Why don't own the greatest console of the 8th gen, Sup Forums? Get in or get out

Why don't own the greatest console of the 8th gen, Sup Forums? Get in or get out.

My ps4 pro will be here tuesday.

So will my 20th anniversary grey controller unless amazon warehouse niggers keep striking

Just got my pro, love it, games run better, look better, dont even need 4k tv to see the improvements

I have a PC that does everything better.

I'll probably get a PS4 Slim when Last of Us 2 comes out. Plus Uncharted 4 and bloodborne. Only decent exclusives.

Maybe I'll buy one when it has games that I can't play on PC. I'm not paying $400 for Bloodborne.

But the PS4 is terrible

Even the Pro cant manage 60fps reliably and looks worse than most pc games running at medium


>last of us 2
>uncharted 4
>decent exclusives
you can already watch movies on your pc, user


There's only one game on it and the performance is garbage.

I had my PS4 since last year and still going great. Been building up my library.

Interested only in Ace Combat 7,not worth it especially if they stick with gray and plain schemes and put all the cool stuff in MP,behind paywalls,grindy crap,even worse if the cool stuff are just idolshit,aircrafts with real world markings or generic beer cans.

Might get a ps4 slim around Christmas I don't know yet.

That theoretical 8th gen console does not exist.

Because I'd rather upgrade my PC than be extorted for a few games.

I bought one and it's extremely underwhelming so far. What games should I buy for this thing?

why is so fucking expensive in my country, REEEEEEEEEEEE


what do you like?


I'd love to have money for ps4

Still can believe people actually call Sup Forums a Nintendo board, when there so much more Sony shills and falseflaggers on this board.

Is the Pro worth getting? I don't even know what resolution my TV supports and don't care about 4K upscaling. I've heard that the Pro gives you better visuals (not just resolution) and framerate, but I've also heard some games give you worse visuals and framerate. Should I just get a Slim instead?

I'm waiting for the price to come down. Everyone knows that any console generation is only worth it when everything has been CFW'd and cracked and is cheap.

I have a gaymen PC and a PS4, that's all you need

It has no games that I want to play.

Just bought a PS4. Recommend me some good PS4 exclusives besides Bloodborne.

Move, user.

>Let it Die
>Yakuza titles
>Persona 5

I dunno, I feel like I can just wait another year for more stuff I want to come out. $500 for a Pro is still pretty ehhh...

Nintendo has been more shit that before and Sony is bringing more nostalgiafags. Times changes.

You can get a bundle for $400 where did you get $500 from

I'm Canadian.

>I'm Canadian.

If you don't have a ps4 already and don't mind spending extra cash, get the pro. If you want to save money, get the slim. The slim can still play every game just fine.


The greatest console of the 8th gen is shit. Whichever it is.

underrated pic imo, PC has more games but most are absolute shit, and the good few it has, is only that, few

Because it has no games I want to play.

i'm open to most genres. i don't like souls though.

What's the price difference between a 1TB Slim and the 1TB Pro? Like $50? Not even the price of a single game by console standards, might as well get the faster, more up to date model at this point. If you're going to get one for less than that you're also sacrificing storage space.

Only 1 mention of Ace Combat and none of Spider-Man. This thread is a shit.

assume all unreleased games are shit until proven otherwise

There hasn't been a good Spider-Man game in a long time. Why would anyone be hyped for it?

>PS4 Pro

it literally runs every game worse

The PS4 had a crap start and a pretty good 2016.

The Xbox One had a good start and a crap 2016.

Their pluses and minuses cancel each other out.

Is it more up to date? Some games run worse on the Pro than they do on the original PS4.

fuck that noise, Slim all the way. I was originally just going to skip the home consoles and go PC + Switch this gen but I picked up a Slim with a 1TB HDD swapped in as well as Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Infamous Second Son, TLOU Remastered, and FFXV for a little under $320 a couple days ago.

the visuals on the Pro are barely improved, if anything there's a little less aliasing but that's about it (see: FFXV on regular PS4 vs Pro) it's nothing like going from low to ultra settings on PC if that's what you're expecting

it doesn't even do native 4k and you say you don't care about 4k to begin with so definitely stay away from it because that is literally the only possible draw one could argue it has

the performance boost is nice for the handful of titles that support it but the vast majority of games won't even get anywhere close to a smooth 60fps and a consistent, unwavering 30 is better than a shaky 40-50. and that's assuming they get the patch to begin with, Bloodborne for example won't get a 60fps patch. Skyrim SE was just fucking released and it still runs at 30fps on the Pro because its shitty tablet CPU isn't enough to run a 5 year old game at 60fps. by the end of this console's life cycle I wager less than 25 games will manage a consistent 60fps and most of them will probably be low budget weebshit, don't even dream about Horizon or God of War or Death Stranding getting anywhere above 30fps on the Pro, let alone 60. this thing is all around a piece of shit.

Because the only reason for me personally to buy one would be squenix titles.
FFXV appears to be a 10 year long abortion of what Nomura started.
The FF7 remake is
>trying for realism when it should be trying for an art style
>Threw the Active Time Battle aspect directly in the trash for the casual pleasing mash X to win gameplay.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally coming out and that is practically the only thing on PS4 I feel any attachment to.

Pretty sure I'd rather buy a switch instead and enjoy Legend of Zelda: Breath of frame drops

>nintendo now makes shit games, no new blood on the company, censors everything
>valve used to be the standard of pc gaming until gaben went full lazy ass and never released games again
>PS actually cares about the old fans reviving old IPs and lisent to the costumer, almost all the exclusives are diferent generes, meaning there's room for everyone
how does it feel to be a pc gamer or a nintendofan and be on your own since you can't even trust your beloved company? man, I don't even want to imagine that

How can I not be a little hyped? Spider-Man 2 is childhood.



did yours come bundled with any games?

>Make a console.
>It can barely run games tailored towards it at a solid framerate.

How the fuck does this even happen?

it has potential to be a good game but we've still only seen one trailer for it

How is Sony bringing nostalgiafags? Rereleases? Crash?

The only exclusive game the PS4 has I remotely care about is Dragon Quest Builders.

I don't buy consoles for a single game.

ATB is a relic, and even though I don't condone mash X to win, I hate turn based games.

>gaming PC and half-baked gaming PC

yeah, valve going full retailer and not making games anymore sucks.
but it's not the end of the world to not have hl3

on the other side we have an open platform that all sorts of shit happens on.

anyone and their mom can make a pc game, without having to be sanctioned by gaben.

this imho is why pc is a better platform.
there is no corporation that owns the concept of the computer and controls the licencing of the software for it.

just my 2 cents

it came with uncharted 4, which i haven't played yet because i'm not interested in it and it's a massive waste of space.

Is the original X1 with blackflag bundle worth 220$? Used.

Wasn't it supposed to have options for 1080p/4K which you could choose? Have they actually fucked it up that bad? I don't have one, how the fuck is it possible?

Its GPU is much more powerful, which is why I thought it would at the very least run games with less FPS drops if you're not going for better graphics.

its a pretty cool game, well at least i think so. what is putting you off from trying it out?

>i hate turn based games

that sucks. You miss out on a lot of great stuff when you hold a principle like that

xbox is stillborn

The problem with the Pro is that instead of true 1080p mode it gives you some higher resolution downsampled to 1080p or something like that. So it's going to look better than it would on PS4 no matter what you choose, and you'll often have to suffer in framerates.

>there is no corporation that owns the concept of the computer and controls the licencing of the software for it.

ugh really? valve has a monopoly on PC gaming

Sony is actually retarded enough to not make devs include a native 1080p mode with better performance, even if it's just 30FPS with no drops? That's stupid as all fuck. Couldn't really expect more from a console though


hows arkham knight? is the batmobile rally as annoying as people make it out to be?

i played a bit of golden abyss and didn't like it that much. i hear it's the worst game in the series but what i've seen of the whole series looks really generic.
i'm also slightly deterred because i don't want to skip to the last game in the series when i haven't played the first 3.

wew laddie

I just bought one on Negro Friday; it was the PS4 Slim with Uncharted 4 + Rachet and Clank + The Last of Us: Remastered Bundle; I also got Uncharted 1-3 Collection.

I only opened the $15 Uncharted Collection and I'm honestly considering taking the PS4 back; there's just something about console gaming that has lost its' appeal for me, years ago.

I'll build my new Messiah RIG to replace this toaster laptop in January and everything will be alright again.

anything turn based nowadays is shit though

>trying for realism when it should be trying for an art style
Stop. FF7 had an art style. It looked like shit.

even if they did, they allow literally everything into steam.
so everyone can contend

i actually had to google golden abyss because i didnt even know what it was. i only just got my ps4 on friday and uncharted series is a first timer for me. theres the collection of uncharted 1-3 but i guess if you arent feeling the series then that wont do you much good. what about ratchet and clank do you like that series?

My guess is that it's up to the devs. Nioh for example has multiple modes

Isn't that completely separate from the Pro itself?

I ordered my PS4 pro. Gonna wait for 3 days.