ITT: Games where the soundtrack is better than the game

ITT: Games where the soundtrack is better than the game.

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I think Isaac's soundtrack is better than the game but I think the game's decent.

Same for necrodancer, game's pretty good but I think the soundtrack's better.

Pretty much everything he makes is good.

Really great soundtrack, didn't like the game at all


Although I'm one of the few people who dislike using the main theme in fucking half of the songs including the final boss


Not that either of those were bad games, but their soundtracks were better than them.

mighty switch force

Bonus: post those tracks

I think Nier's great, but pretty sure I've seen more love for the OST than for the actual game.

80% of Sonic games.

Anarchy Reigns

I really liked the game but it would be a 6/10 without the soundtrack

The way the entire games soundtrack ties in to itself... It's an exercise in songwriting that I haven't seen since final fantasy 6.

Honorable mentions:
Secret of mana
Mega man 6
Mega man x5
Irisu Syndrome? Maybe

>Melody from Seal's Kiss from a rose

gee, real great.

And if you don't believe, here's a comparison.

For a self admitted cash grab its pretty incredible.

All the main Raiden games pretty much. Also Contra Force. Mediocre game but the soundtrack is god-tier.

I feel like Lisa's soundtrack isn't good until you actually play the game.

At least that's how I felt about it before I played.

I love every boss theme starting with the same intro but with noticeable variations like how it happens in La-Lumana.

this, undertale was shit but the soundtrack is some 3 out of 0 shit

Sonic '06
Final Fantasy XIII
Unlimited Saga

Jet Set Radio

the gameplay doesn't hold up, but the music and art style are still fantastic

There are a few good standalone tracks, but I agree, a lot of the crazier stuff makes more of an impact when heard in context.

So you dislike the practice of Leitmotif in music. It's used often in video games but I agree this game uses it whenever it gets the chance. But I'm fine with that personally, I like how it feels tied together.

smart guy here

Lisa's music is fucking garbage though

Leitmotifs are my favorite thing about soundtracks. Without them, it's just a collection of songs.

Not that there's anything ultimately wrong with that if it's just good music, but themes and shit help give it all an identity. Imagine Star Wars without them.

Paper Mario Sticker Star

Before I call you a faggot please post some video game music you think is better.

I did like Nu-Males Sky soundtrack.

>D Lejano
Mah nigga

I thought Undertale was a pretty shitty game, but the OST was fantastic.

My limit on leitmotifs is 3; Title, Final Boss, and Credits.
literally anything is better but i didnt want to just post some song from chrono trigger

Hotline Miami 1 and 2.

Man you'd fucking hate The Lord of the Rings.

Or fuck, anything by Wagner.