Rimworld thread

So what features do you think are going to be in a16?

also general Rimworld thread.

>So what features do you think are going to be in a16?

>trading on your own by sending a group away or launching cargo pods
>improved factions

if there would be any other big features he would announced them by now

I played this game VERY early on (within the first 5 months or so), what's different now and is it actually better?

It didn't have enough complexity for me at the time and having your batteries explode constantly does get old.

you could have said that same thing too before the pod teaser
doesn't mean shit
he could have more in store

what, alpha16 is coming already?

They upgraded that feature to require repairing everything on the planet every month with components.

More crops, drug manufacturing, addiction, I think that's the big stuff there was a smattering of minor changes as well.

nothing worthwhile

biggest gameplay change was letting invaders mine through wall and rock to get to you, and bug infestation that will just spawn indoors randomly

That sounds awful.

Protip: It is

>doesn't mean shit
no shit sherlock. this is a thread about speculation. nothing does mean any shit

soon-ish TM

the big stuff has to do something with the new worldmap. he changed something that worked before completely


Using a few mods, most notably the USSR one and the storyteller pack. The Storyteller I'm with likes "big threats" so I've been getting waves and waves of raids by pirates, tribals, and other soviets.
Pic related is my graveyard after 1 1/2 years, but doesn't show the mechanoid raid or 2 infestations.

your graveyard seems fucking normal for the time you play. especially when considering that you get tribals

There was a mod to just make buildings deteriorate instead. It was much better. Sadly only for a14 though afaik.

>not rushing cremation so you don't have to dig graves

Git gud

shouldnt have to do a long research chain just to understand the concept of a funeral pyre

who said i don't have cremation by the time? why should i take the time to undig every grave when i don't need the space

git gudder

Personally I want an option for a mass grave. Build it and you can load like 20 in it.

Just havin' a giggle m8.


I am going to raid the fuck out of everything and everyone in A16

>Not wanting mass graves

how do you defend against infestations? from what i've seen, and done, they're way too broken

hope he fixes it in a16

Heh. the sleeping spots are drawn on the ground.

>implying giant graveyards aren't A E S T H E T I C as fuck
lmaoing at your colony.

Put turrets in tunnels and stock piles.

incest lesbians. i hope they are twins.

>Personally I want an option for a mass grave. Build it and you can load like 20 in it.

why mass graves when there should be an option at the campfire to burn a corpse

you have plenty of time before they can exit a room. use explosive IED's and turrets

Good point.



pro tip: don't build inside rock. When your in a mountainous area, its tempting to just carve out a piece of a mountain for your home but don't do that. I feels its better to always build your home out in the open as it not only takes less time and labor, but then you can't get infestations in your home and your farms/outposts are more accessible than from in a cave.

fuck off, even minecraft better than your crap

Opinion of colony so far?

only had ferals attack and
one really bad poison ship container that killed my rimwife

no tribals surprisingly
randy random, just toned it down to cassandra classic

the same can be said about raids though right? so whats better?

yep, that they are - they love up a mountain in the coldest biome I could find and eat anyone that visits,

Tell me your funniest story that happened in rimworld

this nigga I know irl who's a homeschooled loser and got cucked by a girl I talk to that he was obsessed with,
I recreated them, down to exactly who they are, and it happened all over again


instead of bumping you could write something interesting

already did yo

Molotovs and good lighting. Lighting reduces spawn chance.

They tuned back the spawn rates so they aren't really an issue anymore. might be worth it to have shotguns in your armory just in case.

thanks friendo

had this raid happen earlier and it was pretty great, starting to be the best playthrough I've had yet

also playing on intense

Ive been holding off playing again until the update. Its coming in a month right? Just dont wanna start a game with tons of mods then have the game break right after the update comes out.

he didn't confirm it, but thats what everyones assuming

Dwarf Fortress vet here

am I going to enjoy this game?

I wish grazing animals would be able to dig under the snow for food, it's annoying to be constantly under attack from starving carnivores in the dead of winter because all the deer got hungry and left.

its simplified, so if you're from DF, you'll either love it or hate it

I prefer Rimworld desu, because it just means more and has better stories with humans

Does anybody have any spare steam codes?

That looks really comfy.

Are you going to do the whole run with just those two or are you going to accept others?

Nevermind, just noticed the human meat

mine's better

So how close to Dwarf Fortress is this really?

it has graphics for one thing, and you can see whats going on
so pretty distant in that aspect

>playing the inferior Dwarf Fortress

Micro-managing a bunch of retarded bipolar drama queens isn't fun.

yours is ass

how huh

wrong guy

incapable of: caring

Infestation is a non-issue if you don't build cramped interiors. What I like to do is create a big, spacious entry area where I shove all the entertainment and turn it into a big dining hall. When an infestation happens I just line up everyone into a shooting squad and get the one melee guy with a shield to go aggro the bugs.

Then it's all about luring the bugs to the main hallways and slaughtering all of them.

It's a tiny threat if you do it like this, but it's very annoying because you have to clean the place up because of all the slime they produce, and then need to dump the bodies somewhere because bug food lowers the mood. Also repair the doors.

If an infestation happens in a room where one of your guys is sleeping, you have around 3-4 seconds to quickly run out before they spawn.

>outdoors -82C

Well It could be worse, he could be an autistic namefaggot.

I refuse to play this game until someone makes a sex slavery mod.

Can i make a competent security force yet? I gave up after i had a guy with high shooting stats with a shoddy sniper rifle spend the entire day trying to end a wounded fat bastard from 10 miles away.

Game is literally XCOM recruits

quality plays a big role in usefulness. a shoddy weapon is near useless as Its accuracy will be greatly decreased compared to a normal one. Theres also a good amount of mods that add new guns, turrets, and armor. Skill decay is cancer though and on higher levels like revered master you pretty much need to be training 24/7 to keep it up.

Hello fellow arctic settler, keep the food stockpile "inside" because food detoriates when it's outside, it should have sufficient temperature unless it's the middle of summer. Also don't do the same mistake i did, don't push for hydrophonics and damage your relations with other tribes because you don't have shit to eat, find gravel tiles and build small rooms to include those tiles, then put a lamp inside, much easier + less power requirement.

yeah, defense against humanoid raiders in winter consists of snuggling up and watching tv while they freeze to death before getting to the house

>don't push for hydrophonics


hydroponics, come on, english is not my first language

>not just creating a holed-up area your settlers can't access and having your husky-army haul the corpses there so they may rot while your settlers are none the wiser and don't go apeshit.

Git guddest, pleb

Is prison architect any good?