Would I like this game if I enjoyed something like Seiken Densetsu 3?
Would I like this game if I enjoyed something like Seiken Densetsu 3?
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If you enjoy RPGs, you'll enjoy this game.
Yes. If you want to be a real purist you should play Soul Blazer first, then Illusion of Gaia. Both amazing games.
Aren't they basically the same game? I thought they were just Terranigma with a different coat of paint.
when does the game get fun? is it just clearing twers?
No, they are very different. Soul Blazer is the most different of the three, you have basically one attack through the whole game and its very barebones. I'd only recommend it if you like the other two. Illusion of Gaia is similar to Terranigma but has no equips, instead you get powerups and the ability to transform into two other characters. It also has some puzzles.
Terranigma is almost fully combat RPG with some cool spells and a fantastically strange story.
So, I really should play those two before trying Terranigma?
Definitely not. That said, you don't need to play any of the games to understand the others, you can play them in any order you want.
How's the difficulty in Terranigma?
It's more like Zelda than Seiken Densetsu 3. I don't even know why it gets labelled as an action RPG. It's basically a top-down action-adventure game like LttP.
I do kind of like those types of games, but strangely enough I didn't enjoy Lttp all that much.
Pretty doable. And if you're ever having trouble, grinding a few levels does the trick.
I mean, I don't mind if there's difficulty. I actually kind of want that, Seiken Densetsu 3 was a bit too easy for me.
They're actually not related. They're all based on the same ideas and they all are spiritual successors to Actraiser but you can skip straight to Terranigma, its the best one. The other two show their age a bit more. I would recommend playing them in order if you have the time but Terranigma is the most essential.
If you at least liked the gameplay of LttP at a basic level, you should have no trouble liking Terranigma. Make sure you get the NTSC patch for the game, though, otherwise it feels sluggish as hell to play.
Is there a rom out there with the patch installed? Or should I just do it manually?
Well, I don't think you'll be having trouble most of the time then. It's not a difficult game overall, and unlike Seiken Densetsu 3 you can actively dodge and block most things that get thrown at you.
is there anything to do other than towers?
I love soul blazer
That's the prologue. You get to resurect the world later.
thk u
Throwing vases at people.
Lmao that's like thinking Kokiri Forest is all of Zelda OoT
Kids these days man
This has all you need. It even has a VWF patch.
Thanks man, i appreciate it!
The gameplay is very shallow, you get every move at the beginning and all weapon upgrades are palette swaps. The story and setting are nice however.
How shallow are we talking here? Is it just mash A to win?
Alright fellas, post favorite tunes.
Not really.
Best SNES game motherfuckers
Serious answer. After you get out of the underworld.
The towers are basically just a tutorial segment.
I could post the entire OST, so much good stuff.
Or the title music.
Don't mind me just gonna post the 4th game in the 'series'.
>when the final boss theme transitions into the opening theme
>spend 4 intense hours beating the Mary bitch with 1 hp dmg
>two hits means game over
Felt great winning. But that's what I got for being so underleveled. Somehow beat the game while never grinding, just hp chipping
>He fell for the ruse
You were supposed to cheese that boss with magic.
The boss was resistant to the weapon you get from that dungeon. The devs were fucking with you. If you had just equipped your next weakest weapon you would have done normal damage.
Everything moved to Sony, even this series. Every, fucking, thing.
I beat the system anyway. I couldn't read English back then so I probably missed a lot of vital info. Was there a trick for the final boss?
Terranigma actually has an elemental weapon system, light elemental (sun spear) will do 2-3 damage per hit to her even when underleveld.
Block lightning and dodge around until he comes to close to the platform. Then do the full run+jump attack against him, hits 2 times for some reason.
I actually was underleveled. I tried lots of stuff including using different weapons.
Come on, it's not that hard to believe a kid wouldn't grind
I meant doing proper dmg. I had to chip him up too. Was that just level too or was he resistant to weapons as well?
I remember not realizing that in the first form I could hit the body again after counterattacking his fireball. I hated that phase because it'd take me forever to beat the first few times.
>stuck for a few hours in forest area because I didn't notice you can push the stump
>stuck in zombie village when you had to go to the side of the house (the zombie that shows the way doesn't show up most,of the time)
>stuck in bloody mary castle when looking for the statue switch
Is the game really obtuse?
No he's just retarded.
Terranigma OST makes me shiver... how the fuck is it possible to have nostalgia for a game I played only 4 years ago?
Retroactive nostalgia maybe? I feel the same way about the '80s, even though I was born in '87.
>No one else has posted Crysta yet
Well then, I must do my part.
How good is it? It looks liked it got alot of mediocre review scores.
>stuck in zombie village when you had to go to the side of the house
There's a guy working the day before at the location downright telling you: "I'M BUILDING AN ENTRANCE HERE"
>stuck in bloody mary castle when looking for the statue switch
The gems? The Chandeliers? The snake head turning the acid into water? All of them are placed so obvious you shouldn't have a problem.
As the fag who posted it I liked it a lot. One of my first PS1 vidya games along with Spider the video game.
>final boss is piss easy
>do 0 damage though cause underleveled
Exploit lvling at the birds and in the corridor in beruga's lab where 3 of this cubes spawn.
Takes 10~20 Minutes and you don't have to level anywhere else.
Posting Illusion of Gaia music.
about to play terranigma for 1st time
anything I should know?
some secret weapon or something
There is a secret tower that enables an island much much later in the game, don't miss it.
You're going to be restoring a world. Certain things you do at certain times will have an impact on how parts of that world develop.
dude terranigma is in my top 5 games of all time. i wish i could play it again for the first time so badly. enjoy yourself, OP. it's a fantastic video game.
Two, actually.
Thanks man, I hope I do enjoy it as much as the rest of you. I'd like to join in on discussions about the game. The threads about Terranigma here are always so active.
Any bad endings or scenarios? From the way you're describing it, it seems like this game gives you multiple choices. You can actually affect the world around you in different ways?
God fucking damn, dat ending screen. :(
There's only one ending to the game, but you can affect parts of the world around you. Of course, you're affecting the world just by playing through the game since you're restoring it.
>Don't give up on puzzles and mazes, try not googling them.
>There are two hidden towers/shrines in the underworld that will activate bonus ares if cleared
>Granit Spear can destroy rocks
>You need level 25 to effectively do damage against bloody mary
>There's a hidden entrance in Luran
>Buy a flower
>Block is your best friend
>Use this lvling glitch to save yourself from mindless grind: youtu.be
There are a couple of parts where your choices will affect stuff (like the two extra towers mentioned before), but nothing major that will affect your ending in any case.
You can collect crystal as currency that allows you to buy magic. When you use that said magic, you can go back your crystals so you can reuse it over again.
There's a couple of missables at the end of chapter 1 that unlock two locations you can visit later in the game. Make sure you scour the Underworld map!
They're nothing huge or important but they're nice to have.
Don't get fresh, BABY
What the. I've not played the game in a long time, which town/nomad camp is this based on?
Just kill the seed thingies the parasite boss in the tree throws at you. 10 mins of that and you instakill everything but last boss
the villages of one era will become the sprawling cities of the next, but only if you guide them.some need a new food source, or tools, sometimes an inventor needs a rare ingredient, sometimes a missing heir needs to be rescued, that kind of stuff
It's a excellent game, great graphics, fluid gameplay and beautiful music.
Just take your time and enjoy it.
Oh yeah, be sure to look out for the Quintet HQ.
>voted for the drunk since he seemed nice and I felt bad for him
That is a pretty slow way of lvling after 8~9, just rushing to the birds and glitchfarm then is much easier and faster.
australia is an optional continent you can raise up at the start, if you don't do it you miss on extra content and on the other you create an universe where australia doesn't exist
choose wisely
oh also level up, the difference between dealing no damage and killing everything in few hits is often just a level or two
Australia? So there are real world locations?
>Goat scene happens
>Return to the goat location later
This game man.
play the game and enjoy how time and space fuckery works wonders in it.
>australia is an optional continent
You are thinking of polynesia
Australia is resurected with Asia iirc
The game takes place in Earth, so yes. You'll be travelling through real lands even if most locations are fictional. There are also historical characters and events you'll see.
What happened to Elli? In fact what happened to Pele, the knights and loli? What was that ending supposed to mean? Spoiler it for those who hasn't played please.
Returning to Tokyo always gave me goosebumps as a kid
10/10 game
>anything I should know?
>some secret weapon or something
look up a guide for developing your towns, it's honestly the best part of the game.
If you don't do shit in order you can get permanently stuck in a lower tier later on.
>f you don't do shit in order
God I hate when games do this. I have a knack for missing the obvious or interpreting directions wrong and screwing it up. More recently Dragons Dogma screwed my ocd with all the quests you could accidently skip.
And I'm still angry about my fucked up Discworld Noir save from back in the day.
No one knows. The people who inside the base at the time may have just lived out the rest of their lives wondering what happened to Ark.
Oh yes. I forgot to add something.
Those Knights actually died. They were on the airship with mad scientist dude when it crashed
pretty good, but this is superior