Do you like creating characters based on yourself or do you create completely new ones?

Do you like creating characters based on yourself or do you create completely new ones?
The question applies to every game with editors.

>asking Sup Forums this question
99% of anons here make LOLSORANDUM characters in editors

I don't, cause how many games out there let you make an afroed, brown skinned, glasses-wearing character?

Might as well make the funniest looking person I can anyway, characters that look like you are boring

I like creating characters based on an idealized version of myself

For DD i made a GOT main and pawn, arthur dayne jamie lannister, ned stark and rhaegar etc

>not making yourself a loli in dragon dogman
>not making buff warrior pawn to protect you and make you feel safe

I make my ideal self which is a sexy redheaded lesbian with huge boobs.

>not making pawn a loli and yourself the buff warrior

>self inserting in rpgs

I almost always go swole STR dude first time throught



why is this man wearing a bra?

myself but with buff turned all the way up
unless it's a game where I just can't get my own likeness, like sun/moon, so I'll just go with whatever looks the most rad



I literally always create cute girls because I wish I was one.

Every time I see a Dragons Dogma screenshot on Sup Forums I have to play it

Pic related, I guess.

I tend to make one character and once I'm set on their appearance/backstory/personality they become canon as far as I'm concerned and then I never make any other character ever again.

I always create new characters. This man right here is an inspiration for what player-made characters should be. Learn from his walks in life.

I know you are, but what am I?

Depends. In the past I always tried to recreate myself, but lately I have been experimenting with making 'original' characters and I am heavily enjoying that. Bar some other games (WWE for instance, fuck it: I am taking that belt).

It's a mix between the most beautiful creature in existence or an unholy abomination.

I make characters based on a few "templates" I have in my mind.
My first character is usually a veteran warrior type with white hair and scars.
My next character is usually a female with red hair, dexterity type build or magic.
I also usually make a female blonde blue eyed big titted priest type character.
Obviously nothing amazingly imaginative, but it is what it is.

I've never seen anyone with a joke or hideously retarded looking character be good at games. Pretty much immediately outs you as awful. This goes double in Dark Souls games.

I always make an old man with the biggest white beard available. I started this with my first WoW character when I was 10. I meant to give him brown hair but somehow didn't notice it was white until level 15 when I didn't feel like rerolling. Soon I realized not many people made old characters and I liked the idea of an old man who's as strong as the young whippersnappers. In a way I see my old man as the true bearer of my screenname, just as I am the true bearer of my real name.

And here's my pawn, the slightly short timid murderhobo with a big rusty sword and a low supply of fucks.

I don't have a lot of patience for character creators like DDs or elder scrolls with the r3ally detailed shit. I try to always make some kind of badass jarhead type white guy with a scar or two from all his time in combat. Usually they just come out looking like Jason Statham.

My gf is really into character creators(literally spent 2 hours in the XCX character creator). She made herself in DD and me as her pawn. It looked so much like us it actually made me sick to my stomach and I couldn't watch her play.

>It looked so much like us it actually made me sick to my stomach and I couldn't watch her play.

Wow. You sound like a little bitch.

i just create a generic cool bad ass looking dude.

Uncanny valley is a thing, user. Not much bothers me but that for some reason made me feel uneasy.

Depends. If the character creator allows it, I make the cutest possible girl. If it can only make ugly hags, I make a badass old man.

I just create female characters that are visually appealing because playing with that sort of avatar increases my enjoyment of the game.

say that to his pawn and not online see what happens

DD has all those options

I always make my characters as old as possible with a large white beard

At first I do, then I like to randomly change my class/race and roleplay based on what I get

I never make myself in games. I never self-insert into games or anything else.

I can never make silly characters. I fucking hate those.

I make ones that look like characters from fiction I've read or seen. My first character in Dogma, for example, I made to look like Nathan Explosion
I was disappointed when I realized there wasn't any real multiplayer in the game. Still, I managed to make Skwisgaar as a pawn, so that's neat.

If there's an editor, I try to make special snowflake elves and orcs, even if the game isn't fantasy.
>tfw playing as Legolas, boss of the 3rd Street Saints

I make two characters.

1. Casa. Either a knight or a rogue.

2. Anglo-Irish rogues with names like "Blackwater".

>cant recreate my orc waifu from wow

at least the creator can pull off dwarf, elves and hobbit characters

If I'm making a warrior, always tall fit male, no exceptions. If I'm making a mage, I'll probably still go tall fit male but I sometimes mix it up by making a tall fit female character.

I prefer it when my character(s) actually make sense and look like they're able to fight and perform athletics.

I create the /fit/ qt woman I wish I was

You can half-ass DD orcs with pointy ears and green skin

My Detailed Character Creation Process

1. Sex: Female
2. Height: Max
3. Boobs: Max
4. Ass: Max
5. Muscles: Max


In first playthrough i make either character similar to me or old white bearded man and roleplay according to my morality.

In second playthrough I usually play as pretty (7-8/10) red haired girl with rude and egoistic personality like Morrigan.

Later i roleplay as other morally grey characters, but my characters always have some sort of flaw. They are never perfect or silly.
My nigga

This. The world needs more games with badass old people.

>need guide to create generic pedoshit

>not having a 400 pound 60% body fat male wizard that rolls around everywhere
>not casting fist on anything that moves
>not punching everything in the dick until it dies

I sometimes make fat characters. I sometimes make waifu characters and then feel bad when people in-game think I'm a girl, despite not making any effort to deceive, when I'm actually an overweight guy.

the fangs sell it for me

even skyrim's character creator has options to play with the mouth features

My nigga

>not making a horrifying old hag
Poor child

This guy gets it.

Gigantic muscular men

It's my fetish

Well there is a mouth with fangs, but it's the top-down vampire kind

My characters are all attractive. Nobody likes uggos.

I mean, sure, it's funny, but it just ruins my immersion immediately. I'm really anal about how my character looks, and I regularly equip worse armor if it looks better. I'm never ever equipping standard Daedric armor/weapons in Skyrim, and I only use the coolest chainmail and brigandine armors in Pillars.

Based on myfelf ofcourse.

Mein neger

>Did this as a joke my first playthrough
>got genuinely attached to loli
>become overprotective buff warrior daddy fucking up anything that gets close to my mage loli
>carrying her on my shoulder when the wind is pushing her
>arc of deliverance on ogres that fuck with her
That ending though
Hearing her desperately shout "STAY WITH ME" when i stabbed myself hurt hard
then she became the daddy

>Not making yourself a loli warrior and a buff pawn for you to protect

I usually go with buff hebrew looking guy, or a skinny Luigi-esque guy if possible.

>not being a smug, fat pig and fucking owning it
Nobody may like an uggo but their hate only makes me sit on them harder

Fucking hell, i need to buy Dragons Dogma on winter steam sale. I'm not into weebshit but this look fine.

You made something so ugly, it looks kind of neat.

why would I roleplay as myself?

>Dragon's Dogma

what the fuck are you smoking, user

Completely new ones. I get enough of being me in real life.

You're wrong, 99% of anons here make hot lolis because they're mentally ill girl wannabes

It's not a bra. It's a bro, bro.

If anything its a westaboo game made by japs.

My Dragon Age: Origins character was a dwarf commoner who looked like a 55-year-old Indian midget.

I was a completely different ethnicity than my mother and I'm pretty sure I was older than her.

Can confirm am little girl, make big armor clad dudes.

But user, I love playing uggos.

My first playthrough was as a loli magic-archer with a giant viking looking pawn.

Daddy protected me well.


Dark Souls speedrunners tend to just mash random though...

I always make a character look somewhat simmilar to me, but I don't care enough to spend hours adjusting kneecap height or shit like that. Just the general look.

I'm an above average dude when it comes to look and overall health, weigth, and height. Despite having a solid face, I can't for the life of me properly re-create it in DD without looking like a total turd bag. I wish I could figure out what I am doing wrong.

I make characters that look like me. I don't get autistic with it, though. I won't spend hours creating a character.

I'll pick the widow's peak hair option, for example. No fucks.

I don't play female characters because I'm not gay.

user...say it with me

>Dragon's Dogma Online western release never

Me too.

That's why they never look anything like me.

My first playthrough was as a brown-skinned Barbarian amazoness. My pawn was a buff old black guy. I should do another playthrough though, how much modding is there in the PC version?

I try to make a Spanish guy in every game I can.

I make cute traps in all the games I play.

It's pretty cool how, despite all of the parts being presets it was easy to make something that looked unique. Compare that to, say, Mass Effect 2 where every single FemShep looked the same because if you tried to go outside of two or three different looks you created a crime against nature.

i make 60+ year old as tall and swole as possible scarred old men and play them topless

if i have to make more than 2 chars i make him a sister of similar age, height, scarriness and toplessness then just random the rest

>Elder God Tier
Make a perfect waifu

>God tier
Make a genuinely creative and interesting character with it's own personality and stick to playing that role

>Great tier
Make an aesthetic character that has no real personality

>Mid tier
Lelsorandumb character that's actually kind of funny

>Low tier
Make a shitty lelsorandumb character with no rhyme or reason to it

>Absolute, irredeemable shit tier
Make idealized version of yourself for self-inserting

God Tier reporting

Absolute, irredeemable shit tier reporting

just b urself

waifu should be at mid tier with everything between cycled up one.

Not memeing version of this that rewards creativity/conscientiousness looks like this:

>Elder God Tier
Make a genuinely creative and interesting character with it's own personality and stick to playing that role

>God tier
Make a perfect waifu

>Great tier
Make an aesthetic character that has no real personality

>Mid tier
Make idealized version of yourself for self-inserting

>Low tier
Lelsorandumb character that's actually kind of funny

>Absolute, irredeemable shit tier
Make a shitty lelsorandumb character with no rhyme or reason to it

Strong Amazonian womyn master race representing too.

How about make a character that's you, and just as flawed as you? Like I said, I give myself a widow's peak. I don't make myself look better than I am.

>God tier
Make your own custom character that isn't randomized or based on a preset
>High tier
Make your character look like another character from another game, movie, etc. and play the game as that character
>Mid tier
Make yourself as honestly as you can
>Low tier
Using presets/defaults with little to no customization
>Shit tier
Hitting the random button or maximizing/minimizing all the sliders
>Absolute shit tier
Making yourself but idealized, making your waifu/husbando, making a character from an anime

>good at the game

no, they're good at their route. there are tons of runners that don't know shit about the game they play because they just started practicing a route for it