>Sup Forums suddenly thinks Horizon "might be okay" now that they have bigger titles (Last of us 2 and Uncharted Womyn DLC) to hate on
I literally cannot put into the words the level of hypocrisy you folks have.
>Sup Forums suddenly thinks Horizon "might be okay" now that they have bigger titles (Last of us 2 and Uncharted Womyn DLC) to hate on
I literally cannot put into the words the level of hypocrisy you folks have.
Seriously, just kill yourself mate. You're nothing.
I've always said it might be good.
Gotta have some optimism man.
>NeoFaggots think it might be okay
Fixed that for you, only teenagers and people who hate videogames would look forward to this shit.
No it's gonna be shit
I swear this place gets worse and worse each year.
Is there anything other than Nep games you actually look forward to?
Is he retarded?
>People are unironically hyped for a Ubisoft game on Sup Forums
Yes, he's a sonygger.
It's just Sonyggers who are shilling Horizon. We all know it will be shit.
There is literally nothing wrong with black video game fans.
It's not even a Ubisoft game you double nigger.
If you are going to hate something, do it correctly
It's a Sony game actually, but the quality shows if it looks like something Ubisoft shat out.
I actually hope the game does very, very well.
But do you know why?...
Because Death Stranding is using its engine, so it better play flawlessly.
>he goes on an imageboard to tell everybody how much he disagrees with them
Fucking hell why can't you just go back to neogaf where you literally get banned for saying something negative against sony? why do you sonyggers come on Sup Forums?
>Deflection as a defense
Fucking lolicon pedoshit Nep lover
>im the same guy
>anybody on an anonymous mongolian basketweaving forum needs to defend themselves against neofag refugees pathetic ad-hominem attacks
>Uncharted Womyn
Oh god, get a life you nerds.
>Female protagonist
Pick one