now that it's been two weeks and now that the dust has finally settled
what actually went wrong and what actually went right?
now that it's been two weeks and now that the dust has finally settled
what actually went wrong and what actually went right?
no post game again
all the actual good pokemon are a pain in the ass to find
no new mega evos
too fucking easy
actually tried to change up the formula
no fucking HMs
interesting story with good characters
z moves are an interesting mechanic
There's also much better world building in this game than previous ones. And as generic as they are, they at least brought in some form of side quest.
Game is a pain to replay cause you have to sit through all the cutsceens game freak is so damn proud of. The Pokémon selection and no hms are neat game needs a hard mode like black and white. 8/10 hg ss still is the best
Add too many cutscenes that drag on for too long and you've basically covered everything.
I hate megas so I'm glad to see them ignored for now
Handholding out the ass, cutscenes every two steps, little to no exploration with barriers everywhere, mon variety goes back to shit despite being quite good in XY, most of the new pokémon are rare as fuck to find and super slow, the online plaza in general, no Super Training, Pokéfinder has to be one of the most tacked on tacked on gimmick I've ever seen, it looks and feel like a complete afterthought when it could have been the Pokémon Snap sequel everybody wanted had it been polished at all.
Refresh is better than Amie, most of the new mons are great looking and fun to use (whether they're competitively viable or not), Trials are better than Gyms, the game's actually challenging(ish) provided you make a conscious effort to keep yourself at about the same level as everything around you, buttload of likeable, memorable characters (even if they're interrupting you every two steps), great soundtrack (as usual), NO HMS, Z-moves are a pretty good addition, Battle Royal is fun as fuck
Better than XY and ORAS, but that's it. It's genuinely DP tier, meaning that the third version might be fucking awesome. Too bad that XY didn't have one (not like it would salvage that turd), so I have no more hope for gen 7.
>actually tried to change up the formula
>interesting story with good characters
But these aren't true
>the game's actually challenging
It's the easiest game in the franchise
the only right I agree with is
>no fucking HMs
The game's not that easy, it's certainly more challenging than gen 6 at the very least.
It's harder than RBYGSCRSE(except for the Frontier)FRLGHGSSXYORAS
How can you say that when RBY, XY and ORAS exist?
I'd even say the story content is more challenging than in gen 3.
Agreed with all of this. Difficulty is suggestive though, depended on whether or not I was actually giving a shit to pay attention or not.
Game's cinematics and the characters constantly interrupting everything made me zone out and almost lose some battles.
pokemon does have difficulty modes, use set instead of switch and turn off the exp share
But they are.
>Trials are better than Gyms
Wrong. Three wild battles that can't summon help followed by a more difficult wild battle that can isn't nearly as interesting as fighting trainers and solving light puzzles.
But you can fight Trial Captains after beating their trials, and even when you can't, there's trainers like Moleyne and Guzma that basically acts as Gym Leaders stand-ins.
>fighting trainers
You mean the shit that you do 70% of the time when you're outside?
no reliable/non-tedious way to get to level 100
Festival Plaza sucks
getting bottle caps is like taking the worst aspect of F2P and Mobile Grind without the option to actually pay for it
Pokemon distribution is complete ass, with too many 1-5% encounter ates
National Dex is locked behind a $5 paywall
Ultra Beast storyline, Aether Foundation, Gladion are wasted potential
Did the same stupid thing that Gen 6 did and made most of the new moves exclusive to the new mons
Removal of PSS means you can only be online in the shitty festival plaza
Bringing back Apricorn balls but only having 1-2 of each per playthrough
characterization is actually bretty good. Most characters are more likeable than previous characters
Poke Pelago is a nice concept
thank goodness HMs are gone
did a pretty good job with the Z moves
Totems for the most part were a neat change of pace
music is a hellva lot better than Gen 6's music
that'd be fighting wild monsters
All pokemon games are easy though
>ability to change IVs
I don't really care about anything else, this is all I needed - now before you level a pokemon to 100 all you have to worry about is its nature/ability (and these can be influenced anyway)
You can even switch between two not-hidden Abilities with capsules.