So they really are shilling the MCU in this game

So they really are shilling the MCU in this game.


Is it just me or are Morrigan's tits smaller than usual?

Hopefully they fix her face, she looks messed up.

No shit they are, it probably was the only reason why Marvel agreed to it after the shit Capcom went through with MvC3 and licensing.

It's obvious that they were going to have MCU characters, that's fine. But if they're going to butcher every character and have them look like their shitty MCU counterpart then that fucking sucks. So are we getting Hawkeye's bland MCU costume as his default instead of his comic costume? Can you imagine getting Wolverine and the Xmen's shit movie costumes in MvC1?

Disney doesn't like tits

They are still quite big.

She looks azn this time.

That's doesn't even look like MCU

At least her huge looking pussy area is still there plus she's asian now

Oh, the angle in OPs picture is off

did Morrigan get a new voice actor?

I can imagine Hawkeye getting an MCU costume because obscure character, but there's no way they're taking off Wolvie's distinctive pajamas.

Unless they're going for an Old Man Logan outfit, then. Which would still be pretty cool.

Cap hasn't worn that costume in any movies, though. It looks more like his recent costume in the comics.

>Cap is still a beefcake

OH THANK FUCK. I thought everyone was gonna try and look like the shitty movie characters

If not his mcu costume, then hawkeye will prob resemble pic related. I don't see him having the umvc3 costume as a default though.

is that magneato in the background?!

I'll never understand why they don't just call him Purple Arrow. He is purple, and he shoots arrows. Why is that so hard to understand?

Purple arrow sounds a lot less intimidating than Hawkeye.

>Cap has no wingdings
Fucking dropped

Just look at him.

He looks nothing like a Hawk, and he wears shades so you can't even see his eyes.

When I hear Hawk-Eye, I imagine Clint going CAW CAW with a Hawk costume, and he has a single eye on his forehead that shoots lasers.

>They got rid of the hard shading comic book style


Hawks dont caw you fucking meme spouting faggot.

Why do people dislike the MCU?

That's my biggest gripe with the game so far.

Honestly no X-men isn't a deal breaker. 2v2 isn't either, I'm fine with switching things up, and I do love the older vs series. I'm not even that salty about no assists (providing they can still add depth to the game in some other way). But fuck the artstyle in umvc3 was one of the best things about it. I'm not asking for sprites or for the game to look like Guilty Gear, but this looks like an NRS game at best and mobile game at worst.

Probably not. They've said they're dropping X-Men from the game. Might be due to licensing issues or Marvel not wanting anything to do with X-Men or Fantastic Four due to Fox holding the rights.

Literally early footage. Even SFV looked different when they first revealed it. Chill the fuck out.

It's shit. Comics are way better and have way better iconic designs.

The game is called Marvel Vs Capcom you retard.

at least it ain't this puke shit

>Comics are way better.


imagine making a shounen jump vs game and instead of basing Goku on his anime/manga counterpart they base it off the DB evolution series. Maybe that's drastic, but if you have a ghost in the shell video game you base it off the shitty new movie coming out rather than the either anime.

I guess that's fair.

ah i see they have made SSGSSJ4

>So they really are shilling the MCU in this game.
That doesn't look like any of Cap's outfits in the movies

So just like the last game?

but I like that

He looks a lot like his Civil War counterpart m8. And before everyone comes into bombard me by saying how new cap looks like that. Did the change his design after the success of the MCU?

>Shilling for the MCU
That means Cap is evil.

Bitch, you don't read comics, do you?

MCU, for all it's flaws, takes a "best of" approach and crushes them into a mulchy, pulpy thingy for comfort consumption.
Comics are unadulterated shit. Every time. Even the best-of suffers from terrible pacing and editorial mandates that demand a character jumps into the middle of an ongoing cross-over, which could fucking end a whole story-line if they decide they want a character dead, or gone.
And let's not get started on the ridiculous "First" Issues where they literally point out a couple dozen different issues to know what the hell is going on.

And whether the designs are better or not is irrelevant, since they've gone full MCU by now.


I didn't know Cap or Thor or Hawkeye (I guarantee Thor and Hawkeye are going to look lik the movie counterparts)looked like their movie counterparts. Even Ms Marvel looks like her (upcoming) movie counterpart, instead of the one with the dyke haircut.

it's the ugliest artstyle ever they look so fucking gross

I prefer his Ultimate Design no chinstrap

Was this game good? If not is it good if you're a casual shitter who buys fightans anyway?

What the fuck going on.

>Megaman confirmed for armor install super
He better have ultimate armor as a level 3 super or his gem special.

MCU means Marvel Cinematic Universe. As in the films. This is why there aren't X-Men, there are infinity stones, why Caps got the retarded chin-strap thing, and why Thanos is inevitable villain.


grorious oppai

Oh, is this your first time finding out?

Captain America is canonically a hydra agent in the MCU until stated otherwise (which will be until after this game is released). Time travel fuckery is involved.

>Even SFV looked different

but it looks like shit now as well

nope he's gonna get the og costume. This looks too much like wesker and they'll never give him the og costume in real life because it's too corny

That means if star-lord gets added, he is going to get his movie costume.

He's a cis white therefore he's evil

>Every character has dozens of costumes they've been in throughout the years
>Getting upset that they chose to show them off in their most recent/upcoming outfits for their first presentation of the game

I don't understand your temper tantrum, the game will like any other fighting game have many costumes for each character so what they use to show them off in trailers on tv doesn't actually matter.

I forgot, Marvel has made themselves worse than DC

Never mind, then.
I was thinking it was the current running continuity.


Turns out Captain America is a child assassin like Black Widow, except he's a sleeper agent from Hydra.

Nobody in the comics know yet. And he's already killed Peter Parker, Thor's girlfriend, Tony Stark, and imprisoned the Hulk in the Phantom Zone.


>tfw thanos is coming back

Literally all I want

Because the "realistic" costumes are watered down and fucking boring.

Look at Captain A. He looks like he's wearing football gear instead if his actual costume. THEY EVEN GOT RID OF THE EAR WINGS

welcome to 99% of comics

>the Phantom Zone
wait a minute

What's the run called so I can read it?

Cap was brainwashed by the Red Skull into thinking he is a member of Hydra since he was a child in which he thought it was a social group who helped people like his poor family when he was child.

He's loyal to the group now but believes that it was overrun by Nazis and other villains over the years and now he is currently planning a coup to return it to it's "former" glory.

So he's not a Nazi.

Aw yeah, are we doing this now?

It's fucking awful

And? Just switch into one of the other 20 costumes the game will most likely have for him to wear, why act like a baby about it?

You also forget that's your personal opinion, there are people who love and hate every single costume variation so you aren't ever going to please everyone. This is the first time they are showing off the game and they chose the characters most recent outfit for the trailer, makes perfect sense.

>Peter Parker is dead

Nig you think the alternate "comic" costumes are gonna be free?


I will never understand why people are so precious about comics, considering how fucking bad they are.

Modern comics are where authors who can't hack it writing real fiction go.

The short explanation is:

-Red Skull has a sentient comic cube that takes the form of a girl (her name is Kobik)
-He basically tells her that Hydra is the coolest shit ever, and since she really likes Cap, who helped her a while back, and she made young again (he was really old for a while), she basically rewrote him into being part of Hydra since they're the good guys. Too bad she doesn't know that Hydra's really evil, so Steve ends up being an undercover Hydra Agent who's now making a play to take out the Red Skull and replace him as the head of Hydra.

At least its original and relevant

Relevant to what, my dick?

>Mark Gatha died so we cant get BEST X voice
Hold me bros it hurts

The hero making a heel turn for the sake of drama is hardly original, user. The World Wrestling Federation did it all the fucking time, I still remember when The Rock had the ridiculously named Corporate Elbow for quite some time.

Oh, and Red Skull is now the President of the United States.

It was supposed to be Clinton, but. You know.

Marvel was pretty angry about that.

It turns out that was a joke and he didn't die.

thats literally not even a bad thing kys Sup Forums

Conics has come to the point where superman punching dinosaurs is one of the best arcs this year.

That's not even the movie costume. None of them in fact.

And Red Skull's new foe, in light of Steve Roger's betrayal, is a brand new Captain America.

>they'd rather have a literal nazi as president than Trump

That sounds unbelievably retarded.

It's soap operas for manchildren and retards. The people who love them can't accept any adaptation of them because it would mean admitting they love to eat garbage constantly.

It's even better when you realize that the Marvel cast will consist of:

Captain America
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Black Widow
Winter Soldier
War Machine
Black Panther
Scarlet Witch
Ant-Man (alt Wasp)
Dr. Strange
Rocket Raccoon

Does that list look familiar?

Have you praised the president lately, Sup Forums?

I know Red Skull fucked with his memories, but is the rest of that true?
And I hear about Steve being such a good guy, he's going to take over Hydra and make it a force of good, is that true?

>both my mains announced at the same time

What are the odds huh?

>plus she's asian now

That's a negative.

Wolverine and Deadpool might make it just because of how stupidly popular they are.

Oh god.

Comics really ARE shit.

Some people say Sup Forums goes too far, that the bitching and complaining and arguing doesn't achieve anything and stuff like GamerGate is just unnecessary.

Then I remember Sup Forums, and I think we don't go far enough.

So what's happening to DC then?

Middle grounds can exist.

Let's be honest here, you only hate those characters because they are popular now.