Meanwhile, in Yharnam Sup Forums


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What's that smell?


Honestly, what's the reason for sparing this guy? I hear he's an interesting NPC, but really? Protecting beasts? I'm sure they were people before and all but they're dangerous creatures now.

pls help I cannot decide

Didnt you read the sign?

It's a pretty hard fight and his weapon isn't worth it

You don't get anything to my knowledge for sparing him other than you feeling good for not slaughtering a hunter who is somewhat? not actively trying to kill you

whats the best weapon for a strength build?

The Pizza Cutter, maybe the Hunter Axe
You can make pretty everything that's fun work for yourself

Wouldn't those beasts crawl up into Yharnam and ruin everything eventually?

I found the easiest way to cheese him my second time trying to fight him (yeah I'm a genius).
If you run straight at him after you climb up the ladder, he will try and shoot you with his gun like when you get half the distance to him from the ladder. You want to dodge the shot (just sidestep left or right) and then close the gap another about 1/4 of the way and shoot his ass with your shotgun. He will stagger backwards a little bit, and if you move forward a little bit again and shoot him another time with your shotgun the same thing will happen and he should fall off the clocktower and die

Kys, or as some say Kysm...

Why would they and what could they ruin at this point?

If they really wanted to they would have done it a long time ago.

Yeah I know cheesing him isn't hard; but you hardly get rewarded and you also don't get the satisfaction of defeating him fairly

Probably me. I was showering when the faucet started pouring blood all over me. Someone needs to get clean water in this place.

have you seen my dad?
im worried, we used to spend all of our days together as he called me a good little boy...
ah... i still remember his spankings...
have u seen my dad anywhere?...

he ded becus of u

Pizza Cutter is overpowered as shit
> Huge base damage
> S scaling in STR
> fast for its size/damage, dodging r1 is insanely quick "poke" with the saw
> serrated for killing beasts
> L2 for stunlocking anything without poise to death

Only downsides are untricked mode is lame and the charge r2 takes forever to charge up.

That being said though, you can viably use anything well in Bloodborne, there no objectivky bad weapons. Personally Beast Cutter and Amygdala Arm are the funnest STR weapons.

[the boy isn't home any longer]

I'm doing a play through with the Wheel and it's some of the most fun I've had with the game so far

what did he mean by this?




sic fili scite tibi vi sancramentum
erit praemium, sanguine sanctum
erit praemium, sangiune sanctum absconditum
vel venio humanitas, tendo pendere

its bluuud

Unga bunga rockstop

I claim the doll

No one is allowed to touch my doll

I love bloodborne and its epic fandom *reblogs*

Hey buddy I just used your doll to level up 5 minutes ago what are you gonna do about it? I leveled BLT

haha kek

> Not STR

Tell that to my face and not online buddy and see what happens


I honestly love these.

I feel like this game needed some special weapons locked behind new games
does anyone else?

the game needed boss souls/echoes and boss weapons

I would hate that, if anything it needs more weapons available earlier.

I only level VIT, BLT, and SKL

/day of the wheel/ when?

>tfw after Bloodborne every other game feels irrelevant
>still some months till Nioh and Automata

[You found the Young Yharnam Boy's Ribbon]

Guys I like this saw cleaver but I really wish it got super long and was a club

So what did the good hunter wake up to after they were woken up from the dream?

yeah i wish from put more effort into NG+ to make it worth playing

vit, end, and str here

I also use the Boomhammer/Steakdriver + cannon


im gonna keep leveling END and theres nothing you can do about it.

Nothing at all.

Its already up to 40

I did too then /bbg/ laughed at me and threw me out

>going to /bbg/
wew lad that place is a shithole

Will somebody co-op through this game with me? I'm burnt out on souls but need to play this so I can sell my ps4 for more than the $50 I paid.

user what is going on with that man's sleeves

I don't even know why it would be bad.
I don't even know anything about this game. i got it and my ps4 on black Friday. Its still fun though
All generals are. Some are just less so than others.

he never asked for this

>When you want to wear a vest but its cold outside

He would've been hard if he hadn't dropped down every single time I fought him.

Oh Amygdala...have mercy on the poor bastard!

posting best most underrated boss theme

I got a bloodborne machine this week too.
I went blind through the game for the first time. After I finished I visited /bbg/ and apparently you don't need more than 15-20 END because runes give enough stamina and regen is fast

>doing a blind playthrough of BB
>visiting Sup Forums BB threads
I sincerely hope for your sake that you've already finished the game and that you aren't going to get the shit spoiled out of you immediately ayy lmao

F-fear the old blood guys....come on...

>After I finished

I visited some Sup Forums threads because there seem to be a lot of new players thanks to all the PS4 Slim bundle sales, I got one spoiler but it just confirmed my suspicions anyways but most importantly those threads had spurdos and I need more

Did everyone jus suddenly get a bloodborne machine on Black Friday/cyber Monday?
Is that why there's an influx of bloodborne threads?
im one of those people, I really wish there were more to the ps4 than BB and the waiting game

reminder that Micolash did EVERYTHING wrong

Well, I'm still busy with BB but I also bought GTA V, RE:Origins, Infamous and FIFA 17.
Going to order Kat's game too, maybe Last Guardian if it turns out good.

And Nioh is releasing in February.

>Did everyone jus suddenly get a bloodborne machine on Black Friday/cyber Monday?
I think so. I mean there are a lot of White Ghosts running around.
Also, just like you noticed, a lot of BB threads lately

non-ps4 owner here, is BB REALLY the only game that's currently out for the system that's worth owning?

Check out Let It Die, it's surprisingly fun.

>tfw encountering my first winter lantern at that one part in the nightmare frontier after going through that poison lake

fucking hell man, those bitches are awful, i thought you guys were memeing about that

I think you can't get his armor set if you don't kill him. His armor set is literally the one ingame where actually stat matters (frenzy resistance) for certain area.

The pros for sparing him is of course to be best buds with him because he's a cool guy

It needs more fucking weapons in general. Even if they're just clones with less damage or some shit. In any Souls game, if I want to use a scythe or a katana, I can get a variation of those fairly early on. In Bloodborne, I have to wait until the very fucking end to get the scythe and half the game to get the Chikage.

Doll is the most literal used goods there is.

"Countless hunters have come and go" and they all "use the doll as they please" both direct quote from the game. There's over 300 graveyards in the Hunter's dream

I've been having fun with project diva and Ratchet and Clank if you're into weeb/rhythm games and remakes that could have been so much better.

parry and riposte


>a pretty hard fight
lolno He stands periliously close to a steep fall and always begins the fight by firing his gun. So all you have to do is dash up those stairs, forward dodge the first shot and then wail into him with you weapon. He should fall after the third or fourth slash.

>talk to djura
>no user, you are the beasts

>tfw it really did turn out to be all the Hunter's fault
them and Byrgenwerth. the bastards.

>kill Djura's assistant
>he perma-aggroes even if you follow all the proper steps to talking with him peacefully

What's the catch on the freemium and microtransactions?

I don't know what version you're playing, I typed young yharnam boy into google and all the results were corrected into young yharnam 'girl'

Doesn't appear to be one, I can't see any reason why somebody would pay money for anything in this.

Where did those fucking sack guys suddenly come from? They are ruining my exploration fun. Every off the beaten path little corner I find has one of those motherfuckers lying in wait and I just can't deal with those guys. One hit leaves me almost dead and if I dare to hit back they activate kaioken and fuck my shit sideways.

If they kill you you wake up in the next area.


Tell him his mom is dead.

Just killed yharnam queen today
very glad I will never have to do anything of things I've done again

Dodge his attacks and then hit him with your weapon.

No, opening the gate (or maybe killing Paarl) resets him. But sometimes if you had him shoot oil pots the fires will remain and a beast will walk into one and he'll blame you for it. Basically if you get any souls on the run between Paarl lamp and Djura one of the beasts suicided and you're fucked.

well well

how did ya get in heeah

no mattah

the fight is pretty nice
kinda sad most people never end up fighting her because she's so deep in the chalices

it's kinda underwhelming especially after all the previous bullshit

Parry. If a boss can be parried, there is no difficulty, nerd.

>run past that area with a oil pots
>make it through unscathed
>djura's bullets arrive and detonate the oil pots
>explosion pushes me off the plank

>kill paarl
>make my way to djura
>hes aggro'd for some reason
>leave and comeback
>still aggro'd
>come back without killing anything
>still aggro'd
>come back only walking from lamp
>still aggro'd
>come back wearing church gear
>still aggro'd
>come back after killing multiple bosses, including rom
>still aggro'd
>get so frustrated i hit him before i leave down the ladder
>hes jumps off after me, killing himself

i honestly stopped caring at that point
just wanted the stupid gesture, goddammit

Paarl/Door are the only things that reset his aggro. If he aggros you again after that there's no going back (aside from save-scumming it).

I didn't do anything that should've aggro'd him again after I killed Paarl, though. Also, how the fuck do you save-scum in a Souls game?

Doesn't matter if you do it or not, if a burnt beast dies by running into fire that's your fault in his eyes. Nigger's unhinged.

Upload then download.

Still here? Moonlight Greatsword's untransformed mode is fucking god tier. Get the minimum Arc requirements and push Dex once you hit the hard cap for Str.

Young Yharnam Girl (Male)