Would Sup Forums play a game that had Sonico and Pochaco as main characters?

Would Sup Forums play a game that had Sonico and Pochaco as main characters?
What type of game would it be?

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metroid-like game where they wear suits like the one in your pic and get tentacle raped instead of dying.

monster hunter type game, where they fight giant cute monsters

A co-op music based shooter.

wait how do their feet even work in these suits?


probably high heeled inside

Porkchop is cute as fuck

i want pochaco to suffocate me

I want to pork porkchop

so this thread stays up yet the mods are on a delete spree of actual video game threads

Whats this newfound obession with the fat one?

You fuckin know it.


Third person shooter with jiggly physics.
I'd preorder and buy all the dlc of a game like that.


Sup Forums has always preferred Pochaco over Sonico. I'm the opposite but whatever.

porkchacow is for violent groping and rape.

haha, "bang", get it?

It's wintertime which means bulking and cuddling delicious healthy girls

It's more ingenious than the generic fuck scene that follows.

>Would Sup Forums play a game that had Sonico and Pochaco as main characters?
>What type of game would it be?

What if they are the giant cute monsters?

I hate when they draw her with a huge gut
Pork has a cute small gut not a lumpy guy

I like her better on the big side.

don't speak for our board you fucking namefag newshitter
go back to Sup Forums

the only one who draws her any good is Tsuji

A dating sim and/or VN with weight gain mechanics

I want to make Pochaco huge

2D fat chicks are great.

furry ones are better


post some furry ones

I've never seen anyone post much Sonico
Not that I would mind, but I prefer Pochaco


Why would you think that?

Ugh disgusting


That's dumb.
After all, furry makes EVERYTHING better

No I'd rather play something with better Nitroplus characters instead.

So she's right and you are gay?

I'd play it, if only I could cover them up totally in the same style of armor they got going on for helmets and legs.
Honestly, just want a new supercomi but with pochaco as an additional mode to play through.

Her birthday was this past week.

Sure all the blimped pochacos out there made Tsuji answer back with Taruko.

I want a Taruko NG+ play through option

>Would Sup Forums play a game that had Sonico and Pochaco as main characters?
Yes. As long as I could main Pochaco.

>What type of game would it be?
Ideally? Either a 2D Action/Platformer or a cooking simulation game. By Vanillaware

Weightloss sim

You monster