Leave JRPGs to us
Leave JRPGs to us
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If this was the 90s or 00s, perhaps.
Now that even normal SMT is basically Persona lite there's no hope for Atlus.
Then again it already started freefalling ever since Cozy left
Atlus and Falcom are the only two Japanese companies still regularly producing decent RPGs.
Square maybe shit out a decent one every year at best, NIS lost their talent and have had their output collapse, CH are only just barely starting to produce nep games that deserve more than a 5/10, Gust have gone to shit, Namco Bandai produce the odd gem but push a lot of trash also, and even fucking Nintendo - as a whole - is maybe squeezing one mediocre RPG out a year.
And while all those rarely made mediocre/decent RPGs do add up to producing a fairly decent supply of games worth playing to supplement the output of Atlus and Falcom, its still fucking nothing compared to what we used to get during the fifth and sixth gen. Fuck, it barely compares to even the seventh gen.
Gust, Compile Heart and Nippon Ichi were never good. Throw Idea Factory in there too.
Level-5 has also gone way downhill since their PS2 glory days.
>Gust, Compile Heart and Nippon Ichi were never good.
Gust and NIS have both made decent games in the past. They were never anywhere near being great, but they were decent. You haven't been able to say that about them for a long time now.
And yeah, I forgot about IF and L5 - plus probably a bunch of studios that have died.
>SMT is Persona lite
If this is true then that's a shame. I was considering buying SMT 4 but I'm waiting a bit. I can't stand the Persona series.
SMT4 is persona lite, Apocalypse it's literally full on Persona to the point of even haven a female party member that calls you master and wants your dick on multiple ocasions
>if a game has love interests it's automatically persona
He's overexaggerating. SMT4 has absolutely no Persona influence.
In 4A, your partners do act like a Persona group on some occasions, but then Dagda pops up and tells you that it's all bullshit.
And then you slaughter them all.
Let's have some more depressing ones.
Sega/Camelot Soft
Game Arts
Career Soft
Those all technically still exist but have little to no jrpg output anymore, other than occasionally porting one of their old games.
Mordern Fatlus is garbage and the only good thing they've done lately is the fact that they publish Vanillaware's games
>tfw to intelegent to play turn based games in 2016
oh, well, I guess there's no point playing it now, then
>this cant be true, lemme try to find a list of the recently released jrpg
>mfw it is true
The only odd one out there is is I'm setsuna. But in the other hand, we had some good quality WRPG out in the past years at least.
Man i really do miss the jrpg boom from ps2 days
Killing them is optional. It just gives you, in my opinion, the better ending.
Plus, it's not like I gave away the ending.
That comes several hours after you make that choice.
Get of your high horse
SMT is casualised as fuck now and P5 being their only good JRPG in how long?
Falcom only good JRPG series was Ys and they ruined it with a party system to fit in with everyone else
I Am Setsuna is a pretty middling, bog standard release. Pretty sad that's pretty much become the gold standard.
Look at the morons who think Bravely is good, even though it's the most piss-poor written, utterly shameless, subpar, otaku/weeb-bait nostalgia pandering imaginable.
>SMT is casualised as fuck now
And it's STILL a decent series. Yeah, they're probably not gonna put out another mainline game as good as Strange Journey or Nocturne, but aside from the absolute abortion that was IV they still produce good games.
>Falcom only good JRPG series was Ys and they ruined it with a party system to fit in with everyone else
Trails is based as fuck and you don't have the right to bitch about party based Ys games anymore now that Dana is - by far - the best game in the franchise.
Japs are savage.
They didn't seem to like SuMo either
>Look at the morons who think Bravely is good, even though it's the most piss-poor written, utterly shameless, subpar, otaku/weeb-bait nostalgia pandering imaginable.
You're either hopelessly naive or have a very limited knowledge of recent RPGs produced by Japan if you think a series that is actually playable like Bravely is the worst of the worst.
>played maybe 2-3 hours of FFV
>also have FFX and DQVII
>never played any
Which should I play first?
Keep playing XV, the others are bad
They just pissed the game was made for western gamers, but it is their own fault for not adopting the PS4 fast enough
Amazon.jp shits on nearly fucking every game released. Its not a fair or accurate portrayal of how the general Japanese audience thinks of one. That said, yeah, XV isn't living up to the hype over there either.
X is shit but VII is pretty decent. Finish XV and then go for DQ.
That wasn't an option, champ.
if you mean actual ff5 then that, thats the best gameplay in the series until you start playing spin offs.
>falcom's snorefests
>Level 5
Didn't Level 5 create Ni No Kuni and Radiant historia?
Too bad
Yes, FFV = FF5.
as a FFX fanboy, I can understand why some people don't like it, I reall can. But you honestly think it's worse than FFXV?
I personally think FFVIII and FFXII are shit but I get why people enjoy it and I would never suggest to someone that they shouldn't try them.
I never said that it was worse than XV, just that the user should finish what he started.
the job system is a ton of fun, and the story is simple but good. I find that game more replayable than the rest of the franchise save like FFtactics and Type0
FF10 has some of the best gameplay as well, but I find most of the cast to be insufferable
Falcom more like Falgods
My bad then.
I assume you mean the heeps and gobs of fart-of-the-month tier shit fron companies like Circle and Kemco, mobile shit, maker games, and tons of awful stuff that never even makes it out of nipponland.
Certainly you're right, those are the most shamelessly generic and crapped out.
But I also don't see people pretending they're good or paying any real attention to them.
8 and 12 are the best mainline games after ff5
You dont like thinking much during story sequences do you?
>Atlus RPGs
No thanks, they are horrible. Radiant Historia is the only exception.
>omg smt so deep because you get an extra turn for doing what you already do in almost every jrpg anyway
kill yourselves.
Level-5 made NNK.
Atlus made RH.
I wasn't playing XV, blindanon.
>You have to think to make ff8 make sense
No user, you have to perform mental gymnastics and plug in your own theories to make that absolute garbage make sense.
There is a difference between engaging complexity and unnecessary convolution.
And I think FF12 has an amazing atmosphere and a wonderful premise of a story. It was ruined though when SE tied Matsuno's hands and destroyed the original story with Balthier and Basch as the main characters.
>No user, you have to perform mental gymnastics and plug in your own theories to make that absolute garbage make sense.
No user, you are just dumb. FF8 is a simple story. The reason idiots cry about orphanage is because for some reason the dozen or so instances of foreshadowing memory loss and fate was lost on their retarded asses.
These are the same people that need a datalog to understand that Fal'Cie are waging a proxy war using L'Cie against one another. Fuck you Americans are retarded, this is literally what your shitty government has been doing for decades and you still can't figure it out in a video game.
>It was ruined though when SE tied Matsuno's hands and destroyed the original story with Balthier and Basch as the main characters.
Daily reminder that there never was any 'original story', Vaan and Penelo being included were decided upon before Matsuno even had a script drafted.
All that ever existed was the initial pitch, nothing more.
Yeah Vann and Penelo are shit but my tactics nostalgia is so strong that I can just ignore them and see through their eyes instead like I did with snes RPGS back in the day
FF8 is vastly improved by your choice of two theorys, theres nothing wrong with asking people to make a theory about a story.
>And it's STILL a decent series
Nah, it's at the point SMT isn't even worth looking forward to anymore.
Trails is mediocre shit that focuses on world building and NPC's that talk over for hours with it's bland combat, well the OG ones don't know shit about the ones that look like persona.
>you don't have the right to bitch about party based Ys games anymore now that Dana is - by far - the best game in the franchise.
Gonna have to elaborate on this
What's wrong senpai, too hard for you?
No reason to insult, you faggot fanboy, just because I don't worship the absolute garbage you subscribe to. But if you want to play it that way, fine.
Anyone who says FF8 has a simple story is either nostalgic, lying, or an absolute retard.
FF8 has more plotholes and inconsistencies than all the other FFs put together. Deny it all you want to; it's true.
Are you trying to say that babby's first srpg series is hard?
>moron can't follow simple story
>moron's reply is "well you called me dumb that means you worship it"
You are just dumb. You are the reason video game stories will forever be dumb. You are the reason Persona is considered to have a "good" story because it's braindead emotional soap opera tier trash that you can understand.
it dosent have plotholes if you pick a theory.
Yeah its a worse story than cloud riding dolphins and crossdressing.
If people liked ff8 and ff12 maybe the franchise would be in a better place.
>You are just dumb
Not an argument.
That's bad story telling. A good story would give you closure without making you say "What the fuck?". Sure, it's okay if they leave open ended phases in the story for fans to theorize, but FF8 takes it overboard.
And like I said, FF12's story is fine and I understand why people like BOTH games. My point was not to tell people to avoid certain FFs that are at least considered "decent" but you just don't like them yourself.
Why the fuck do people get so triggered when you disagree with them?
>Nah, it's at the point SMT isn't even worth looking forward to anymore.
Gonna have to disagree heavily, I may not ever be hyped for the mainline series again like I was before IV happened but I'll still gladly look forward to any new spinoffs they do.
>Trails is mediocre shit that focuses on world building and NPC's that talk over for hours with it's bland combat, well the OG ones don't know shit about the ones that look like persona.
Sky was pretty much just "worldbuilding and bland combat: the game" but the Crossbell games are legit good and the Cold Steel ones are probably the only JRPGs with a school setting that I didn't hate besides Persona.
>Gonna have to elaborate on this
Imagine Celceta but the combat is great, the bosses are well designed, the writing is good, it doesn't run like shit on the Vita, and it actually makes exploring fun. They seem to legitimately have learned from their mistakes and made a Ys game that surpassed Origins/Felghana at last. It
Of course, if you just really hate the idea of party-based Ys then it may not be enough to redeem it for you - but personally my problem with it was always that Falcom did it poorly, rather than me thinking the formula was inherently shit.
Leave JRPGs to me
>never good
>Compile Heart
Mary Skelter
>Vaan is a bad character
>representation of average dalmascan who hates the Empire
>starts off as hateful youth with lofty dreams
>meets man supposedly responsible for his brother's death and learns the truth
>meets young prince of the Empire he hates and opens his mind on it
>is tempted by Occuria to be the next Dynast King in case Ashe wises up
>Vaan rejects revenge and has to show the dumb princess that if he can see a better way, she should be able to
What a shit character! Everyone knows you have to be a monkey alien experiment gone wrong to be a good character!
A story can be complex and still be poorly written pap, which is VIII.
Though I agree with you about the story being simple. Because, well, the last disc spoonfeeds you exactly what was going on.
I'll never understand people who are confused by VIII.
It's convoluted horseshit that actually ends in an unresolved bootstrap paradox/mobius loop, but there's no need to "pick a theory" like that other user is derping about.
>implying gust and NIS have gone to shit
just because Atlus is releasing a decent JRPG after 1000 years doesn't mean everyone else is producing shit
FF8 isn't even complex. People are just dumb.
People couldn't even figure out Laguna is Squall's father.
>People couldn't even figure out Laguna is Squall's father.
What? Seriously?
I mean, it was fucking spelled out for everyone - they just didn't come out and say it unless you spoke to Kiros. Good lord.
Do you really believe that? NO ONE confused that. He's strawmanning like a fucking faggot.
Seriously, have you ever heard anyone be confused by that? Quit getting baited by triggered numales.
because the legitimately good FF games get shit on so they keep making worse ones.
>Phantom Brave
Better than Disgaea/Makai Kingdom/La Pucelle crap, at least. Still not very good. If you wanted to come close to making a point, you should have said ZHP.
>Mary Skelter
But I get the feeling you're just shitposting anyway.
>What? Seriously?
Yes, seriously. I've spoken to heaps of people who didn't know that both on the net throughout the years and way back when the game came out at my highschool.
Even like a week ago I saw a thread where people couldn't figure out why Moombas thought Squall was Laguna. It's because they smelled/tasted his blood and it's like Lagunas.
DoD might be more of a weird Musou/Flight combat sim series but Nier is a straight up ARPG and is thus just as much of a JRPG as Ys, Dark Souls, Devil Summoner, Chrono Trigger, Tales of, and Dragon's Dogma.
its slowly being resolved in dissdia and kingdom hearts.
>Being this retarded
Just because your friends in your special ed class were confused, doesn't mean everyone else was, ya fucking retard. You're getting baited.
I think you should throw your computer out the computer, walk outside, and seriously contemplate your life
>still this mad because I called you dumb
Get over it.
'chrono trigger is an action rpg' lmao
Nier user
I liked Phantom Braves free roam turn-based battle system and thought it had a really heartwarming plot. The relationship between Marona and her brother along with her struggle for acceptance amongst a world that hates her due to her brother's ghost is heartbreaking. Combine that with the best OST NIS has ever put out, and I thought it was a fine game. I don't like the zaniness of a lot of other NIS titles.
...Admittedly I haven't actually played Mary Skelter. Honestly it just looks like the best CH title out there. If anything, its soundtrack is Etrian Odyssey levels of quality.
after checking out this whole thread, how does it feel to be the worst human in it?
YOU were the one stating opinions, and YOU were the one that got all pretentious and douchy when people disagreed with them.
>you are dumb is not an argument
No, it is. They provided arguments and cases, and you simply responded with shitposts and vague statements along the lines of anyone who likes what you don't like has brain damage.
Unfortunately, my friend, you are just really fuckin stupid. One of these days you're going to have to come to terms with that.
SMT4 is not Persona lite at all. Are you only saying that because it's a bit more anime-like than before? Cause that alone does not make something Persona.