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did mods make this garbage game fun yet
>Bolts on left
>Ejection on left, even with the lever actions
This will never not annoy the fuck out of me as a lever action lover. Get it right you fucks, lever actions aren't for swapping it to see the "coolness" of shells flying, it's for the action. God damn fuck em up with the ass with a rusty pitchfork.
Thought the pipe pistol was bad? Look at this shit. Do these people even know what a gun is?
Obviously not, considering the design philosophy of their pipe guns was "take regular gun, imagine if it was made of junk" instead of "take junk, make it into a gun"
Completely agree
I know, all of the guns in FO4 are stupid as fuck. And the modded ones are ruined because the animations can't match in any manner unless you turn everything into the same as vanilla. Have to get custom animations otherwise, and there's only one guy that did a bit of that as far as I know.
a modder fixed it. so don't tell me Bethesda wasn't able to do it. There is no excuse.
That's what a homemade SBR made from a bolt-action rifle would look like though. Other than the bolt handle being on the wrong side.
Not bad. Now to make the animations for the rest of the guns.
Christ, the bottom left ones. Just looking at those makes my shoulder hurt.
>weapons design guy randomly forgets he's working on a project based on 1950s retrofuturism and puts this thing in it
>Sup Forums defends it because it's Obsidian
Yes, FO1 and 2 already had Desert Eagles and P90s and they, too, looked out of place as fuck. The first truly out of place weapon in Bethesda Fallout was the FO4 assault rifle that belongs in a steampunk setting.
Fallout is fucking shit, Beth should just focus on Elder Scrolls games instead.
Didn't FO2 also have the G11? Had those weird magazines/ammo boxes that are just gray boxes with RGB lines on them or something.
>based on 1950s retrofuturism
>fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas
Retrofuturism in Fallout was a meme started by Bethesda in Fallout 3
>Yes, FO1 and 2 already had Desert Eagles and P90s and they, too, looked out of place as fuck.
So does the chaingun but everyone let that stay.
how do they fuck this up when New Vegas had this on several guns
if you can't do this right then why bother putting it in the game
>fallout is retrofuturistic because fallout 3 says so, ignore all the things present in 1 and 2
No it wasn't, but the originals were a bit more subtle.
aka pretty much the first real fallout game.
If you have the mindset of a child, perhaps
Because Obsidian had to put some effort in to get the engine to do that
Bethesda doesn't do effort
daily anti-fallout 4 circle jerk thread
>pipe weapons
>over two centuries after the war
>by the time fallout 4 starts new firearms had been widely manufactured and sold for over 130 years
Pipe weapons are pre-war
Boston's always been a bit backwards, so it doesn't surprise me
Das rayciss
Where does all of the ammunition come from?
Why bother making a lever-action rifle if you can't even properly implement it, though? It would have been less offensive to just make magazine-fed rifle #600 and run with that.
They combined their subtle "retrofuturism" with things that actually came from our-timeline America, though. The divergent timeline still had us as technologically similar, just with a difference in computing and power supplies. I don't think black isle ever intended fallout to be a wacky 50's so silly circlejerk, instead of just having some jabs at 50's culture here and there.
Geez, I can't even roam the wasteland. All the enemies are bullet sponges and I run out of ammo for everything I'm carrying. Not to mention I run into enemies that are leveled higher than I am so I avoid them only to run right into more high leveled enemies.
I really want to like Fallout 4 but it gets to be so annoying to play.
The ammunition tree
amuunition is pre war too, turns out underneath boston and washtington there's 40 billion rounds of ammo in a cave that was in use before the war. i know because i read it in a guns and bullets magazine i found in a supermutant hideout.
Just level up a bit and take the wrong perks, that way the enemies are even stronger!
What the fuck?
Did the adderall fix your autism yet
are you purposefully gimping yourself by not taking the amazingly original perks like makes rifle do 20/40/60/80 percent more damage?
Why is fallout 4 so shoddy
Did you receive your payment yet?
>Hey Mr Dev, QA tester here, why did I find a post-war gun in a pre-war locked safe?
>...uhhh, the guns are pre-war. See, new issue of Guns & Bullets!
And somehow by doing that they made it less cool by doing that. In fact it made the guns look and feel awkward. If they wanted coolness why didn't they just make cool gun animations and use real gun sounds?
Did the adderall fix your autism yet?
thats even more retarded
I feel like this is the problem. I want to play a scavenger playthrough, have a small settlement for myself, gather supplies and mod guns. So, I'm focusing my perks on those things. Problem is that every location has too many enemies that take too many shots and not enough ammo to go around.... even with the ammo scavenger perk.
>a post-war gun in a pre-war locked safe
this kills me every time
Survival mode ups damage everything takes, so that helps a bit with the bullet-sponge quality in-game.
Are there any perk mods like SPERG for this shit game yet? I hope this meme of "+% dmg" perks goes away soon.
here retard. Educate yourself.
>bethesda can't be bothered to stop jet from spawing in pre-war safes, proofreading some terminals and such
>"hey, why is jet here? it was invented in fallout 2"
Sick bantz dude
perk mods will change nothing because killing is the only way you win the game
just pray somebody do a total conversion like sureai did for tes.
doesn't make it any less retarded
Makes me wonder how much they'll fuck up Fallout 5.
Youre not the only person in the wasteland that can pick locks
>What's with the ghoul kid in the fridge? This makes not a lick of sense
>I don't want to discuss it, just take it you fucker. It doesn't matter.
This game needs a leveled list remover like Morrowloot, a perk overhaul, an improvement to the non-combat aspects of the game, a literal entirely new story, weapon retextures that make the weapons not look like they were made by that one SJW comic writer in his comic about crazy people shooting famous people, and optimizations that make the game not run like hot ass when it's graphically hardly different from its technological predecessor.
not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls
Have to agree with this dude. Why would people make pipe guns when mass manufactured firearms exist?
I get that people do do that but it's no where near the amount fallout 4 implies.
R e m i n d e r
>gives realistic explanation for mutants and ghouls
It run rather well, nigger. did you download war of the commonwealth with some enb and cranked it to max or sum shit?
So the wasteland is full of master lockpicking scavengers who either A. put their shit in old safes in public places and then forget all about it or B. loot safes then put useless shit in there just to troll the next guy who comes along
>Install Modern Weapons
>Only 1 out of 50 raiders still use pipe weapons
>Raiders' weapons of choice is now AK-47 and AK-74SU with some of them using AR variants or FAL
its a dev quote
wtf i hate pete hines now
>Institute lasers were different compared to regular lasers, but because we couldn't be bothered making new animations we just made it a reskin of the regular laser rifles
All of these thing's are just your's and Sup Forums's opinion, dude. Which means jack shit to normal gamers.
And it's not bethesda fault you have a shitty computer. The game is graphically better than all it's predecessors so naturally you're going to need to have an ACTUAL gaming PC. Not what ever fucking macbook AMD shit box you're playing on.
Thats actually a pretty nice writing,
>Using weapons mods
all of the models are just lazily lifted from other games and don't look anything like they should.
Still better than pipe guns: the game.
>My shit is better than your shit!
If you eat healthy, your shit will be better than other's shit
All these retards acting like they are soo cool and weapon professionals
Go to k and jerk of to fat fucks in socks like you always do retards
>shit analogies
>Food analogies
>actually wanting level scaling
Holy fucking shit
The top right gun literraly looks like the cut zipgun from fallout 2
>November 2020
>Fallout 5 comes out
>people with gtx 1280 get a stable 5 to 60 fps out of
>almost every quest is too bugged to finish
>finishable quests were supposed to be on disc DLC
>perks removed too
>leveling up now really does nothing, since enemies still scale with you
>Todd said there would be multiplayer
>always have to be online to play
>servers overloaded for 2 months
>dialogue wheel completely removed, your character talks to the other 2 npcs without needing your input
>the Enclave is back again
>they kidnap your wife, who is actually their leader
>the plot is to kill everyone in the Enclave because they're evil
>you can forgive your wife even though she is basically Hitler and according to the game forgiving her is the right choice
It sells 10 million copies
Conan loves it
Pedro of the 7 peso thinks it's the best game ever
Sup Forums on suicide watch
That's super neat is this legal or is it banned like sawn off shotguns?
I'm aware actually.
Of course there's a million reasons why it's silly.
>literally everyone says it runs like shit like all other bethesda games
>your computer is just shit
980ti i7-3770k and godrays still fucks me
>make up half the fucking guns in the game
>is fucking useless and hideous
I hate bethesda so god damn much
Adding new animations to Gamebryo is a fucking horrific thing, though.
oh god its almost plausible
>we were gonna make this an actual interesting and different character
>too hard though, so fuck it
This is design by reduction gone wrong
what the fuck is distracting about a floating handy chair if you zoom in on her in dialog?
Is there a single ordinary looking gun in FO4?
I haven't played it yet but Sup Forums is telling me that everything in this game looks absolutely ridiculous.
someone post the combat shotgun
>also a bit distracting
translation: we don't know how to do it
>and it's not bethesda fault you have a shitty computer
Nice try bethdrones but I played it on console, my friend had it.
My current computer plays it fine maxed, but my old one could play it fine outside of cities. On console, it froze constantly, even without making autistically large settlements. In cities, there would be a large FPS drop due to poor texture optimization/shadows. If you can't get the game working on consoles, it's fucking bad. Textures and objects are really fucking bad, shadows are huge FPS sinks even on powerful rigs, everything is implemented so poorly the game runs like ass and wastes a lot of resourses without even looking that good.
It still is unstable as shit without mods on PC, even if it runs alright. There are several mods that fix this and make the game run fine on even literal toasters. Graphically, it's barely better than Skyrim and worse in a lot of areas.
Well the Deliverer looks like a normal semi-auto pistol. And I guess the Double Barrel shotguns count.