Start Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

>Start Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
>Liking what I'm seeing so far, glad I backed it
>Start first stage on Main Street
Hmm, the soundtrack seems pretty go-
God fucking damnit.

it's out?

There's an update out for people who received the Early Access demo on Steam that turns it into the full game until the official release later this month.

>official release later this month
>implying HGH isn't the new DNF/FFXV/TLG

Okay WayForward. That's a good joke.


My dick can only get so hard, user. This may be too much.

Just looked it up. They replaced burning town for Vee's shitty song.

But the last two games had cheesy voices already.

No they didn't this is the first time anybody other than Shantae has a voice actor and they're all horrid. Especially Risky. Holy shit, what a mistake that was

My point was, even the little amount that Shantae talked was horrible. Its not surprising that adding voices for everyone else will be bad as well.

Also, hope you feel good giving them money. The majority of that money went into useless additions like voice acting and not into game design.

Burning Town plays in the second part of the stage.

It's a dubstep remix.

Why did they make Shantae less attractive? Did SJWs have anything to do with this?

Can you turn the voices off?
It's what I usually do in low production games or shitty english dubs.

Dodged a bullet there with the vull voice acting goal.

RR Shantae was the looking.

Yes, There's nothing in Half Genie Hero on par with the desert scene in Pirate's curse. They made Shantae cuter because they feared they were attracting pedophiles, you know, because obviously the rights of animated fictional children are very important.

No, you have to suffer their awful American acted voice acting the entire game. It's a travesty


Anyone have a MEGA yet?

This thread is now immune to lewd Shantaes

>because they feared they were attracting pedophiles
Because they are attracted to big breasts and hips


Shantae doesn't have cowtits.

Damn it's working!


So like, I can just turn the voices off and she still makes sound effects, right?

i think it's funny that they censored this pic i drew

it wasnt in 10+ years of development hell though. If anything it will be shovel knight 2 with character updates years after its release

It's only the first part of the stage and only the first time you play it. When you backtrack to find all the good shit you missed, it doesn't have vocals.

There's no fully voiced cutscenes, the shitty acting is for one line each, maybe.

Technically speaking they all have the same voice actor as literally only Vee is credited for voice acting in the credits.

Having played through the early access build if you've been hyped for this game you may want to dial it down a bit, it's kinda a step back from Pirate's Curse.

>the voices are suppose to be bad on purpose!
Can't wait for this MGS meme to be revived.

No, You'll constantly hear her grunts and one liners unless you mute the game. They paid for those shitty voice actors, you best believe they're going to make sure they get their money's worth. It's hilarious how Americans keep having such awful voice work.


Double Dragon Neon(also developed by WF) had cheesy VA but it was done on purpose since the game had that 80s vibe to it which worked out very well.

I dont know why you remade this thread for the 5th time now OP but more Shantae is never bad

Shantae is a very lewd game okay?

I'm enjoying the game thoroughly. The dancing is way more streamlined, But really, a mouse transformation?

I think people are over reacting.

That game was so great.

Hah, seriously? What did they censor?

And it should have embraced the lewd. Instead of completely changing the art style and neutering itself. As if they're trying to appeal more to general audiences. While ironically, kids want to see lewd stuff more than anyone.

Who voices Giga Mermaid?

like 3/4 of the pic and the size of the breasts

not mad about it though, but i do wish they could have told me something so i could have drawn a different pic

>That Skullmageddon song in the credits.

>voice actor strike
Oh buddy you won't have to wait long

The only characters with voices are Shantae (mostly), Risky, Tuki, Twitch, and Vinegar.

>Shantae is a very lewd game okay
Well the games show orgies disguised as slime enemies, so yeah.


I wish they'd put GBC-style dancing back in, if only as an optional thing with the default being the ring/time/direction menu they use now. Back when they were still teasing the scrapped dance modification system, I'd been hoping it was something like last two steps determine the actual dance, while slotting in the medals or whatever added two more steps along with the changes they granted.

That's only for the very first time you play the level. In the second part of the level (and all parts in successive playthroughs), it's Burning Town.

>that pic
Someone get the drawfags on this right now

Just go to paheal, there already is one.

I hope all of those guys get owned. Especially Blum, Freeman and Hayter who are arrogant pricks who think they are more important than the original voices they dub over.

I really liked HGH, but I think I'll like it even more when you can play as Risky. Even with how fast transformations are, it's more fluid having all your abilities available to you without having to go into a menu or TF screen.

I'm guessing they didn't want to piss off the ESRB too much. They cropped Gunmouth's pic too and edited out a cigarette.

Holly gets a bit of voice acting too.

Are there at least different dance animations or is it the same as in the demo?

You know, the timing of the sudden Swapdoodle release and return of Nikki is a bit awkward.

It's more of a transformation menu in which Shantae dances really.

But they're nowhere near "small"

>Everyone else feels awkward at best in the Princess outfit
>Rotty loves it.

In the art gallery you can see drawings of her classic dance poses using the new art style, but no, they're not used in the game. When you go into dance mode, she waves her arms a little and flings her hips in a rhythm until you press the d-pad to choose a transformation, but that's the only animation.

>No dump

Well, Rotty is the true airheaded bimbo of the group.

>Thinking the people who paid $60+ so WF could survive and make another Shantae game are going to enable piracy

Buy the game when it comes out, user.


To be fair, Rotty loves everything. She loves seeing people in pain and then turns around and likes seeing people happy. She's just an airhead genki.

And that's why she's the best girl.

Makes sense.

That's lame.

but since it's semi official that these things do what they do there hopefully will be even more

I liked how right at the start of the game one of the NPCs in town comments on how nobody can figure out if HGH is a reboot or sequel.

I assume they wrap that tongue around their legs to stop them from kicking and stuff?

Dem thighs.


You are too innocent for your own good, user

It becomes pretty apparent later it's a sequel.


Why did they make Shantae so sexy? It looks like a kids game otherwise.


But I guess HGH is suppose to be a sequel it only makes sense.



Any High quality webm of the game?
What's so good about it?


Why is Sky such a racist?


Cause Rotty keeps stabbing Shantae in the back for her brains. It's a wonder Shantae even puts up with that greenskin.


to annoy sjws


Rotty just want friends

Nah they just don't give a fuck either way.

Rotty hasn't done anything bad since RR, and even then you can argue that it was her brothers/Abner that made the decision.


>3 years ago
Time sure does fly

There needs to be one of Rotty laughing and smiling.

I want Bolo and Giga Mermaid to fuck!

The fish are actually enemies. They jump out of the water and latch onto the hanging girls. If Shantae is hanging on the rings you can get hit, but it just does some damage.



Doubt Bolo would impress her




For the love of God please post more mermaids