Did you buy my game user-chan?

Did you buy my game user-chan?

yes sasuke, it was shit tho
come back to the village

>teen girls idolize this

is he white or a fish nigger

I really cant tell

nah, I'll pirate it in a year when there's a pc release.

Get better story tellers next time.

I even paid $100 for the deluxe edition, Noctis-Sama. 15 hours in and loving it




No, but I did buy his game.

What game?

Play another 5 and you'll reach the final chapter

Nope. FF never did much for me and after playing the demo I can tell the combat system is NOT for me.

>I only play the main story in video games

I beat the game in 24 after doing~30 sides

I did. Looking forward to road-tripping with the boys. Looks super comfy.

The game looks like a mess but I'm tempted to buy it for Propmpto alone

>I played 30% of the content bro the game is too short !

25 hours in and on chapter 3. About to fight Titan, I think.

The game is pretty god damn fucking fantastic. Combat is good fun and the characters aren't as annoying as everyone makes then out to be. Reoccurring dialogue gets to me sometimes as well as the artifacts in everyone's hair, but that's the best I can do as far as nitpicking goes.

>yes sasuke, it was shit tho
Sup Forums is more sasuke than Noctis. He atleast had levity.

Why do fetch quests?

>wanting the only objectively unlikable character

Yeah I just got to chapter 3 after 7 hours

It's comfy.

Just stop shitposting with your goalposts

Why is he unlikable?

He seems cute and energetic

>Square Enix

no it looks bad

i'd suck his dick no homo

Prepare for funny smiles and weird filters over strange shots.

He's not the best at taking pictures on the battle field. Every now and then you get a really cool looking image.

Gonna go through the main story and then the sidequests. You gain experience too fast and you can't miss sidequests. After 15 hours I'm on chapter five so I'm gonna have a lot more fun with this
but why the fuck doesn't Luna just fucking text or call Noctis instead of sending Umbra back and forth

Honestly I went in expecting to hate him but he's actually not bad at all. I went into the game with really low expectations but so far it's actually really great. Unfortunately if you haven't seen Kingsglaive the prologue of the story will make almost no sense, at all. Just torrent it or something.

he's like the worst kind of gay twink
the obnoxious kind that never stops talking

I would assume it's because Niflheim might have a magitek NSA system that could intercept a phone call?

>I rate games without even playing them!!

Prompto is the best. FUCK I WISH HE WAS MY FRIEND IRL.

Fuck no, I don't support fag enabling games

Prompto just wanted pussy like the rest of us

I just want his pink bp to be honest

Of course I did. Its currently 4th in my backlog.
I need to play World of Final Fantasy, Watchdogs, and Farcry 4 before I get to you though!

Yeah im liking it since i didnt follow it during production so i didnt have pre set expectations. Not liking that i need to watch a movie to understand the story but its downloading now

Yes but I'm 15 hours in and it's boring as fuck. When the fuck is the villain actually going to do something ffs.

No, it didn't really look like the type of game is enjoy.

yep, experiencing some buyers remorse right now. i'm playing bloodborne instead because i got sick of fetch quests.