I want a two hand melee dps class.
really, SAM should be tank and DRK should be dps. DRK has always been a damage dealing job and SAM was about counter attacks and buffs and shit
You already have a 2 handed DPS, thats WAR
If your bard isnt doing well, thats the players fault. the class is in the best state it's been in for a while
The gap was more that not all classes had their proper aoe skills more than anything. At the very least I expect a change to SMN or push for BLM because BLM is overshadowed a ton. The change to Ruin 3 to 200 potency pretty much invalidated BLM's single target lead in raids.
So the new bis for SCH in term of secondary stats is Crit > Sps >> Det >>>>>(shit)>>>> Pie, right?
SpS all the way nigga
Just add shared equipment for melee classes already.
I mean fuck, you can just switch to another tank and keep everything but your weapon. You can switch between every healer and keep nearly everything. Same for BLM/SMN and BRD/MCH, but as a melee DPS, you're for some reason forced to stay with your job.
Just make MNK/NIN gear sharable with it having STR/DEX on it like with all the pre-HW stuff and make SAM share stuff with DRG if it's a DPS.
I mean shit, if this game does not have even the tiniest amount of variation within a job at least allow me to switch jobs more freely.
B-but what about my Adlo crit?!
i dont think they can fuck scholar up at all
That would mean less gear grinding, and thus less time spent on the game. Cant have that user.
Don't worry about it.
Show everyone your big dick SCH dps instead.