ITT: We make Vidya challenges, and other anons try to accomplish them

ITT: We make Vidya challenges, and other anons try to accomplish them.

The tomato challenge: Find a 1000 tomatoes in Skyrim.

Other urls found in this thread:

alright hopefully this thread is up in a week when i finally find them all

I dont know, play sfv story mode with all the mircokini mods and dont jerk off

The uninstall challenge: Uninstall every skyrim mod you have CORRECTLY and then beat the game's hardest difficulty in vanilla. If you can do it within less than 3 days, you may reinstall your mods. Otherwise uninstall your game and never play again.

player.additem 64b42 1000

looks like i won dude?

beat dark souls xD

Jokes on you, this is the only way I play.

Impossible. Skyrim in unplayable with no mods.

Beat Dark Souls with only a broken straight sword. No pyromancy. No Shield. NO. MERCY.




Go through MGS3, any version, and ONLY nonlethal take-down enemies, but you MUST knock out each and every enemy in each area WITHOUT alerting them, AND then you must knife them to death. Yes I did this, and yes I am autistic.

good thing you didn't say anything about console commands

Skyrim vanilla is easy as shit even on legendary.

>its another false flagging "im practicing my shitposting on 4chins" poster.

For Final Fantasy XV:
Play the entire game only eating vegetarian meals. All the boys seem to love meat and by meat i mean dick

Sounds like you mean a Vagitarian diet. :^)

Noster's Challenge:
1. start playing Skyrim
2. you are not allowed to fap to ANYTHING before you have fapped to Noster Eagle-Eye

Beat SMB World 8-3 without power ups.

Make a post on Sup Forums without using a single meme.

Impossible. You absolute madman.

max alchemy first (lavender+blue mountain flower+hanging moss without travelling to solstheim; ashen grass pod+snowberries+purple mountain flower otherwise)
then make fortify potions for everything and throw money at enchanting on the side; start on smithing after you hit the first main quest dwemer ruin
no hassle immediate gratification rape formula

No crafting skills run?
Destruction mage. As soon as you unlock the impact perk you can stunlock enemies until they die
It's still fairly difficult on legendary difficulty but possible

No impact?
Stealth Archery

No Smithing, Warriors only, Final Destination?
Not even worth playing the game at this point. Serious autism is required to even attempt this boring ass playstyle on Legendary.

Make a thread on Sup Forums about a video game without using memes or inciting shitflinging.


still having ptsd from this almost 30 years later

god forbid you get to it on the second cycle

>without inciting shitflinging
may as well post on reddit if you're gonna do this

There is nothing wrong with Fallout 4 when judged on its own merits and not the franchise it belongs to

MGS 5 actually becomes a better game if you do
>daytime only
>only allowed to use a lethal sidearm and CQC/default robot arm
>turn off all assistance in the options
>companions are optional depending on what you prefer.

>Can't have a thread without some faggot coming in and trying to fill it with why everyone should hate it because it's not his favorite game

fallout 1, 2, and 3 were all bad.

4 is actually the best one. the series isn't good at all.

gotta pretend you were actually pc gaming in the late 90s tho, gotta get those kewl points.

beat darkest dungeon ng+ with 0 deaths
this includes the final battle

Persona 3 or 4: Don't have any relationships whatsoever. Fight alone throughout the entire game.

you misunderstand

I definitely believe in the standalone quality of Fallout 4; but I only talk about it to incite shitflinging because I know how buttflustered the majority of people who pre-ordered/bought the season pass get about it

I really like the subsistence missions. There's a mod out there that lets you play all the missions that way.

Maybe 10 years from now I'll feel like playing MGSV again.

I agree, Sup Forums is so stuck in the past. Probably because that's when they were kids and it was sort of ok to be an autistic virgin. Now that they are adults, they are bitter and refuse to accept new games.

i'm in the same boat, kinda.
i actually want to replay MGS 5 but then i remember having to delete my save, having to replay the hospital mission twice, having to recruit everyone again, having to spend hours on the helicopter/loading screens from and to motherbase.
and the general missions not being that interesting.
man such a flawed game... but i really want to do some more gameplay, and a challenging run with all assists off etc.

Make a household in The Sims and fill it with a Sim of yourself and as many girls you had a crush on as a teenager as you can fit. You must play until your Sim dies without any intervention on your part without engaging in any romantic actions with those crush Sims whatsoever.

fallout 1 and 2 are okay, just okay
fallout 3 is probably the worst game to be popular in the mainstream ever. And I mean actually popular, none of that 'high sales but hated universally' bullshit. Fallout 3 is the greatest testament to normies ability to eat shit. It is truly awful through an objective lens.

>4 is actually the best one. the series isn't good at all.
New Vegas was easily the best. Fallout 4 is very boring and the dialogue is shitty.

What's your opinion regarding New Vegas?

i can't go back to NV/3 after playing 4.
the gameplay is just so ass in those games, and i have seen most of what they offer

That actually happened once with a Viva PiƱata thread a while back.

I think its just called sarcasm bro

>Find a 1000 tomatoes in Skyrim.
>Find a 1000 tomatoes
>a 1000
a one thousand

On that comparison I'd probably agree. Same reason I can't play Oblivion but still put hundreds of hours in Skyrim.

That sounds pretty autistic.

I actually dropped the game after I had free Destruction dual casting with Impact thanks to maxed Alchemy and Enchantement because it became too boring just stunlocking everyone.

Oh, you sure got me there, mate. Thanks for pointing that out.

Skyrim: Try to enjoy it

Play through Super Mario Bros. without using warps or pressing the B button.

Fallout: New Vegas is a mediocre game that looks good by being in constant direct contrast with it's uglier retarded cousin.

Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas are tied in terms of overall quality; but different enough games to be decided on taste.


A thousand you fucking sperg

Wow, I beat your challenge the first week after release

Why do they have tomatoes in Skyrim when it's set in an European medieval fantasy world tomatoes where brought into the old world from the Americas in the 15th century?

I can respect that.

they added a new boringer difficulty since then

that's potatos

Doesn't even take place on earth why are there tomatoes at all?


been there, done that
fucking MGS3

Sacks and barrels will randomly have many things including tomatoes. What is keeping me from saying I got all of my randomly generated? I could literally just list the possible sacks and barrels and you will be unable to prove I didn't get them from there. RNG isn't a challenge. Hell Path of Exile self found is less RNG heavy now that essences are a thing for comparison.

Easy on 3. More so if you use FES. Armageddon then MP refilled per Nox phase.

Dragons werent brought to Europe at all.

bigly words for big league brains

>tfw real life European Orc
fucking Imperials man.

Where are you on the spectrum?

on top of ur mum
it's a pretty common spot really

It's both.
Tell that to the Godhead. While you're at it, can you convince it that spears exist again? I really miss them.


gee u sure got me there xD

Play Undertale while having a good time

Super Smash Brothers Melee: have a shower

Seriously why is there a recognisable smell at every smash tournament

Kill 5 orcs in 5 different games

Provide screenshots

you have the next hour to complete this
winner gets a gold star

SL1 Dark Souls
PC version
no dsfix
KB+M only

did all of this except for no dsfix.

Emulate and play 2 games simultaneously and beat them.
No turn based.
One controller providing simultaneous input to both emulators.

Ok, I'll do this is pokemon red+blue.

Isn't pokemon turn based?

Pick a game from your backlog.
Play it for one hour.
If you die once, you uninstall the game.

l-link to the mods

>open each game
>start but do nothing
>wait 1 hour

>Play it for one hour.
>Play it
Don't be lazy user

Damn, it'd help if I wasn't an idiot. Good point.

rayman 2 and rayman ds

Complete Tetris using only your dick to input the controls.

Max out Pawn knowledge, Gransys included, WITHOUT save editing.

Kill the Ender Dragon through suffocation.

That sounds legitimately impossible.

Get the Bipod for the knife on Battlefield.

Technically, it is.
Step 1: Imprison the Dragon in Obsidian
Step 2: Make a small hole in the prison at the head point
Step 3: Set up a double Extender Piston, auto-block replacement optional
Step 4: Extend and retract pistons (they will repeatedly break after hitting the Dragon for 1 Suffocation tick)
Step 5: Replace broken parts
Step 6: Wait for-fucking-ever and bring enough materials

Absolute. Fucking. Madman.

Perfect Dark: Pacifist run

Complete the game on Perfect Agent without killing any humans who don't need to be killed as an objective (Skedar are fair game).

I know the word "sarcasm" sounds cool and edgy, but i don't think you know what it even means

People were actually complaining about that the first time it was at EVO.

None of the other crowds smelled nearly as bad as the smash crowd.

play it in 2016 above age 14 without being mocked and insulted
even though it's still a legitimately fun and creative game, with substance on survival mode

why do memes ruin everything

>legitimately creative
>with substance on survival mode
this is one of those posts aiming to incite shitflinging isn't it?

Have fun while playing any game

Beat Baldur's Gate while romancing Aerie

Beat FTL on hard + advanced with Engi Type B

basically just speedrunning but requires a lot more luck to not die

Stream a video game.

here's a video of someone actually doing that