Ok Sup Forums, what's your game of the year for 2016? You get two picks. The GOTY and a runner up...

Ok Sup Forums, what's your game of the year for 2016? You get two picks. The GOTY and a runner up. You can only pick games that were released during 2016.

GOTY: Enter the Gungeon
Runner up: Rabi-Ribi

I don't think I even played a 2016 released game, I'm still catching up on my backlog. I only beat Batman Arkham Knight yesterday.

Hold up there were games this year?

I just beat it 3 weeks ago. I tried to give it slack but that fucking bat mobile ruined it

goty - Doom
runner up - Doom

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

GOTY: Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Runner Up: Doom

It hasn't been that great a year.

Runner up - Dishonored 2

Would have been the other way around if Dishonored 2 didn't have a terrible launch.

Runner-up: Pokemon Sun/Moon

I never found the batmobile parts an issue, they were less fun but still decently enjoyable and never got frustrating or anything. What I didn't like is the never-ending Jokerwank. That needed to end with Arkham City but somehow they coughed up two more games with more Jokerwank than ever before instead.

>GOTY: Dishonored 2
>Runner Up: Hitman



>gaming on anything other than a pc

I'm and I played on PS4

Shit, I lost my sense of time to the point where I can't name what games came out in current year.

GOTY: Dark Souls 3
Runner Up: FFXV

Is Dishonored worth playing? I have it in my library.

My favourite game that I've played this year is Factorio

GOTY: The Last Guardian
Runner Up: Wild Guns Reloaded

its fun but both dishonored 1 and 2 have pretty crappy stories considering how much is put into level design and the arty style

Runner up - Deus Ex:MD which i haven't bothered finishing.
It has been a very disappointing year.
It's flawed but worth playing.

W-why isn't anyone picking No Man's Sky?

Bescause this is a thread for the BEST games of the year.

Hitman. Haven't played enough games to have a runner-up.

Runner up Hyper Light Drifter

Doom, desu.
Deus Ex was amazing right until it ended, Dishonored 2 just doesn't really go above and beyond, feels like more of the same.
Hitman is cool, guess that's my runner up.

GOTY: furi
runner up: overwatch

I only played those, stardew valley, and doom
what a sad year

I spent most of my time emulating gamecube games

Grim Dawn

I would give it to Dishonored 2 if it wasn't a little fucked at launch and still iffy on PC.

As it stands I can't really think of one game this year that really did it for me. So I guess I actually do give it to Dishonored 2.

Enter the Gungeon or Rimworld are okay runner ups.

Runners up: Rabi-Ribi, Hyper Light Drifter, Underrail (technically 2015 but released so late into the year its practically a 2016 game).

Games of note: Downwell, Dark Souls 3, Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo, Blue Revolver, Momodora 4.

Non-2016 game I enjoyed the most: Dodonpachi: Resurrection

Looking forward to the most in 2017: RE7

GOTY: Ace Attorney 6
Runner up: The Last Guardian

nice taste user

Honestly Doom was the only major game that wasn't a disappointment, and to be fair EVEYONE thought that would suck, including the usual hype machine mass media.

DXMD was okay.

Hitman is surprisingly good considering all the cancer it was bundled with.

GotY: Dark Souls III
Runner-Up: DOOM

GOTY: Inside
Runner Up: Doom

Is it actually possible to dislike Doom?

I've seen a lot of arguments float around other major games this year:

Overwatch: No Singleplayer
Inside: Short
Uncharted 4: Generic Gameplay.
Dark Souls 3: Intentionally High barrier of entry.

What arguments are there out there for Doom?

GOTY: Battlefield 1
Runner up: DOOM

>Overwatch: No Singleplayer
>Dark Souls 3: Intentionally High barrier of entry.

There are completely retarded complaints.

Biggest arguments against Doom:

1. Multiplayer is shit (which it is)
2. SnapMap sucks (kinda does, though a lot of the arguments are that it can't reproduce Nuts.wad)
3. Glory Kills are kinda annoying after a while
4. It's not the same as Doom 2

I liked it a lot, certainly more than I enjoyed the multiplayer beta before launch.

GOTY: Dishonored 2
Runner up: Pokemon Sun

Dragonball Fusions

Doom 2016 is better than Doom 2, that has shitty level design and annoying enemies like that not-cacodemon that spawns the flying skulls

>Overwatch: No Singleplayer
It's a deal breaker for me. I refuse to buy or play anything multiplayer.

That's like refusing to buy a genre - no one cares. You aren't the target audience.

man I didn't play a lot of new stuff this year.

Dark Souls 3 and Street Fighter V I guess. Waiting to see what Last Guardian bring to the table.

Indie mention: Darkest Dungeon

GOTY - EDF 4.1
Runner up- FURY

Only 2016 releases I've played

GOTY: Dragon Quest 7

Runner Up: Hitman

Isn't it Furi?

The one with only bosses and Afro Samurai artist?

I'm hesitant of buying if because of how short I heard it is

Yeah sorry Freudian Slip

Normally I would agree, but Blizzard went out of its way to give each of the characters a massive backstory and cinematic shorts, You know stuff that would be perfect for Single-player gameplay.

So the question is: Why didn't they include any form of campaign?

Because it would be tacked on and unnecessary.

but gungeon was trash.

Hyper Light Drifter was actually good


GOTY: Dishonored 2
Runner-up: Blood and Wine (it counts, right?)

Everyone thought it was going to bomb before release. The multi player beta was meh. The single player look like your typical COD QTE fest with the terrorists replaced with Demons and no review copies.

Polygon pre-emptively condemned it's violence as ' disrespectful to the victims of orlando. Fans just didn't trust Todd after fallout 4