Let It Die thread, since the last one died
What's your favorite weapon so far? I love the Hammer but wish I got more opportunities to use the Machete
Let It Die thread, since the last one died
What's your favorite weapon so far? I love the Hammer but wish I got more opportunities to use the Machete
Other urls found in this thread:
>get the Circle Crusher trophy
>first person to unlock it according to PSN profiles
>still shows up as 0.0% in the trophy list
>Sup Forums bitches about p2w f2p games
>Sup Forums proceeds to bust its nut over this shit pile
Literally what the fuck is this shit? I saw one trailer and I have no fucking idea what's even happening
New Grasshopper game
Roguelike Dark Souls-ish game where you play a game climbing a tower and scavenging shit, die, get a new character, kill your old character, get to new floors, get new gear, repeat
More like pay to not wait like Warframe.
Hammer is the most realiable weapon after your fists from my experiece
Statistically speaking out of the probably million owners, one person earning the trophy won't change the percentage. Wait until it's like a hundred or something, then it'll probably change.
Let's be completely honest, how many of you wouldn't have given a shit about this game if it wasn't free to try?
>Favorite Weapon
Mostly because everything feels far too slow
Wait, there's Trophies?
Opposite of that for me. I wouldn't have bothered to try it if it wasn't suda even if it was free.
There are some p2w aspects, but only so far as getting extra lives and easier access to higher floors. At least that's what I can see, but I've barely scratched the surface of this game.
worst game I've ever played desu. Let it die.
This sounds fucking awesome and is literally the only game I've ever been interested in on console. I'm a PCCuck. Any hope?
Not falseflagging. Actually want this game.
Honestly, I probably would've bought it just on the basis that I like Suda. Which is dumb, because the last few games he's been attached to have been crap, but still.
postan the discord link
>Wait, there's Trophies?
Gracias, doctor.
It's free to play, so if you're willing to drop the dosh for the console then you've got the game.
It's a whole lot of fun too.
He's been restricted from being as crazy and fun as he wants, which is why a lot of his other games feel lacking. He's a great director, and when he's allowed to really do what he wants the end result is pretty great.
I found a metal bat blueprint and that's been working out really well for me.
I'm at Wanoki (the second floor area you can access after you beat the first boss in the third floor) and I'm stuck
The map points out the only way I have to go is that ledge but I can't climb it and I don't know where to go
I found the elevator in this section but it doesn't go down to the lobby. Anyone else already went through this area?
Not likely. Suda's dismissed it at E3, but here's what the director, Hideyuki Shin, had to say when Gematsu asked him
>Is there any reason we’re not seeing Let It Die on other consoles?
>"One of the reasons is much harder for us to explain because it’s on an executive level in regards to how it was decided between GungHo and Sony. I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept that a lot of developers and publishers are approached by platform holders that want something exclusive made. I’m not sure how the discussion was with this one, but for a game like this, having one platform on the development side, at least, is a lot easier for development. I’m not sure how much you’ve gotten to play with the controls so far, but you’ll notice that the DualShock 4 controller, including the touch pad button, is being fully utilized. Even the speaker itself, through which Uncle Death talks to you. So the entire controller is being utilized to really show what it’s capable of, and to make sure we can show really what we can do with all of the materials and tools given to us for PlayStation 4. That’s of course only on the development side. Maybe there are deeper reasons on the business side, but that’s all we really know right now.”
do you actually fight other players?
seeing that its a f2p game, im guessing it has pay2win features so i dont want to constantly run into people that buy all the good shit or something.
It's pay to go fast, no PVP
To develop equipment you have to wait real time
You still have to gather the shit to actually make equipment though
You can't buy weapons if that's what you're suspecting. I think the only multiplayer comes from when other players die, a version of their avatar gets sent out to other players, and you have to fight that.
Or they can purposely send out one of their characters to try to kill you. There's no direct pvp though.
This, basically. Free-to-play is an instant fucking turn off for me when selecting a game to play. Thank God for Suda's name on it, or I wouldn't have been trying is marvelous piece. Honestly doesn't even feel like a F2P
The real question is how many people would have given a shit about it if it didn't have Suda's name on it
>You can cook beasts at the fire next to the mushroom lady
I didn't figure this out there was a fire there until I accidently ran over it.
>There's no direct pvp though.
what you explained, im ok with. thank you.
I was stuck for a moment too. There's one section of fence you can jump onto.
Very few.
firework gun is good for those flying drill guys
How the hell do I purchase the Express Pass?
Why is this game so /comfy/?
>firework gun is shit at first
>level it up a bit
>suddenly gets stagger and a secondary explosion
so do you ever get characters who you can upgrade more than 5 points in any category?
Progress further.
oops this one only lasts 30 mins, here's an infinite one
Fucking nobody, Im a Suda fanboy and I still think this game looks like a cheap cash-in
i unlocked fighter and explorer and its the same shit as all rounder
how much farther?
original trailer looked like shit to me and i dismissed it as some kind of GUNZ clone
then i saw the gameplay and i was hooked
im a sucker for soulslikes though
Can't argue with that but it's a pretty big disappointment for me. Oh well, thanks for the info, user.
>revolver is shit
>hey the firework gun got gud
>revolver remains shit even at level 13 or whatever im at right now
Anyone knows what floor can I get the machete blueprint? It's great for dealing with multiple enemies
>a cheap cash-in
It's free.
>Send my maxed character with a machete and full fireman set to hunt some rank 1 fag
>Come back later to check the status
>Got completely destroyed
Feels bad man. How do I make a terminator?
I couldn't really tell you, user. I spent most of my time invading other player's bases. I'm barely reaching floor 10.
though she wasn't wearing any lower clothing when she was introduced
Can you specify a bit more? The only fence I jumped on was the one that got me into that corridor after getting through the subway cars
I believe in your previous screenshot that you're standing right next to the fence you climb over.
>level 27 haters in the beginning floor
This shit is stupid as fuck, what are you even supposed to do when they get alerted to you?
You can't run away from and they fucking 2 shot you.
Does anybody know how many enemies are in Imokawa-cho? need to know for Challenge 144
Uncle Death is outstanding.
>boot up game
>go way of the fist because I don't want to lose precious equipment
>doing 10-20 damage per hit
>unlock that L1-R1 punch
>170 damage
Trying to max fists first because its a weapon I will always have.
Just wanna say the OST and design are fucking fantastic.
Favorite intro so far:
I just realised you can manually aim with the guns. I feel fucking retarded.
Blame the devs. Their names look like this.
There are two fences in that corridor, one with barbed wire I can't climb and the other one is the one where I came from
Coop? 60fps?
Sub-30 fps
Use mushrooms to poison or stun them. Then perform wrestling moves.
>tfw i got wrecked by those fucking faggots over and over until i started stealthing up on them and now they are a joke
is there some way to send your guy out into the world to fuck with people like the dev's do or is it just a result of dying?
outside of that weird pvp thing you have to pay for
You don't. It doesn't matter what kind of gear you've got on your dude, if the other player is at all intelligent they'll fucking ruin him.
you can sneak along the ledge behind them and get a stealth strike on them or you can just circumvent them all together
stealth + 2 stomps basically kills any of them
I don't have a screenshot of it, but you can send your characters out to fuck with a specific person from the freezer.
How's the actual combat? Is it any fun? Does it skew more towards Dark Souls combat or Dynasty Warriors?
Fists honestly seem like the best weapon in the game. They deal crazy damage, have very little stamina drain, and never break. Fuck every other weapon, just sell the shit and only use whatever blueprints and maybe a gun for some flying fucks.
>Like the concept of the game back when Lily was canned in favor of Fight Club: Prison Edition
>Wanted to play it
>Forgot about it, assumed it was cancelled
>Sold PS4 because no games
>Game finally comes out
>People say it's fun
Fuck me
It can be pretty fun. Its closer to Souls.
>a F2P game by a underdog studio looks and performs better than FF15, a game with millions behind it and more than 10 years
What does DEX even do?
Who the fuck would ever sell a console that's still in working order?
I've still got my fucking atari from when I was a kid.
>load times are shit in Let it Die
>still loads faster than FFXV
Makes you smarter
And being smart makes you good at kung-fu
Im grinding the first floor a lot. People already got to 10th or so floor and i get my ass fucking destroyed on 3rd floor, what do? I think i may be missing something.
why have a 300$ paperweight when you could have 300$?
Makes you more dexterous. What are you a fucking retard?
>selling your consoles
Where the fuck am I supposed to go after beating the first mid-boss? The escalator to the next floor keeps saying "The floor ahead is not prepared yet. Please wait and try again."
I went to the waiting room and beat that mid-boss three times now and it's still saying this.
Am I tripping or was this game named something else when they first revealed it at E3 a couple years back? I remember the font, and the skateboarding death, but different name.
level weapon skill
or just fists
>Started this morning
>Sucking, but enjoying it
>Die second time
>"We're having maintenance, would you like to return to the title menu?"
>Choose No
>Stuck in loading hell
>Decide to turn it off
>Come back later, still stuck in loading hell
Reinstalling now, I really hope I didn't fuck everything up.
There's literally a door you can open after the mid-boss. Check the map, should be marked.
Download the rest of the game, user. That first 8 GB wasn't the full download.
The first floor had two exits.
One of them opened up.
Look at the fucking map. It tells you where there are multiple paths.
So I can get the games that are on the upcoming list? I'm not a faggot who feels any kind of loyalty to a brand, and the best you're gonna get for selling a console is 5% of it's market value.
It's a 400 paperweight unless you managed to sell it at the full price you paid for it in which case good job finding a bigger retard than you
>Go through 1F and 2F with no armour killing every enemy
>Do it three times and the quest never finishes
It pisses me off that im always gonna have that one unfinished quest
This was its initial incarnation.
name is the same but the game originally looked like some kind of multiplayer arena battle thing
Do I have to beat a floor to quit the game without having it count as a death? How do I go back to the waiting room? Also, how do I turn down the sensitivity with aiming?
any decent ways of dealing with 3+ enemies? i normally run around like an idiot and get them to hit eachother until its down to just two.
>implying you got $300 back for your PS4