Do people actually break their controllers and other expensive things from getting mad at a video game...

Do people actually break their controllers and other expensive things from getting mad at a video game? Why are people that retarded? You're parents worked hard to pay for that shit.

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The only controller I've broken was a Megaman X Gamecube controller when I was 12.
Thought it was bull shit that the AI Vegeta was beating my super sayain Golub, so I mashed on the A button and it got stuck.

I've never broken any of my stuff because I can actually control my emotions... You know like a normal human being.

I smashed a ps2 controller on my cousins head when we were fighting.

During the few times I've ever had a sperge-rage at a game (ie Modern Warfare 2) I specifically refrained from throwing the controller precisely because of this shit. Unfortunately it meant that I instead decided to bash it against my knee & fuck the cap up. Shit hurts man

This is a funny picture because I know more black people that have destroyed their controllers.

did it fuck him up?

Its another thread where Sup Forums, the board most represented as violently angry, pretends they do not break things.


I broke two controllers doing licenses in GT2

The only people I've known to break their controllers were my white friends, yet I still feel as though OPs image is bullshit.

No. Only a raging autist or a retard would break their controllers.

It's another poster who thinks a board is one person. Bump :^)

Yeah kind of His head was swollen for like a week.

People who often break their controllers are probably at that threshold where you're angry at the game and the reality of your miserable life and neglected responsibilities start leaking in. Monkey mode engages.

>wooo look at me guys i'm such a mature aduuuult silly manbabbies

Only time I've thrown a controller was on accident during Wii Sports Bowling Got that strike though. Motion controls are the future.

pic related, it's you


>Do people actually break their controllers and other expensive things from getting mad at a video game?
>WoW 7.1 patch launches
>Go to fight an enemy
>The keyboard is completely unresponsive, and keeps pulling up menus as I am trying to attack
>Died several times due to the menu spam
>Start violently mashing the keys, thinking they are somehow stuck
>Eventually find myself punching the keyboard
>Turns out that Blizzard "balanced" the game by removing even more spells, so the game didn't know how to properly deal with the old macros I had set up
Thanks Blizzard!

I can't get mad, I don't feel any emotion.

>raging autist
>nigel poster

Yeah well at least I don't have to waste money on buying shit I already own

Why'd you cut off the rest of the text?
>breaks your controller you stole from him in the first place

>have never broken/lost anything in my life
>find sp + pokemon emerald in the back of our car randomly, was probably left there by mom's friend's kid when they were all running errands together or something
>friend has a spare charger since he broke his own sp
>volunteers to give it to me if he can borrow the sp for a week first
>two days into that week he brings it back in two pieces
>he's clearly shaking in his boots and trying to come up with ideas of how to fix it
>I'm just like woah how'd you manage that
>it was on the floor and he rolled over it in his chair
nigga how do even pull that off

I never had gamer rage until I started playing MOBAs, only thing I broke was my LMB while clicking a bit too hard.

>like a normal human being
You know, I think being in control of your emotions probably sets you apart from the average human being, making you not normal at all

How else am I supposed to portray extreme bi-polar episodes?

I used to think that's what people did after watching my brother and cousin when I was a youngin.

fucking white "people"

xbox: bashed my controllers to shit
xbox 360: controllers look brand new except the rubber on the thumb sticks look like a tire with no tread
xbox one: i dont own one

I agree, knew quite a few people that we tell me stories of them raging at a game then fucking the controller or something off their wall.

Worth noting they all had emotional issues....

>treat all of my electronics like my children
>take care of them
>put them away neatly
>family trip overseas
>come back home
>on taxi
>back home
>realize I forgot my DS in the taxi
>can never get it back
>turn into a emotional wreck

that DS was last and only thing I ever lost, never again, I take care of my shit when I was a kid.

>tfw we've almost completely transcended humanity

we're too good for this planet

I broke my gameboy color in a ragefit during the goron dance in zelda oracle of ages. I think I was in middle school at the time. Other than that, never raged and broken anything.

>broken one thing, but that doesn't count lol
that's like saying you're not gay except for that one time you sucked dick

>go to mother's house
>her bathroom outlet isn't working
>investigate why not
>it's because the GFI tripped and it's the fucking garage for some reason
>leave my tic tracer behind
>visit again to get it back
>she has no idea where it went
REEEE family

>sucking dick

>wow look at me guys i'm sooo mature i piss and shit in the toilet like a big boy wooow so impressive i don't need diapies anymore
This is how you sound right now

Threw a controller at a couch when I was like 12. Aim was a little off and it went through a big ass window at my parents house...

The only guy I knew that would actually abuse their controllers was my friend's roommate. Whenever he was getting bodied in Smash (basically all the time) he'd toss the controller in the air once his last stock run out.

He took meds and flunked out of college (on a fucking music major no less), so take what you will from that.

>blacks trying to act as the moral superiors

>blacks acting disgusted towards property damage

go loot your own home town

>white boi
>raging at a fucking picture
