Why was Warped so bad? 2 perfected the formula, but Wapred just ruined it

Why was Warped so bad? 2 perfected the formula, but Wapred just ruined it.
Only 1/3 of the stages are actual platforming, the rest are gimmicks. It's a real shame too because the actual platforming levels are very good

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I wouldn't call it bad. Clearly not on the level of the first two but it's still a fun game with really good levels. Now if you want a game that got truly ruined by gimmicks, so much so that levels got drastically reduced in size to accommodate them then Spyro 3 is a better choice.

>Only 1/3 of the stages are actual platforming
Except that's wrong. In fact only 11 of the 35 stages (not counting alternate stage entrances in the 6th warp room) are strictly non-platforming.
For the sake of clarity, I'm counting underwater, jetski, bi-plane, and racing stages as non-platformers. Even if you're a prude and consider the Pura stages to be non-platformers despite being an auto-runner platformer, that only changes the tally to be 13 of the 35.

>what is exaggeration

Crash Bash remake with online when?

When you look back on it, Crash 2 and CTR are the only good Crash games.

Fucking this. This game was the shit. Also make crystal challenges available in multiplayer. Crystal Space Bash is insanely fun.

You speak as if that 11 number is acceptable. Those levels are painfully fucking boring, absolute chore to play.

it has the best platforming, secrets and bosses in the series.

>33% is platforming
>In actuality 66% is platforming
There's exaggeration and then there's being a liar. You'd have a point if the numbers weren't separated by a factor of 2.
Never said it was acceptable. Although I was personally fond of the racing stages.

>there's now a autistic Warped is bad shitposter since the release of the Remaster trailers going around spewing the exact same shit everytime
The fuck is your problem retard?

someones angry that 3 isn't as good as the first 2, would you like to calm down :)

The non-platforming levels in Warped were a good addition. It makes the game unique within the trilogy, instead of more just of the same.

Crash 2 being the most straightforward and accessible in the series, Crash 1 being the hard as fuck one and Crash 3 being a variety package sets the series apart from things like New Super Mario Bros or Mega Man where every sequel is more or less the same game.

I can forgive them because it doesn't have the jetpack levels.

Jesus Christ I hate the jetpack levels.

i always felt that the scuba levels are the jetpack levels done right

>hating the tiger levels and motorcycle levels
What a fucking pleb, holy shit

3 isn't as good but it was still a pretty good game in an era when most games were top quality

Get the fuck outta here, Warped was my favorite.

Kid's a shitter that couldn't beat those levels, so thats why theyre spamming their Warped hate shitposts lately.

Why do people eat this shitty game up? It's being made by the same people that ruined the franchise, and yet everyone is praising it like it's the second coming of Christ. Does Sup Forums agree?

I love the jetpack levels. In contrast to I really dislike the scuba levels.

>Tiger levels
So 3 was the one with the tiger china levels? I loved those ones even if I was bad at them. Completing them always felt nice.

Crash was the first series I ever got gud at. Thank you time trials.

Really lacks color, contrast and grit. The Jaws of Darkness/Temple Ruins bit in the reveal trailer looks bloody awful. Otherwise it looks alright imhotep.

2 didn't have these awful jet-ski and plane levels, though. The motorboard bits in the upstream levels were very fun too.

My fucking nigga, that shit was better then mario party it also had cool as fuck music


My nigga.
Level with only TNT's and Nitros, and breaking ground. Played that so much.

Warped is based though because of Crash Dash powerup + Time Trials, wtf..

TT adds so much replayability to the game going for platinum relics and beating times for bragging rights.

Crash Dash speeds up the pace of the game so much, that it makes Crash 1 look slow af and Crash 2 look like poo if you aren't using spinsliding tech.

But Warped was my favorite.

Crash 1 had the pig riding levels too.

>The non-platforming levels in Warped were a good addition. It makes the game unique within the trilogy, instead of more just of the same.
They would be a good addition if they weren't dog shit. You're literally saying it's good for developers to put dog shit into a game if dog shit wasn't in the other game. The fact that it's different is what counts. Shut the fuck up.

yeah, but these were pretty much succeeded by the superior Polar Bear levels in Crash 2.

well sorry buddy, I don't think those levels are dogshit

>Crystal Space Bash is insanely fun.

I remember spending hours just playing Space Bash

But these levels are platforming levels with gimmicks added to the platforming. The water / skiing / biking / airplane levels in Crash 3 are shitty gimmicky levels completely removed from why people played the game in the first place. The jetpack levels in Crash 2 are the only gimmick levels in Crash 2. I actually enjoy them, it's a nice change of pace because THERE'S ONLY 2 OF THEM IN THE WHOLE GAME, there's still plenty of platforming content that comes before.

They were good, just because you're shit at them doesn't they theyre shit.
Lemme guess you had tons of trouble trying to clear the tiger sections where the barrels were placed very close opposite to each other and you could never clear those gaps huh?

It's not so much they're not eating the game up, it's the fact that Crash is back after a long hiatus and good sales of the remake could lead to a new game.

I hate them because they're boring and I have good taste in vidya. I've 105%'d Crash 3 on numerous occasions, you have to be a brain dead retard to find any of those gimmicky levels difficult.

It may be nostalgia, but my favorite has always been the first one. Two and warped just donĀ“t feel the same and are lacking in the difficulty department.

>you have to be a brain dead retard to find any of those gimmicky levels difficult.
Guess you're a retard because of how hard you're crying about those levels. Nobody nowadays would autistically rage at something like you're doing unless you're a shitter at it.


Coming from the faggot bothering to defend said levels on a Zambian stamp collecting forum.

Coming from the faggot making an entire thread dedicated to bitching and crying about levels that "only braindead retards would find difficult" in a children's video game on an american chinese photoboard
>inb4 b-b-b-b-b-but i'm a totally different person now!!

>>inb4 b-b-b-b-b-but i'm a totally different person now!!
I literally am.

Crash 2 had a total of 4 and 1/2 gimmick levels.

That's really not bad compared to Warped.

*6 and 1/2
Sorry, forgot to count the polar levels

>2 scuba
>2 Pura
>4 Jetski
>4 motorcycle
>3 airplane
15/30 levels aren't platforming

fuck off

You're missing the point.
Warped Is Bad Shitposter said that there's absolutely NO gimmick levels in Crash 2 at all, literally none, it's PURE platforming, yet now they're backpedaling hard saying "o-o-o-oh there's SOME gimmick levels but they still relied on PURE platforming.
Right like the jungle waterboard levels right, where you're not actually platforming at all?

>Right like the jungle waterboard levels right, where you're not actually platforming at all?
But the waterboarding is only a small quick segment of said levels, the rest of the level is still platforming. Also, calling things like the Light's Out stages "gimmicky levels" is absolute pants on head retarded. It's platforming you fucktard.

>Thinking auto-runner platformer isn't a platformer, albeit a particular gimmick of platformer.
Nigga that concept has been with Crash since the first game. Unless you plan on backpedaling far back enough to say that the Hog and Polar bear stages aren't platforming.

Warped was my first game I got, probably even the first I finished, so you better watch your bitch mouth.

Future levels were shit though.

>Future levels were shit
Mother fuck you shut your fucking retard mouth. They had great music, aesthetic, and gameplay fuck you.

As someone who just came back from playing Crash 2 right now, I can tell you this is wrong. The water jet levels are actually platforming with short sections involving the jetboard embedded in them. The only real gimmicks are the jetpack and the Polar levels, both of which there are only 2 of.

So, essentially there's no more than 4 full gimmick levels. 5 1/2 if you wanna count the jetboard levels and Bear It

Stop deflecting

There's a secret polar level too.

It's not though. It's just a shitty "press X every few seconds" kind of thing. There's no real interaction. Just because that was in Crash 1 doesn't mean it's not a gimmick

> best platforming
No, that would be 1. 3 offers no Challange platforming because the levels were not designed around the ability to double jump or glide (except a few bonus rounds where it's nesisary), that meant you could just skip things that would require careful timing or presision jumping without the upgrades.

> best secrets
That's 2, it's not even a contest. It had so many hidden things and sneaky hiding places for gems. Like collecting 0 boxes on the first level to get the blue gem, or bouncing on boxes to get to an area you are supposed to be using a wakeboard on, or fake walls etc... 3 had only a handful of secrets and wernt as creative as 2.

> best bosses
Yes that is true. 3's bosses were excellent.

>being made by the same people that ruined the franchise
no , is being made with the people that did pic related
they have my blessing

>What is strafing left and right?
Just because you're locked into moving forward doesn't make it any less of a platforming ordeal, just with a bigger focus on "steering" rather than on precision jumping.

they were by far the worst

also bazooka broke the fucking game

Those fucking fake Nitro boxes in 2.

This, Warped and Year of the Dragon are my favorite games of their respective trilogys yet i keep seeing them get shit on here.

>collecting no boxes on the firs level to get the blue gem

how is that a good idea?

that's like some hidden achievment for having shit aim or being stuck in a puzzle for more than average time

Because dodging all the boxes takes effort.

It's actually harder to get 0 boxes than it is to get some boxes, because you need to jump around them and stuff to make sure you don't break a single one.

How is it a bad idea to subvert the rules of the game and reward the player for being clever? The game outright tells you there is a special gem in this level.

Which Spyro is the best one?

In my opinion, 1 is the best by far. 2 is usually considered the best though.

Not really, they designed the stage in such a way that you could easily walk past every crate. The only thing you had to be really careful of was to jump on enemies instead of spinning into them since they could break a crate that way.
The 1 wall of crates blocking the path also had a bouncy crate in it so you could get past it without breaking any of them.

Really the only fault with 2's secrets were how asinine a few of them were. The ones where you got a secret for getting yourself onto an obscure platform that looks like it might be reachable only for you to actually reach it are fine, but ones where you have to guess are obnoxious. The fake wall in the sewers and nitro staircase come to mind immediately.

The game tells you how to get the blue gem. Once you've gotten the clear gem, if you replay the level, once you reach the exit the box counter reads "*number of boxes player has got*/0". It gives a you a fair hint on how to get the blue gem.

I found the green gem (past the nitros in the sewers) as a kid without a guide. Oh hey, the pathway splits here and one path leads to a dead end room filled with nitros. All you need is basic vidya sensibilities to tell that something was up with the room.

As for the nitro staircase, that's another thing I figured out as a kid. Nitros in the game jolt every few seconds and make a bubbling sound. The nitros forming the staircase do neither of those things, clearly indicating they're fake.


>The only thing you had to be really careful of was to jump on enemies instead of spinning into them since they could break a crate that way.
So you're saying it takes effort to find the blue gem. There's no way anyone is going to stumble over it accidentally.

>The fake wall in the sewers and nitro staircase come to mind immediately.
A bunch of obstacles that aren't actually obstructing anything and anyone can easily walk past? How do you not find that suspicious?

>there's no real interaction


The tiger levels were somehow some of my favorite crash levels

I also had a crush on cocoa though

There was a lady on the dev team in an interview and at one stage she was nearly crying because she's wanted to do a Crash game for so long and she got weirdly emotional saying how they got the go-ahead

I have a lot of faith in them to get it right. They seem like genuinely passionate people.

>he cares this much about an old, dead series of mediocre platformers that was likely made before he was born
PURE autism

Didn't you ride a bear running away from a boulder in 2?

Stop cherry picking faggot

Shit wrong post I replied to

how will it look?

If you only press a single button every few seconds, you're not interacting with the game much, are you?

>All you need is basic vidya sensibilities to tell that something was up with the room.
To be fair, the Crash trilogy were some of the first videogames I had ever played as a child, so I had no prior biases about otherwise-suspicious pathways and markings. Really wish I could experience for the first time again, but that's 20 years too late for that, I already know what there is to know.
Child me actually knew something was suspicious about the room but I made a wrong decision, I instead plotted to backtrack to the room once I hit the Nitro detonate block, but couldn't do anything since the block was after a dropoff you could not backtrack from. I also tried getting there with aku aku to detonate as many nitro as I could.
Using this idea I actually figured out about the Nitro staircase, since they were still in-tact after I hit the nitro block in that stage.
I'd have to say jumping into the pit with the giant polar bear was one of the most hidden sections to stumble across, though.

this thread is actually proof that you can never please people when making a video game.

when they made 3 they had already made two similar games in the past. people were more critical of sequels at that time and complained that 2 was too much like the first one. with 3 they successfully expanded the game to thematic depths never before seen in video games while keeping the spirit of the original and what made it so good. never before crash 3 was there such a diverse array of environments and playtypes in a single video game. the chase levels were excellent, there were many different driving levels that were also excellent, there was even a level with a submarine.

they did a PERFECT job with the game. there simply isn't a way they could have struck a more perfect harmony of adding new content and staying true to the formula.

not enough for you faggots though.

lol peepee into ur mouth

This honestly, I'm sick of all this nitpicky complaining bullshit

Even Jason Rubin admitted Crash 2 is the best because Crash 3 had too many gimmick levels

the water and bike levels just made me hate the game they are so awful

my fucking niggas all of you, that game was the shit

What was your favourite map, mine's Metal Fox

Tilt Panic is hilarious.

I like crash 1 more though, it's way more challenging
>tfw getting the gem in the castle level

They are actually the easiest to get Plats.

Why did they not show even a single Warped level in the Remastered trailer?

As I recall, they didn't show any levels from 2 either.

I just watched it and they did

Really? Which level? I only remember seeing levels from the first game.

What video are you watching senpai?

I just watched the trailer, and you're either full of shit or retarded

lmao lmao I made you watch it again! Trolled!!
I watched it again and I was wrong, sorry


To be fair, it's relatively easy to mix up some of the levels between 1 and 2

Crash Twinsanity > 2 > 1 > 3 >Wrath of cortex

>can't even spell your waifu's name right

they said in a pannel that 1 is completely finished, 2 needs polishment and 3 is still in late development