Who was the best Skyrim girl?
Who was the best Skyrim girl?
Not possible. She was a demon's fleshlight. Pure maidens only can be best girls.
the rest were raped by the developers
the bar maid in the stone town. was pissed I couldn't marry her
She was a child, dude.
She's really cute with the elf overhaul installed.
>pops out of fuckwhere after doing a shitty puzzle
>can't kill her and steal the elder scroll for myself because she's a speshul snowflake
>can't kill her because "lol essential"
>never shuts up
i just removed her essential flag and shouted her out of a mountain, after that i never touched Dawnguard again
it puzzles me that you're not allowed to kill a shitty vampire as a vampire hunter
Syglja is best vanilla girl desu
Sylgja, Ysolda and Mjoll are pretty much the only acceptable vanilla wives
Yes. What do you need?
> Elder Scrolls are supposed to be these nigh-mythical artifacts that the vast majority of people will never see in their lifetimes
> You find three over the course of Dawnguard like it's nothing
Who wrote this crap?
What about the Huscarl chicks? Lydia and Jordis are pretty much the exact same and descent looking. There is also that Riften super dyke if that is what you are into.
Great taste.
Dawnguard is just really bad in general, Serana is probably the only worthwhile thing out of it.
You already went on a quest to acquire one of them, one was hidden in a crypt by an ancient vampire, who then hid another in an alternate dimension. It's hardly like they were just knocking around.
Besides, you're the Dragonborn, not a regular everyday person.
Obviously it's still shit insofar as they're being used as handwavey mcguffins though.
she's half of the reason dawnguard is shit
> wewuzguards
> blue eyes
you're missing out, user
>Night mystical artifacts
>It's super rare to find one
There's a library full of them, learn the lore or don't talk shit. They are rare, but not more rare than stuff like Mehrunes Razor or the Wabbajack
If it happens in real life I don't see why it wouldn't happen in a magical setting. In some sub-Saharan cultures it's considered indicative of innate magical ability.
Not really, Serana actually gives you some dialogue to ROLE PLAY. Part of what made Dawnguard to shit was it was just a fucking cave simulator.
Is Dragonborn any better than Dawnguard?
Leagues and leagues better
so we know that we're not getting an other Elder Scrolls for a few years, would you guys the race across the seas to make an appearance ?
When are we getting them damn sneks
Edit your post so it is more intelligible bitch. And you are never getting Tsacei or any other stupid Akaviri nonsense so fuck off furry.
Yes, Dragonborn is pretty good.
looked mature enough for me
Well i was trying to roleplay a no nonsense vampire hunter and she kinda shitted on that whole thing.
The former king of solitude's child bride.
whats wrong with her hands
I actually only started playing skyrim recently. It's funner than I thought it'd be.That's all I had to say I guess.
Anyone voiced by Ysolda/Brelyna.
too tall
It's not bad, just disappointing.
Snakes are fucking cool though.
housecarls are not for sexual
Skyrim has some retarded moments that really break immersion of the game being an RPG.
>Thieves Guild faggot just automatically assumes you're a Thief character
>Vaermina Quest basically tells you your character resorted to cannibalism at one point in their lives
>Serana's mother essentially tells you your character is a vampire hating fanatic
>In the "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" questline, some how you and everyone in Skryim knew Astrid was the leader of the Dark Brotherhood.
Why can't i marry her, Todd?
I played about 30 hours
the only attractive NPC was the single mother in Whiterun? was it?
she runs a stall or something. i wanted to recruit her but we weren't meant to be
she loves that battle-born dude
Because we wrote a real long and twisting story about the romance between her and her Battleborn counterpart that will move you to tears
I hunt filthy vampires with Ingjard
Hi My Autism Is Telling Me To Tell You That That Quest Was For Namira And Not For Vaermina Thanks For Listening
Did anyone ever make an OCO for Skyrim?
>nigh-mythical artifacts that the vast majority of people will never see in their lifetimes
Replace artifacts with creatures and you get dragons.
>long and twisting story
>literally one dialogue and a note
Where are you on the spectrum?
>Play as snobby Imperial
>See fine piece of Imperial ass in Riverwood
>Do claw quest
>Ask for her hand in marriage
>She goes to my home in Whiterun
>Head there quickly to start making strong, loyal soldiers of the Empire
>Days later, the Whiterun guard would find the unidentifiable body of a woman polluting the nearby river
I eventually had to make a new character, because fuck me running that shit got tiresome quickly.
>molag bal's sloppy seconds
>doesn't regret taking giant deadric dick alongside her mother and father
>can't even properly romance her without mods
>never stops bitching about the weather
She's shit.
Mjoll or bijin lydia damn shes fine
I like the Strong Nord Woman™ that will do anything for you as long as you beat her in a fistfight.
>Strong Nord Woman™
It wasn't necessary to do that.
because she like that scrawny bard faggot jon battle born
besides we all know adrianne avenicci is the best whiterun girl
Uthgerd is the fucking best
She's married to a bull. Enjoy preptime cuck.
how shit is dawnguard though
>Cant marry Carlotta and adopt her daughter
fuck you todd I just want men to stop harassing her
wait, am I harassing her?
aw fuck I have become what I hate
They made Olfina the most fuckable female Nord on purpose. The fucking chip on her shoulder can only be take off by a good Dragonborn dicking.
adrianne is married?
it's about a 6/10 at best
Queen (male)
Finished it in a few hours. It's only worth getting for the cool armour and weapons which you could mod in anyway
>that little cuck Aerin keeps following her even after she's your wife
>even appears in your house and watches you sleep with her
>always have to lure him away and kill him with her knowing otherwise she gets mad as fuck
I don't think she's worth it desu. Lydia will always be my first waifu. Though in my first playthrough she was killed, so I ended up using the dead thrall spell on her and kept her as my zombie waifu. Until I lost her in a cave or something.
Yes. She's married to the big guy (for you) that sells weapons and armor.
>Best waifu in the game isn't even a marriage option
I want light green babies.
The dude in Warmaiden's?
Just kill him
Now she's a widow and you can marry her.
Just like if you kill Braithes parents, you can adopt her
I always thought that was the funniest shit, whos this little fucker and is he watching my wife. Lydia will always be my waifu, too bad shes a bit boring though. That miner chick is cool too
>The dude in Warmaiden's?
>put some giant ass muthafucka away in some store.
i bet he was a badass before he was married.
Mjoll being the only champion of justice in Skyrim makes her an excellent wife option. Just kill Aerin.
>get on his bad side
I should bash your face in for what you've done.
Sofia mod.
Nothing in vanilla is above average.
>I remember when a cutpurse tried to rob me
>I remember when a cutpurse tried to rob me
It's too bad there's no way to actually help her bring justice to Riften. But hey, at least she and you can go frolicking through nordic ruins once you've found her mid level glass sword.
>unironically liking Sofia
>Sofia mod
>Sofia mod.
The one that always says 'Its a fine day with you around." I just married her and sent her to my home in hjalmarch.
I liked dawnguard. I dislike dragonborn, soltheim or what ever it's called just felt so...off. Like a last minute addition. Then again that vampire castle of the coast is not the best example, it felt super tacked on
>It's too bad there's no way to actually help her bring justice to Riften
I swear Bethesda does this shit on purpose. Make some of the the most insufferable NPC's and doesn't let you kill them. The entire Black-Briar family deserved to have their skulls bashed in with my warhammer, especially this cunt. And you should be able to kill those annoying fucks in the Theives Guild should you choose too.
>The entire Black-Briar family deserved to have their skulls bashed in with my warhammer
Not Ingun
>Its a fine day with you around
That means you helped them out and they have a certain voice type. You're probably thinking of Ysolda after you gave her mammoth tusk to "trade" with.
If she's a black-briar why can't she just have her family replace the ingredients she wasted instead of having you go trudge around a swamp looking for them?
Where is my purge Skyrim mod? I want to go full Crusader mode.
Helps that Mjoll is strong as fuck too. Nothing like going on adventures with your wife.
>Liking Sofia
I couldn't handle 5 minutes with the bitch. The people who made her made the same mistake everyone else does with "wacky" characters. They try so hard to force people to think "Wow, this companion is really funny!" but in reality it's the same 5 lines repeated over and over and over. That and there's just nothing likable about her. She's incredibly selfish and despite knowing you for only a day, she starts making flirtatious comments.
>I-I like this guy who is obviously you
>Hey wanna fuck?
>Lol nah that would be awkward, you're my friend
Fucking sofia, where is her accent anyway? I thought it was supposed to be a funny way to attempt a terrible new england accent