Am I the only one who thinks this game is super difficult?

Am I the only one who thinks this game is super difficult?

The fucking Technicals are what get me 90% of the time.

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Git gud, scrub.

I'd say it's hard too, but it gets overshadowed by even harder rhythm games.

Just takes time and patience.

What am I looking at?

Miku in a non-stick pan.


God damn. Future Tone is going to kick my ass.

I was going to say that but the physics look weird.

>no perfect
who cares?

Are the PSP games any good?
I've got the 3ds one waiting for me to play it, so I didn't know if it would be worth getting the PSP ones as well

If you already have a PSP, then they are easy enough to pirate.

That's the point.

Yeah it's a bit unclear. I'm guessing there's a slope around the edge of the pan and she slid in from the other end of the pan.

Project Diva is incredibly difficult when you start playing. It's not set up like a standard rhythm game - you have symbols flying all over the place and the timing can change on them - and yes, the Chance Time and Technical Bonus can cover a lot of completion % that you can easily lose.

Just a few tips for the game.

One, you can switch the star notes from swiping the screen into flicking the thumbsticks. It's somewhere there in the options menu, but tapping a thumbstick (or two together) is far better than trying to swipe on the screen itself.

Two, each symbol has a little line on it that moves like a clock, at the destination. While the symbols moving around can take different paths and move at different speeds, that little clock-timer is always the same speed and you need to press the note when it hits the 12 o'clock position. So you can use those to determine the correct timing.

Also, I've heard that the PS3 versions of those games have lag (terrible) and I'd make sure that, if you are using an emulator, that it isn't have lag either. The timing for Project Diva is fairly exacting, and you could miss a bunch of notes entirely if it is lag that's causing you a problem.

the point is to get perfects for Luka!

I know, but I mean are they worth it time wise?
Are the games that different besides songs?
Should I just try the 3ds one first, and decide from there?

I've emulated the PSP ones and they're pretty gud, not as hard as later titles though besides paradicholorbenzene and singing passion of miku. Used a DS4 and don't experience any noticeable input lag.

Mirai is great, if you have a 3DS then go for it

>I've heard that the PS3 versions of those games have lag (terrible)

Nah. That's a load of crap. I've played both PS3 games and had no trouble with the timing. Besides, there is a calibration option if you need it.

The worst part about trying to play this game is the fact that I am dyslexic, and I have mentally switch gears in order to hit the right button color. I'm consistently getting "Cool?" ratings on the button presses.

Mirai has a good selection of songs but it's easier than the Diva games or so I've heard. It's a good starting point though.

It's only 7 stars anyways, I got it right after that.

Alright, I'll start with Mirai to see if I like the series, then give the PSP games a go

Mirai is incredibly easy. Tap mode (tapping and swiping on the touchscreen) is incredibly forgiving with the timing and even Hard in the game is quite easy. Outside a few songs and the rare Very Hard mode, limited to just six songs, you shouldn't have too much trouble with some practice. The biggest concern is getting bored with the difficulty.

On the plus side, it is quite cute. You cannot select any character with any song, but when you can select different characters, the song gets new vocals for that character. Reversi (Othello) and Puyo Puyo are fun distractions, but not really worth buying the game for themselves.

if you like cute songs and rhythm games then there's no better than miku games

>cute songs
>no better than miku games
Come again?

Post your Perfects.

>no better than miku games

you're not spookin' me

literally wholoid???



Age age again is such a catchy song.

>Are the PSP games any good?
Best games in the series, aside from Arcade.

>literally wholoid???
I think IA is acutally tied for like 3rd place with Rin. After Luka's shit v4 launch and no one really using her, she has fallen in the polls and into irrelevance.

Mitchie M is a Miku genius

>all those comments saying how disgusted they are about loli miku dancing

Nice. Now do the F version.

All i've played so far in the miku games is project diva X it was the best rhythm game i've played since guitaroo man.

Where do I go from here if i have no vita/psp.

Do I get a vita/psp?

i think it's incredibly hard, i've never been good at rhythm games and i never will be

but i like the music and can find fun in easy mode so i keep playing

If I ever do a harder song it's going to be two faced lovers. So far I only got one 8.5 star song perfect. Everything above that seems really hard.

Get F and F2nd on PS3. You can also emulate the PSP games. Or you can wait until January for Future Tone to drop, unless you want to pay more now for the moonspeak version.

In january Future Tone comes out in the west, it's on PS4 aswell and since you played X but don't own a vita you should be able to get it. It has 224 songs and almost all the ones from previous games.

PS4 for Future Tone

This is the hardest song I was able to perfect.

If your PSP already has custom firmware on it, just find some cheats to unlock all the songs and difficulties. The biggest fucking crime this game (and all rhythm games really) has committed is that it forces you to grind through the easier difficulties and songs before unlocking more stuff.

If you think F is hard Future Tone will murder you.

Oh really? I heard the 3DS game does that, but I didn't know that the PSP ones did as well

Also general question, but DIVA Extended is just DIVA 2nd with more content, correct?
So I can just grab DIVA 1 and DIVA extended and skip 2nd

Any word on when the next FT pack is coming? It's supposed to be this month but they've been pretty quiet


First time I learned that song's English name. Doesn't seem fitting. I can't wait until Future Tone releases here so I can finally read the damn names.

A Perfect is a Perfect, doesn't matter what song. Congrats.

Gotcha. thanks for the tips. Probably just gonna wait until January if I don't find a cheap ps3 at a local pawn shop.

That dance she does is pretty cute.

All the project Diva games do that as far as I know. A lot of rhythm games do that and it's fucking annoying.

The Mikudayo is the best accessory. It always cracks me up.

I will never understand why there's so much creepy shit in those games.

It's not a perfect but I'm still satisfied with it.

no. 2nd and Extend have a somewhat different tracklist. They share a decent portion but overall I would say their different enough to get both.

>playing a cute Miku game
>skeleton music starts playing


There's not enough creepy shit

I don't understand why the points system changed in X.

X pretty much shits the bed when compared to the other games. Rhythm games should not have random drops. Not to mention all the stuff they cut.

is it safe to post Kaito?

He has some pretty okay tracks and then there's pane dhiria

but Miku is love

What did she mean by this?

miku think she slicc

captcha: private call
i believe that's what miku is doing in that webm

This makes me laugh more than anything.

When's the new PS4 miku thing coming out with the 300 gorillion songs? Are we getting the lite version here that's basically a demo?

Based Luka

January 10.
So that's in about 37 days.

I watched this video on repeat for hours on shrooms
It was amazing

Maybe I'll have all the X modules unlocked by then.


what song is this lad

Lebass leinboru
>tfw finally have a nice heavy coat of snow outside
>sipping cocoa feeling comfy, playing GTA IV and listening to my extensive vocaloid library
>FT comes out soon and i'm buying a PS4 finally to get all these nice exclusives

feels good not being miserable sometimes

thanks for reading

reverse rainbow

Why does Luka have senran tits?

Miku likes them big

Stay cozy buddy

Delet dis Luka is pure

Nothing about that picture says otherwise though.

That' why the tape says "keep out." She must maintain her purity.

It's probably for oyur own safety though. Look at this kitten.

A cute kitten. I want to pet her.

i'm going to night fever Luka!

Why the FUCK is teto 31 y/o?

Does it matter? They could say she's 6 or 60 and it would mean just as much.

Yes. I wanted to fap to her but now she's too old.

Miku loves Luka's Lukas!

What about Haku's hakus?

Miku has a great C.C cosplay

Is this supposed to be difficult?

Maybe you wouldn't have to ask if you actually read any of the replies.

Who? Stop talking about all these secondhand vocaloids.

Miku was mentioned by Japan's prime minister and that he wishes to spread her all over the world, it's pretty clear who's relevant around here and who's not.

No, I own the game. That's piss easy. Try Superbeat Xonic if you want something to kick your ass, Migu is baby rhythm

You didn't even try, did you?

>Second hand
Fuck you too buddy.

She's wearing Luka's clothes, silly. Miku just doesn't have the Lukas to pull it off.
