Get in here you fucking scrubs! I'm pretty sure I bodied your asses in UMvC3 back when it was that hot shit.
Get in here you fucking scrubs! I'm pretty sure I bodied your asses in UMvC3 back when it was that hot shit
Other urls found in this thread:
You did it with assists
There are no assists this time
So when are they gonna reveal the new characters?
where''s tron and gustaff
It's been confirmed that there's assists, it just wasn't shown in the trailers so far. Sounds like you get one assist character, but I wonder if that'll be from a large roster of unplayables like earlier games, or if it'll be a character who you could otherwise play, like MvC3.
At the next big gaming related event/tournament? What's the next big fighting game major?
New character soon. Anyone watching ESPN 2?
in like 7 minutes
Is there a stream for the ESPN2 thing?
I don't have ESPN. What do?
No user
No assists
>Infinite’s fights are fought two-on-two and without call-in assist attacks, which might make some series fans a bit skeptical. But the move didn’t occur without a lot of consideration. The team at Capcom considered the decision for a long time before settling on two-versus-two for the sake of accessibility. Although frantic combat is core to the series, Director of Production at Capcom Mike Evans wants more casual fans to be able to jump in without being overwhelmed; in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, each player had to choose three characters from an enormous roster, then choose one of three assists for those characters. In Infinite, you’ll only have to select two characters and one Infinity Stone.
I imagine the trailer will be up within 10 minutes of it airing on TV.
It's cap and chun li
Monster Hunter rep or bust
Apologize. Then maybe I'll give you back your X-Men.
Ah, thought they confirmed the opposite, but I may have been thinking of pre-reveal leaks. Oh well. Kinda shit.
No. Take the X-Men, see if I care.
At first I thought this was the shadowy figure.
Then I realized the chest-eyes were blue.
And I keep hearing they want to focus on the Marvel movies, so this is very unlikely.
One can dream though, right?
Seriously, will Marvel as a whole ever acknowledge Heroman's existence?
There's really no appeasing this Jew. Literally people will watch the films regardless of their presence, you fucking idiot, so removing them and trying to literally kill them off in the comics does nothing except hurt your own fans, but it's not like they care considering how much they've botched the comics the past ten years.
Nah. Go fuck yourself.
>Maximilian Dood @maximilian_ 4m4 minutes ago
This is a big deal. Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite is the first new fighting game developed internally at Capcom in over a decade.
>Maximilian Dood @maximilian_ 4m4 minutes ago
Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter x Tekken, MVC3/UMVC3 and SF5 were all developed by Dimps/Eighting. MVCI is actually being made in house.
apologize for what?
Rate my roster
Scale: Shit - Less Shit - Aiight - Good - That GOOD shit
>Capcom side
Jill Valentine/Leon Kennedy
Date Masamune/Noatora Li
Gene/Viewtiful Joe
>Marvel side
I don't give a fuck because non of my faves will make it in.
>wanting some literally who villain from a failed and forgotten anime to be the big bad in a multi-million dollar franchise
for real nigga
Apologize for what Perlmutter?
It's Ultron merged with Sigma m8.
All those Jew jokes Sup Forums has made in the past I guess
Ok. I have revised my current predictions for MvCi
15 characters for both Capcom and Marvel
Eddie (Mega Man)
Viewtiful Joe
Tardy Sakura
Shin Dan
Dr. Wily
Harry Mason
Lisa Garland
Peter (SFV)
Kent Swanson
Monster Hunter
Demitri Maximoff
Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Howard the Duck
Dog Welder
Black Bolt
Rocket Raccoon
Dare Devil
Yellow Jacket
Idk. I've been desperately mad about this whole 2 character no assist thing but now that I think of it, we're actually finally getting a Capcom fighting game with proper groove/-ism system. It may not be a true marvel game but could still end up being bretty good.
Really fucking despise new art direction. Cpt Marvel looks like she was done by netherrealm.
Everyone single suggestion list I have seen on this site has been god awful
Anyone with ESPN2 able to tell us if the reairing of CCC'16 is going first or if the reveal trailers are?
>X is a robot, doesn't have a dick
>Can't have Captain Marvel x Mega Man X /ss/ doujin
Fixed. Also, this is probably the only team I care the most about making it in.
screencap it then
People still did Samus X Mega Man
No never
trailers when it is over. You got about 3-4 hours, assuming it airs the whole thing.
Rogue's body can't take it.
Right before the commercial they said not to change the channel because of the exclusive look. And then the commercial started with RE7.
>Not Ryu/Ken
At least be realistic
How the fuck did I forget about Yasha. Holyshit.
X is a reploid
Reploids are near identical to humans
they talking about college football
am i in the right channel?
I know it was already in Marvel 3 but I still think it should be Dante/Vergil. Otherwise, GOOD shit.
Call me boring vanilla again but still, Chris and Jill. Good.
>Date Masamune/Noatora Li
And not Masamune with Yukimura? Man they're a staple duo. Good.
Probably gonna be Cammy again but Aiight.
Good shit.
>Gene/Viewtiful Joe
LOVELY shit.
>The last few
Dunno em.
Overall solid.
I'd heard rumors that it's only the top 4 being shown but who knows?
>Gambit will miss another Marvel vs Capcom game
So when's the endless stream of twitter caps from people bitching about videogames on espn
you probably did. i'm so bad at marvel 3
My hope is that maybe they will add them in an update like Ultimate Marvel Infinite Age of Assists. It's a slim hope but it's all I got.
Aaron would be a cool fighter
It's only from 8:30 to 10PM EST.
Also, why the fuck does this look like it's on fast forward?
>events like this on ESPN are intended to have viewers be like "oh what a cool game these people are playing I should jump in"
>game itself locks so much shit(characters being the huge one) behind a pay/grindwall that it discourages people from jumping in
is capcom retarded?
That actually is a big deal. And it bodes well for more Capcom fighters in the future. After outsourcing for an entire gen, they wouldn't reform their own internal fighting game studio if they weren't in this for the long haul.
>normies try the game out
>kind of enjoy it
>want to try more shit out
>drop money to get past paywall
It happens more often than you'd think. Average consumers =/= even the lowest of casual gamers
>literally who
How the fuck do you remember then?
And why the fuck not?
Even Capcom's more recognizable characters are still more obscure than Marvel's.
They need to balance that out a little.
I'm pretty annoyed we gotta wait for this shit. Who the fuck watches ESPN2?
it probably is, top 8 was like 4 hours long. Kinda hard to put 4 hours worth of content in 1 and a half hours timeslot.
So, what do we now as of now ? Here is a recap of what I saw and what I think, feel free to tell me where I could be wrong :
Capcom wants to appeal to a larger public. Which is why there is no assist a la Xmen vs Street Fighter, a fast tag (don't know yet if that cost anything like in X Tekken) and maybe the MVC3 simple mode.
According to the trailer, the game could be 3 or 4 buttons. I'm going with three as in TVC, with a launcher on 2M+H. Command are here (we can see Ryu's 6H). With the three buttons scheme, the fourth one would be the assist, as in TVC.
We don't know yet if all kind of special movement, except air dashes (X did it) are in the game. By that, I mean we don't if there are multiples jump, flight, superjump, triangle dash
Moves can be OTG (Ryu's Light during power factor), wallbounce (Ryu's Jodan Sokutogeri) or groundbounce (Ms Marvel Air move during the air combo.)
Hyper combos still in the game. Lvl 1 and 3 are there (Iron Avenger got cut, but the last Carol one and Ryu's Shin Shoryuken are clearly). DHC are in too, so I assume it's okay to assume THC are in.
Gems looks like an inbetween Marvel 3 X Factor (I assume that's not like the Baroque or the pandora system) and the X Tekken gems. By that, I mean it looks like you can use it one time during a match, cancel a move with it (the cancel causes a wallbounce, but that could be only linked to the power gem) and that gives you a power up depending on the gem you chose before the match. Gems affect moves and hyper combos.
POwer gem certainly gives a damage increase. Also, it can gives new property to moves (maybe Ryu Light isn't an OTG without this - I don't think so) or multiples wallbounces (Jodan Sokutogeri two times in one combos, both wallbounced).
Time gem let the character do a teleport during the activation. Not sure how that works (is it like Mira in Killer Instinct or only a forward teleport ?). Looks like the gem screw the chain system, and gives a slight boost in speed.
>espn coverage every year is just chun li vs mika
>And I keep hearing they want to focus on the Marvel movies
Literally only Polygon has posited this. They brought it as their speculation and people keep parroting it.
too bad capcom already confirmed it
>try the game out
that's the big one. casuals are less willing to "commit" to a game by putting the time in to unlock stuff, and are therefore less inclined to drop 40 bucks on a fighter that comes with like 12 characters
don't forget Nash v Nash tournament of champions last EVO
Power Gem giving extra OTG/Wallbounce/Groundbounce options sounds awesome. I want to use it with Hulk.
My roster prediction/wishlist time. Surely it wouldn't be this many at launch but I hope the final roster years from now looks like this.
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Black Panther
Doc Strange
Ghost Rider
War Machine
Captain America
Star Lord
Iron Fist
Mega Man X
Chun Li
Captain Commando
Frank West
Fou Lu
>fighter that comes with like 12 characters
They dont really care. They don't even realize why that would be significant.
i forgot about heroman i think he would be pretty cool in mvc
New character info when?
Infinite is a reboot, confirmed from the horses mouth
Capcom once again rebooting something for no fucking reason.
Why can't it be a property that isn't shit?
When America is diverse enough.
Ono's pupper died while he was away at capcom cup
there is no god
It should have been CvS 3
Just when I thought my expectations couldn't get any lower.
Take your vitamins and go to bed, FChamp.
>is riot retarded
>100 million monthly players
>literally can only play 10 dudes
>have to grind 2k hours or pay $400 for everyone
>Capcuck who doesn't read comics wants 90's trash character who hasn't been relevent or done anything in years
Leave the Marvel picks to the people who actually read comics. We don't want slots wasted on shit like Psylocke and Carnage, thank you.
Is it a dachshund? Poor doxxy...
>>Infinity Stones
>>Not Infinity Gems
Damn the MCU.
That's another rumor proved to be correct
There's no X-Men
i think they do.
regardless, capcom's marketing team is going to go into maximum orderdrive for MvCI. so much potential dough there
Serves him right for what he did with sf v at launch
This, fucking capcom
No, but LoL players certainly are.
CvS didn't sell all that well to begin with. It was when Capcom's old fighting division was on the brink of death.
>Director of Production at Capcom Mike Evans wants more casual fans to be able to jump in without being overwhelmed
I don't know how I feel about this.
rip doggo
they are most likely going with ryu chun-li and x with some other non x rep if they are going with teams
SFV isn't free to play
Probably not, my team is the cheapest possible
Well MvC3 had Simple Mode, and that turned out to be the "casual" remedy.
>No Phoenix
goddamn it looks just like my daschund.
RIP pupper.
>>The last few
>Dunno em.
Batsu and Akira and from Rival Schools. Batsu was also in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
Samanosuke and Oyu are from Onimusha
>Capcom once again rebooting something for no fucking reason.
This sounds like it'd be more Disney's fault if anything.