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She doesn't look that bad to me!

shes a big girl

abs are gay as fuck

Isn't that a dude?

she has a great dick

lol no look at the boobs and vagina bones

men can have both

shhhhhhhhooooooow me her dick

you are gay as fuck

no i dont like abs





Is it true men give better head than women?

Every fucking time someone posts poison, the sexual degenerates flock in here and try to convince everyone Poison has a dick. SHE does not. It's literally and physically impossible for a WOMAN to have a dick, that would make her a man.
The only reason you even fawn over this horse shit is because pussy devs in the 90s didn't want to offend feminists.
Poison is a woman.
She has a vagina.
If you disagree, it's because you're a repressed faggot.
Stay mad.

>being this much of a fag in denial


how do you get one of those?

>fake boobs
No thank you.

You can be born with both parts. In Poison's case, she's a male to female transsexual

W-W-Wow, Rick. You were right. She does have a puffy vagina.

No, you illiterate sack of fuck, she's not. I literally just explained why she's not.

But having a dick makes her better, user

And your explanation is wrong you retard

No, it's not wrong just because you want to validate your desire to suck dick.

Does anyone know a good Poison doujin where she has a dick? Asking for a friend.


Nice tits at least.

I thought that someone at Capcom said that "Poison is whatever you want" either transsexual or a woman?

Yeah, thats their official stance now. Because they're tired of having to answer it.


I want to fuck her in the vagina.


Why would anyone own this?








tfw no shemale poison cosplay javs

the face on this one is too manly to outweigh the thicc


















Poison is a totally cute 100% female with a webm of her being female!





Poor little Japanese boy.












>devs made her a tranny to not offend feminists
>something happened for a reason I don't like so it never happened
I agree with you, these threads are disgusting, but it doesn't change the fact that Poison is canon a shemale.




Just give up, Poison has transformed into a meme character. Get on the Roxy bandwagon before it's too late.



best ship



Too bad that ship exists only in a game where Capcom USA still thought she was female, LOL



what does poison smell like?

fuck that fag that made that model, people that keep sfm models private should be lynched







