ITT: We post the best games of their respective series.

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That's not X3.

X3 has a lot of problems.

X4 > X3

such as?


Bad weapons
Bad music
Unmemorable bosses

This is straight up false.

Why did X sound like a faggot in this?

>Bad music.
LOL. You can stop posting now.

I'll give you the last two but for every bad track there was a good track.

X1, X2 and X5 are the best X games anyway. MHX has bad music with no way to disable it.

Voice actor was a female.

Bad music.
Bad level designs.
Bad weapons.
Bad bosses and enemies.
Bad everything, overall.
SNES X games are bad.
The only good X game was X4 and that is it.

Since none of you guys got it right, let me post the actual best MMX game.

>the best anything
It's illegal to lie on the internet.

Yeah X5 is the best unskippable dialogue simulator

>Bad music.

>Bad level designs.
false, pic related

>Bad weapons.
tunnel rhino had a cool weapon

>Bad bosses and enemies.
second best in the series for boss designs

>Bad everything, overall.
more like shit opinion overall.

>SNES X games are bad.
you just have shit opinions it seems.

>The only good X game was X4 and that is it.
X4 is good but so are the SNES games. awful opinions for an awful human being.

I fucking love X4's cover.


X4 > X > Indifferent about everything else except X7 and X8, which are trash.

I like the Saturn special edition.

2nd best in the franchise
X3 had mostly good weapons though, and mostly good enemies
Some stages were really good too like Toxic Seahorse.
This guy gets it

The best X game is always X1. The only flaws it has it having to go through Chill Penguin's stage first and not being able to play as Zero.

>Megaman X cover
>Zero on the cover
>Megaman on the cover
>but X isn't on there at all
I'm glad they eventually dropped the pretense and just gave Zero his own series. Because they sure as hell didn't care about X being the protagonist.

>I only played the ps1 games: the post.

Are there any significant differences?


Best sewer level ever made desu senpai.

GOAT final boss


And the empty stretches in some levels, with some parts of levels being nothing but hallways with a shitload of enemies that can be torn through easily.
And the fact that it's the easiest X game
And the Storm Tornado and Chameleon sting being OP as fuck

X1 is one of my favorites but it has flaws.
Not really.
The saturn has faster load times, slightly different effects for things like the background or dashing, higher quality video and sound with properly looped tracks and that's about it.

It's too goddamn easy and Vile's scene in Sigma Fortress is a great example of dissonance between story and gameplay.

Also, having to go through a certain stage first is a pretty big flaw in a series about choosing which stage you want to go through first.

Holy shit this. I love megaman x.

Oddly enough I just put x4 on my psp because I've always wanted to play as Zero. I am loving it so far but I really need to git good.

Does anyone know if the mmzero games for the gba are any good?

The Zero games are great. Kinda experimental though. Z3 is probably the best overall.

They're great. I personally favor Z2.

This. Although my gripe with them is that being on the GBA, it suffers from not having enough screen space to see properly. It's the same problem the MM&B GBA port had but not as bad.
Personally I wouldn't put them above the X series as a whole but they're still excellent games and worth playing if you liked the X games.

Good to know. I think I'm gonna start with the first one just because that's something I like to do, start at the beginning. It's not broken or terrible or anything right? I'm assuming the others just improved on it?

X5 is garbage

What is the best level in the X games?

Nope, it doesn't suffer from BN syndrome or anything like that.

Spark Mandrill. It was actually the reason I learned how to play air guitar.

Rainy Turtloid

And a lack of content ain't one.

X3 for best:


The weapons were the best part.

>The only good X game was X4 and that is it.

Dank meme 10/10 kill yourself.

In concept it is great, but it's too easy. Plus it doesn't use Zero's original design
Omega battle is better on ZX.
Zero 3 best boss fight is Phantom.

The X2 fight is and always will be better:

This cover says a lot about the X series on the PS.

Try getting the MMZ collection on the DS, it has all 4 games and some other cool shit and has batter controls.

Does it make you think?

Playing the remaster on PC, and holy shit, this game is good.

I love how much freedom it gives you to tackle the missions and how it lets you choose what you want to prioritize.

X3 is fucking disgusting, you should feel bad for having such taste.


X2 better than both XD

Come at me Hoennbabies!





>The weapons were the best part
Are you saying that X3 was shit? Because the weapons are shit.
>Ray Splasher is weak and is only really effective at point-blank, like a melee weapon
>Gravity Well slowly kills enemies when a charge shot or button mashing would've been faster
>Parasitic Bomb on works well on enemies smaller than a thimble, and leaves you weaponless otherwise
>Frost Shield might as well be a melee weapon since it takes ages to go anywhere
>Acid Burst is slightly less of a melee weapon that Frost Shield, but suffers from the same lack of movement. The splash effect can be nice, though
>Tornado Fang has the same goddamn problem as the two above
>Triad Thunder is alright, but it's too difficult to use multiple in succession, since the orbs like to hang around on screen. Also, the direction altering feature is near useless
>Spinning Blade is another goddamn melee weapon, except it's pretty strong so it gets a pass
That's five (5) goddamn weapons that only functional at close range, unless you feel like waiting a minute for them to move (Frost Shield, Tornado Fang) or fire them in weird ways (Spinning Blade backwards, Acid Burst on ceilings). I like X3, but its weapons are definitely not its strong point.

I don't have enough energy to tell you how wrong you are.

Ugh, none of that music is good compared to X1.

Everything else i can"t debate.


my nigga


>Bad music

shit son


That's not The Second Runner.

>I don't have enough energy to tell you how wrong you are.
you misspelled right.


>implying anyone thinks Gen III was best
Weak bait my friend. Everyone knows Gen III was the worst

i didn't even know this existed.

Fist of Mars had the best story, but the gameplay was super tedious after the first few missions. A nice way to bridge the first and second games, along with the anime but c'mon now

you'd be surprised how many people actually believe that. also gen 3 isn't my favorite but it's by no means the worst gen that honor goes to gen 4.

Right on, my dude.



It's a side story that delves a little deeper into the Martians conflict with the UNSF and BAHRAM. A very good story with a great localization, which the PS2 games lacked complete with two possible endings.

Gameplay however is fairly slow, which becomes a total grind in the last 3 missions

VII shills will try to deny this

IX shills are close to be right tho


Oracle of Seasons is best 2D.

Majora's Mask is best 3D.

>Bad weapons

X4 was worse with weapons.

Fuck off Reach baby.

Only with X.

No, fuck you. You are wrong in so many goddamn ways that merely outlining them would be a literary epic.

BN4 is inferior to nearly every other game in the series, and is even worse than BN1 in specific circumstances. Take your shitty opinion, and shove it up your ass. Good taste in vidya, though.

3 and Reach are tied for my favorites i like them both for different reasons,

Mein nigger

Oh yeah, *still* has a decent custom game community.

>he didn't like lightning web or aiming laser


>Inb4 3U babies

Fuck you guys the 4U endgame was leagues better than 3U endgame, if you didn't like it you really need to git gud.


I've only played Mega Man 2, 3, and X. Which others are must-plays?

x3 x2 x4

mega 7 is also very good

in that order


>Oracle of Seasons is best 2D.
good taste

You are so wrong it's not even funny. hell 2 was the only BN game that was even close to good until 4 came along.

4 had the best selection of chips and the best abilities making you choose between the double soul system or the dark chip system. Not only that but 4 had the most replay value in the entire series.

style changes in 2 and 3 were shit. the double souls in 5 were ok but the dark chip system was shit compared to the one in 4. and the cross change system is 6 was a fucking joke. 4 is objectively the best fuck off with your shitty opinion.

X2 and Mega Man Unlimited

Mega Man 1-6 and 9 and 10 are from what I seen people say great. Mega Man X 1-4 are definitely good. Mega Man X5 seems okay but haven't finished 5-8. Generally see negative opinions on the X games that don't use sprites.

As some here said the Megaman Zero games are good. Then there is the tons of other countless spinoffs like Legends, Battle Network, etc. I always saw the "CORE" for lack of a better term to be the Mega Man games and the X games.