Star Trek: Online

anybody play Star Trek: Online? the "Agents of Yesterday" '60s retro Trek expansion came out during the summer and it's AESTHETIC as all heck.

I'm only an hour in so far but ship to ship combat is based af, like FTL, but with Star Trek ships. (which is what FTL is supposed to be anyways lmao)

is there any sort of community out there or is this one of those single-player MMOs?
when do they start asking me for shekels?

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should I bother with the "modern era" trek online stuff that's a few years old?

comfy game desu senpai





somebody talk about this game for me.
make memes, too.

I'll check it out, as long as you can have qt doctor with a miniskirt and opaque pantyhose.

I love Star Trek but I really can't see harvesting 40 tribble pelts for some federation jackoff would be enjoyable

Is the gameplay itself fun?

so far the ground combat is more fastpaced and shooty than typical mid 2000s mmo, but pretty standard. Ship combat is a LOT of fun though.

who knows I might get bored in a day or two, but the price is right (free).

the world seems so empty though.
come find me, I'm Donald Tiberius Trump, Captain of the USS IVANA. :^)


is the ground combat still super dog shit?

Nice space combat, everything else sucks.

How does it work? Are you some faction leader or just a nobody in a bigger crew?

I think you can customize everyone on your crew, interestingly enough.

eh kind of. it's more the ground exploration that seems shit. walk down one hallway and shoot a few gorn, beam back to ship for based space battles. If there was more room to walk around or something to see and do it would be a lot better.

You play as a starship captain

You're captain of a low level federation ship at the beginning, you have a few npc alien crewmembers which will give you special abilities in battle and presumably you can upgrade your ship/weapons after a few hours

watch this it's fun af

Do you ever get armor or do I have to look like a faggot?

>/stog/ dead years ago
>even otherchan has pretty much no discussion
>fleet has people on from time to time but nobody bothers talking
>no reason to do anything as an actual group
>either do shit solo or queue up and do a mission in silence before leaving
For an MMO game this is quiet as fuck. It's not like there aren't people playing, there's just no sense of community whatsoever because the game caters to "but i dun wanna play with other people in a multiplayer game" antisocial autists.

>That voice acting.

I know it's a F2P MMO but Jesus.

The best part is this is after the devs switch to unionized voice acting so they could hire on former TV show cast to reprise their characters. The non-union VAs weren't as bad as a whole.

it has voices of Leonard Nimoy and other members of the original cast :^)

Retooling the game to work for solo players was the only thing that saved the game, when it was an actual MMO shit flopped hard.

That's only because when it was an "actual MMO" there was shit-all to do because they made the game on a rushed timetable and a shoestring budget so Atari could keep the license. Now that Atari sold them off to Perfect World and they have a better budget, they have more solo content but absolutely no reason to play multiplayer.

You can. And you can give every female officer a pregnant belly.

Learned this from a friend. Haha.

Trek fans deserve better desu. The new company working it definitely gave it a good fair shot, and should be allowed to pitch in for a new, better MMO. Right now it's circling the drain.

How much of a submissive healslut can I be?

Healing others is pretty difficult to do reliably, and everyone has more than enough self-healing available to them that they only die if they're stupid. Which is another issue with the game, there's no point actually working as a team when you can work as 5 individuals and get the job done even more efficiently.

You can be as submissive of a slut as you want though.

Looks like shit desu


i'm surprised they're still updating that game

I hear once you finish the main story you are fucked. All the ships you need after is locked behind an expensive paywall or something.

Dunno, I tried playing a few years ago, it was kinda painful. Maybe it's better now.

Can you be one of those cat people?

Yes, but you have to pay or grind a month for enough in-game currency to unlock them.

According to the lead dev on the project they have plans all the way out to expansion 5 which wont come out for another like 2.5 years.


i would play it, but the animations and graphics look horrible, are they?

I tried to get into this game a while back, but the ground combat absolutely killed any desire I had to keep levelling.

I fucking LOVED the space ship battles. They were fun to play and cool to look at, but every time they required me to beam off the ship and participate in some shitty 3rd person shooter mode, a lot of my enthusiasm went out the window.

They need to cut that shit entirely and just make the game all space battles. I would go back to the game in a heartbeat.

>All the ships you need
You can literally beat the whole game with free ships.

All the pay ships are 100% optional and not needed at all.

The pay for ships are literally just if you want more daka and to play space barbie


What sort of toaster is this guy playing it on?

You sure can.

I like to upgrade my crew per season (chop this character because in my head they didn't test well with the audiences or behind the scenes pay disputes).

TF2 looks better desu


I remember when this game had an active Sup Forums community in the House of Vid'ya.
Sometimes I feel like coming back but the ground missions outside of that haunted space station makes me not want to.


I think you meant to say transparent
tf2 isn't going for a "realistic" artstyle, with the right graphical settings it can look better than many modern games on the market

It's just not fun.
Ground combat sucks, and ship combat consists of flying in circles around your enemy.
The stories aren't even that great, but that's expected since Cryptic develops it.

Oddly enough this is one of the few PC games that's actually better, or at least less bad, on console, simply because you can set all your shit to auto-activate and don't have to worry about mashing the space bar the entire time.


It was built around consoles first with a secondary focus on PCs.
basically, it's not a PC game.

The original PC release pre-dates the console release by over 6 years.

>It was built around consoles first
No it wasn't.

It was originally launched on both PC and Consoles at the same time, just like Champions.

Yes, it was, and it shows.

>I literally spew untrue bullshit from my mouth

>It was originally launched on both PC and Consoles at the same time,
Not him but no it wasn't.

STO was NEVER on consoles before just the last year or so

>I cannot find proof of my claim so I just post a reaction face and call him a liar

Champions is not on consoles and STO was not on consoles until this summer.

Given that the game came out 6 fucking years before it was on consoles....

really gets you thinking eh?

I stopped playing not long after the Odyssey update. It got to be such a ridiculous grind after you hit admiral. I hear the exchange rate for the C-store or whatever it's called is even worse nowadays.

Pretty sure he meant opaque. They're not see through, they're semi see through

>I stopped playing not long after the Odyssey update.
So like 3 years ago?

They have added so many missions since then that they went back on like two separate occasions and lowered the level requirement for missions so that whatever the "newest" arc was the one at the level cap.

At this pint there is basically zero grind to reach max level

the ships they've got out now are fucking retarded looking

some of them look pretty cool tho

lol just play nostalrius

this is single handedly the most homo enterprise I have seen

>AESTHETIC as all heck.
That looks like shit.

> enterprise
Not even him, but thats not what the ship is... at all

>pic unrelated

That looks like someone tried to make something based on the Enterprise J, the worst Enterprise design ever, and the NX-01, the second worst Enterprise design ever.

do you even into star trek

>star trek game
>don't even play enterprise

voyager fags find a noose

You are exactly right, because that is about where the timeline is now in STO: The Temporal Cold War. So now there are ships like that ugly piece of shit coming out.

It's an MMO, dipshit.
You don't play any of the iconic ships or captains.
You play your own captain with your own ship from a huge selection of races and ships, from four different factions.

pic related is the Enterprise(the bigger ship that is)

Its non playable.

the smaller ship is the current enterprise class.

there's a point in the game where you join the normal game Federation so live it up while you can.

There are tier ships that resemble the old ones but good luck, you actually need to buy those with real money

How you want your Enterprise-J, captain?

Wait, what? They've got the Enterprise-F and the Enterprise-J out in service at the same time?
That's retarded.
And what about G and H?

the fuck have they done to the enterprise

No you twit.

As part of the current start arc you go into the future to fight in the Battle of Procyon V, where the future Federation/Temporal Agency, finally defeat the sphere builders and end the Temporal Cold War.

followed canon

I recommend doing the Christmas event while you can so you can at least get the "free" T6 ship. I ended up buying a T6 ship a peiece for my Fed and Romulan and plan to never buy another so I essentially paid $60 for the game. Still I feel like it was woth it

I thought STO was currently AT the Cold War, though

>make a Romulan
>you're part of some sissy splinter faction

Way to suck the fun out of it.

the fuck is this trash

i don't like that thing, i'm still watching the movies of the original series so i'm a bit behind

I played this for about six months, leading up to and then after Cryptic cashed out and abandoned it to the Koreans.

Honestly a solid game, one of the better MMOs I've played (and I've played probably 30+).

My #1 complaint was how useless the interior of your ship was. Has that changed? Why can't I play the game from my bridge? Why can I do NOTHING from my bridge?

The Romulan Empire is dead, though.

Tell me Captain. Did you think the Federation would actually let you play as a saturday morning cartoon villain?

Nope, they ended it shortly after the release of AoY.

We are in a new post Temporal Cold War arc involving the Lukari and the Tzenkethi and dealing with some of the fallout from the TCW when a Federation starbase got sent hundreds of year back in time and broke the Prime Directive, and they just found it in the current STO timeline

My favorite Fed ship, though I went with the glowing disco ball helm. Wish the retrofit was worth a damn

You're a long ways from seeing it then. It comes from the worst (and last) series in the franchise.

post TCW? Then why would F still be in service? and why would they skip G and H?, fuck time travel