How powerful do you think project scorpio will be and how much will it cost? as powerful as a 970? more?

How powerful do you think project scorpio will be and how much will it cost? as powerful as a 970? more?

I think it still won't be able to play 90% of games at 60fps because devs will just push higher resolutions, like the Pro.

yeah, i really hope they make more games 60fps. Maybe some devs will

Hard to say. I imagine it will be a bit better then the Pro when it comes to 4K, but I still see a lot of titles being locked to 30 FPS. At the very least, I think it will have a stable 30 FPS on most games and even frame pacing, but I would be surprised if they started to do 1080p/60 FPS for every game.

it will probably be as powerful (perhaps just slightly less, but only just) as a gtx 1080

I remember digital foundry saying if the rumored specs are true, it's more powerful than a gtx980

You're fucking dreaming. That's way overkill for what that console is aiming for.

More like around an overclocked 980. I mean, a stock 980 can push Witcher 3 at medium settings, high post, 30fps at 4k.

That's what they'll aim at.

No fucking way, a 1080 alone costs more than the entire scorpio will.

It will be something really big. Supposedly, has more teraflops than a 980ti. Also, has the advantages of the closed hardware: it wil be really difficult to see a bad port.

4k30fps must be achievable with that beast.

>How much will it cost

I doubt more than $400

They want to catch the PS4, and after they fucked up the Xbone launch, I believe they want to release it at a decent price. Basically the One S has gotten them some momentum back, last thing they want to do is fuck it up.

>Supposedly, has more teraflops than a 980ti
So does a 290X.

Why would Microsoft spend money for a 4k/60fps GPU when they only need 4k/30/med


They've already almost caught the ps4. They're not many units behind them. Also it wouldn't be out of the question for it to be on 1070/1080 levels of power if it costs 4-500 considering economies of scale. Remember when the 360 came out there was no equivalent GPU in terms of power and it didn't have an outrageous price by any means.

>They're not many units behind them.
In the US.

Worldwide, they're being thrashed.

Not enough
Too much
Too little
Too late

If these "upgrade consoles" ever work out for the publishers, then good on them.
All I see though is people who feel stupid for buying the version of the console that existed before

isnt this gonig to have a vega gpu?

that puts it in line with the 490/1070

so more than $300

that's not in any way surprising

If it's a 6tflop AMD GPU, it's a 390X.

I hope it's $400 & kicks the shit out of a GTX 1080

Im sick of Nvidia & AMD jewing us on hardware, Microsoft might force them to step up their game

>mfw Red Dead & KH3 in 4K in Dolby Vision

Enjoy your upscaled shit Sonyfags

>PS4 at around 50 million
>Xbone around 25 million


The Xbone has been outselling the PS4 in America the past few months. But it is getting slaughtered everywhere else.

doesnt that make it a 480?

If it's $400 it's a must get for me.

you wish a 490 will probably cost $400usd+

As if they can afford to put that in a $500usd console

do you not find playing on controllers really shitty? i struggle to enjoy games on console on a controllor as opposed to mouse and keyboard, apart from 3rd person games which play alright

Dude I been a console gamer for years, if you want to shill the PC do it to someone who cares.

480 actually has slightly less tflops than a 390X, and does a bit worse at 4k.

i honestly wasn't trying to 'shill' the pc man, sorry if i seemed like a dick i was being genuine

So its going to be a a 485/490 or underclocked 490?

All good

Doubtful on the 490. Why spend the money? They aren't aiming for 4k/60/High. 4k/30/med it easy enough on last gen GPU hardware.

lol PC has been able to do that before gen 8 even came out back in 2013 hahahahha

Why did ms announce it? They've never been interested in creating the most beautiful game ever. But sony always have. So why?

>People forgetting it's designed around Zen
>Already leaked to be using GDDR5X
>Confirmed to be 6tflops and a 320gb/s memory bandwith lane
It's a 1060.5-1070, heck the 1080 has GDDR5X. I'm willing to bet with console optimization included and UWP devs can hit native 4K no issues. MS will take the giant money loss since they can afford to, and chase after Sony. MS want market share back to help push UWP, which in turn pushes W10. Xbox+UWP+W10 all prosper from a short console sale loss and MS strengthen their grip on the market.

And you forget what 6tflops from AMD looks like.

Microsoft would never take the hit of a GPU costing 1070 levels when all they need is one costing around 480 levels.

Scorpio is not a high end PC. It will provide console framerates at average settings at native 4k. Don't need more than a 480/980 for that.

>It's a 1060.5-1070


nice argument

Haha just kidding im actually a shill for the pc company, you just got shilled!

>he still thinks it's ZEN

>Confirmed to be 6tflops and a 320gb/s memory bandwith lane
So, literally a 390X.

Actually, a bit worse, since the 390X had 384 gb/s. How did they get a worse bandwidth with GDDR5X?

For 40 thousand dollars you too can have the all new project scorpio.

you do realize amd makes the shit that goes into consoles right?

Then I take back my apology