What is the best western RPG series and why is it Baldur's Gate?

What is the best western RPG series and why is it Baldur's Gate?

Nah, Divinity: Original Sin is a masterpiece for bringing the west a legitimately good combat system.
>"fuck balance" character building that lets you go balls to the wall
>range from 2-4 party members instead of entering unwieldy 5-man territory
>no pause-based autistic combat
Fuck your shitty game.

>unwieldy 5-man territory

i will fucking fight you

rtwp is better than turn based, faglord

>Range from 2-4 party members
Can this be played in singleplayer?

*casts gas cloud at edge of los*
*casts gas cloud at edge of los*
*casts gas cloud at edge of los*

haha looks like u got fucking owned u stupid fucking dragon???

Hey good timing. I was thinking about rewinding in time in playing some old rpgs. Right now on my list is Planescape: Torment. Any comment?

Being able to cover every single base is autistic bullshit. Smaller numbers require you to sculpt a party and make sacrifices instead of having a party face, someone to deal with traps, and characters of every combat role.

Nope. Noooooooooope, nope, nope. RTWP is the most retarded shit in the world. I have no idea why Dungeons and Dragons-based video games, of all things, embraced that over turn-based combat.

Yup. You still have control of every party member unless you decide to try multiplayer.

What's the best game in the baldurs gate universe?

Cloudkill. You mean.
Which doesn't work on dragons unless you hit them specifically with lower resistance.

>>confirmed for never playing the game.

Wasn't Cloudkill effective because it was a poison effect, not magic?

RTWP allows for precise movement planning, and embodies the essence of D&D. You have time to decide things, and plan each individual party member's actions as though they were all individual people.

You mean how you can with turn-based?

Turn based isn't as precise in terms of character placement/movement and timings for attacks.

Best western RPG series is Might and Magic

>Early access

Why is this a thing? I have the early access verison of it but you only get to play like one act, wtf is the point? Can't even bring myself to play it for that reason

Would someone who enjoys games like thief and gothic enjoy this? Never got around to playing it

Lmao is this satire? You have to be 18 to post here. You literally cant get worse than turn based for rpgs

jk he's not immune to poison damage you actual retarded shit

Check em

sounds like the kinda person who didn't get past the first set of orc bandits.

Shame the graphics is shit

Nope its a save vs _____ for which dragons have stupidly high saves.

Cloudkill is best used on shit with crap saves like the umber hulk room and troll room in nalias castle.

The boss troll and his elite underling will survive but the others get instagib'd.

Dragons all have spell resistance and/or high saves you need to counter before any magic has a fucking chance, retard.

You can't get more precise than turn-based. Turn-based is entirely strategy. There's no time-based precision, there's only reactivity in the context of turns.

Sorry you can't show off your twitch-based reflexes and actually have to sit down, plan out your character builds, and choose which abilities and area placement will be optimal for a fight.

>having the attention span of an 8 year old
End yourself

>my brain and my fat fingers are so slow that I need the enemy being freeze to win

>People acting like Turn based doesn't have it's own inherent annoyances, Like having to move each character one at a time whlst carefully making sure you don't accidentally waste ap by going one pixel over your alloted movespeed. Or how having a character out of position means their total contribution for the next four turns will just be crawling into range to do something.
Baldur's gate is still essentially turn based; it's just that each turn takes place in 6 second intervals and there's no restriction on how you can move.

I prefer Icewind Dale.

That's not to say Baldur's Gate isn't great. However the first game has little variety in how you can handle fights because it's low-level, so everyone is using slings while your mage casts sleep and magic missile once in a while until you get wands. Plus I found the quests and locales to be pretty boring until you get to Baldur's Gate.

Baldur's Gate 2 is interesting right off the bat, but combat for the most part turns into a race to see if you can shut down enemy mages fast enough.


I hate the fact you have to be a fucking lizard in divinity original sin 2 if you want to mini max as a caster

literally everyone that has played bg2 knows that you can kill dragons with cloudkill desu?

I don't get it. People dislike turn-based shit? In an RPG? Do you fags not play chess? Or card games like Magic? Turn-based is fantastic for strategy.

This spell generates a billowing cloud of ghastly, yellowish green vapors that is so toxic as to slay any creature with 4 or fewer Hit Dice, and causes creatures with 5 to 6 Hit Dice to roll Saving Throws vs. Poison with a -4 penalty or be slain. Holding one's breath has no effect on the lethality of the spell. Those above 6th level (or 6 Hit Dice) must leave the cloud immediately or suffer 1d10 points of poison damage each round while in the area of effect.

>Those above 6th level (or 6 Hit Dice) must leave the cloud immediately or suffer 1d10 points of poison damage each round while in the area of effect.

Really Makes You Think

Senpai, I play turn based games including competitive magic, but i'd prefer it to stay to those strategy games rather than immersive RPGs.

Haha wow what does it have to do with attention span? Can you actually make a valid point for once in your life? Rt with pause is supurior in LITERALLY every way

I like the Gold Box games more. Pool of Radiance, Champions of Krynn, Dark Sun: Shattered Lands...

>Any comment?
What are you waiting for?

Seriously though, after PST stories in all other games has kinda become shallow to me, save for few exceptions. And the everything from crystal prison and onward is top down my favourite video game ending of all.

I'll give you the combat mechanics, they are GOAT but overall Baldur's 2 is a better game.

How do I "get" Baldur's Gate? I bought the series during the GoG autumn sale but the weird real time DnD combat just doesn't click with me. Maybe I just need to play more and understand the game better but right now I feel as if the game would've been better if they went turn based, exactly like the actual DnD rules.

It's aged poorly.

You can make the game more or less turn-based if you just pause all the time.

As a great man once said, "If you're not pausing once for every second of non-paused time in combat, you're not playing it right."

That sounds tedious as hell if that's actually the case, but I really want to play a DnD RPG (i'm always the GM when I play IRL) so I'll put up with it.

Inquisitor is an okay class for beginners right? (it sounded badass) Or should I reroll as something more newb friendly?

The problem with turn based is how insanely SLOW it is. With RTwP you can at least let your dudes just slaughter weak enemies without it taking several minutes.

>pressing space bar a couple times during combat
>tedious as hell
Maybe video games aren't for you user.

I couldn't enjoy this game, even tho i wanted to. I loved original Divine Divinity but writing in Original Sin was so incredibly shit.

Inquisitor is overpowered as shit, one of the best classes in the game.

I think the only time I used pause in combat was when there were more enemies than the amount of people in my party, or if the enemies were insanely high level.

When you're playing it really doesn't feel tedious. Every pause has a reason, either reassigning an attack without wasting time, changing targets, or moving in/out of range. It all starts to feel natural after a couple of hours, and well into your 100th hour you won't notice it anymore.

What are some good party-based strategy games that have come out in the last few years?

I played Grimrock 2 and loved it. Original Sin was awesome. Anything like those that involves a fairly customizable party?

Help me.

Dragon Age: Inquisition :^)

Pillars of Eternity was solid, Wasteland 2 wasn't too bad either. Dungeon Rats came out recently, haven't played it myself but heard it's pretty good. Can't think about anything else.

xcom 2

Wasteland 2 starts you with 4 characters from the start that you build from the ground up

Pillars of Eternity has you start with one and you can hire more so you have a full custom party

Pillars of Eternity is a solid successor to baldur's gate and icewind dale games, and is a really fresh new story. Great game.