No games

>no games

PS2 2.0?

Wow. Reliving the PS1-2 days.


3-4 years into it's life span and Sonyfags are STILL playing the waiting game.

You are pathetic.



I've got plenty to play

>Like 4 of these are actually out

The waiting game is better than the begging game

Look at all of those games I can play on the PC, except for exclusives.

Serious question- do I really need the pro or could i just buy the normal PS4? I only have a PC so I don't really give a fuck about graphics its console it will be shitty regardless.

At this point just grab a Pro, more games will be patched for better performance going forward. They'll still look worse but they'll at least not run sub-30 GPS.

PS4 then, if you don't care about graphics. Framerates won't improve in the vast, vast majority of games when it comes to the Pro. Hell, framerate is actually worse in some games (lmao)

Just wait until you can get a good deal on a regular one, like $200 with several games included.

>Serious question- do I really need the pro or could i just buy the normal PS4?
Neither. Waste of money until the games actually come out and by then just mod chip it a second hand one.

I don't know why they made PS Pro, at this point.

PaRappa displays native 4K at least?

Yeah I thought so. i'd rather just pay 200 bucks and get a bundle with some games and then buy Trico then have to pay 600 dollars for everything I want just to have it look slightly better.

especially since online costs money now.

Basically it's a crapshoot if the games you want will have 60FPS but if you want to have 4K upscaling or better looking 1080p graphics, it's not bad

kingdom hearts?


holy shit microsoft get your act together
I hoped that with Sony going on the offence microsoft would then make awesome games to compete and us gamers would win but microsoft is instead going full retard

>begging game
real talk, besides bloodborne what other games have been begged off a ps?

i've seen sonyfags claim that knack 2 was begged by nintendrones for example. Or RDR 2 was being begged by pcfats.

Fix your photo holy shit, please.

This fag here, I change my answer to this:

look at all those games that don't run properly on PC but mustards will say that they all run perfectly

>musou games

These are the people proud of ps4


>If it's console it will be shitty regardless

kek if you actually believe this. PC does not have studios like naughty dog

so how likely is 60fps on pro? i already have PS4 and i'm just curious

those ninja gaiden, jesus christ fuck devs for making it so hard, also

>zone of the enders
my nigga

Not him, but to be fair, "Runs perfectly" on consoles = "Broken port" on PC

PC has plenty of sjw devs like ND

Sadly this. I'm a PC user and its in our tradition to trivialize console exclusives but PC only got 2 decent game this year, 5 if you count indie games.

I'd kill to get a AAA exclusive on PC but nobody can afford to develop them on here. PS4 has some interesting games I'll give it that much. I'm getting one the day either Horizon or Persona 5 comes out but until then I'm going to wait it out and play my games on PC. I am looking forward to Yakuza though, that series looks interesting.

>I don't like those games so NO GAEMS XDDD

You are the Avatar of Retardation

The last two Tomb Raider games released on PC


>besides bloodborne what other games have been begged off a ps?
blind cuck dont even let me start with it, but have fun missing all games because MUH MASTURD RACE XDDD

No user, playing bad games is retarded. I'd rather quit this hobby than play nothing but shit.

>no games

That actually proves that PC has no games though because those are all multiplats.

Dose PC have any exclusives?

>muh superior taste

h-games and visual novels

Some of OPs pic are multiplats and not all of those are multiplats in the image you're replying to either.


console gaming but now on PC, the same bullshit you hate but because its now on PC its good

woa! and people say that PC isnt dead... you guys have been playing scraps since 1998

Zesty isn't even bad, it just has a few camera issues, framerate drops when artimized with Miklio, and shit item stats.

>Her Story
>shit ton of indie
are you even trying?

Are there any games that aren't a port, sequel, or remake?

I just want DMC5 man.
I'd even buy an Xbone for it
I really don't need TLoU2 or nuGoW
Just please give it to me

The problems with console gaming has nothing to do with the games; the games are fine.

The day PC gaming died is when physical copies of PC games turned into steam codes in boxes and the consumer realized they were getting fucked and stopped buying physical PC games. The digital distribution of PC games is convenient but it played a sole in it's slow deterioration.

Most PC gamers today weren't on PC during it's golden age, they literally think PC being a console port machine is the norm. That's why one of many reasons why it'll never recover.


>Or RDR 2 was being begged by pcfats.
But they are


>Tfw pcucks really are what they're called

See? None.


What a good fucking year for weebshit.

>indie shovelware and console ports

>PC users use petitions to get games
>buttmad sonyggers use petitions to remove negative opinions from the internet

Oh you don't even know how deep the rabbit hole goes, friendo.

And next year is already off to a good start.


>Delete this!


>PC Exclusives
no thanks

Atelier for PC? Holy shit that's news for me, awesome.

UDG took too long though. I'm also waiting for an announcement on Steins;Gate Zero.

Not enough cutscenes and feelings for you, m8?

Nier is for PC to though

Now remove:
>the multiplats
>the interactive movies
>the 30fps action games
>the remasters
>the weebshit
>the unreleased games

0 games remain. Try again next year.

am not into that cuck meme shit, have fun with that

When will this antibuzzword die

>8000 signatures compared to over a million signatures for PC begging petition

>can't list anything
>every day more games are being ported to PC
>multiplatforming between ps4/xbone/pc is rampant

>tfw no Arland triology

We just get the shit left over atelier games because people refused to buy Sophie on PS4 which was also pretty bad.

I wish people would idort more so they know not to consume trash which only encourages gust to push more out but some people will buy anything that comes to PC because its so starved for good Japanese games.

Just removing unreleased games and 30 FPS action games leaves literally 0

>hate web, post on web page

at least t's going towards a rational cause and not literally DELET THIS: the petition

Is Sophie any good? I know people were mad that the time limit was gone, but that wouldn't bother me.

it's a legitimate complaint though, if someone doesn't like JRPGs they have nothing else to play on PS4

You should check out Chicken with Tourette's Simulator, I think it'd be right up your alley

>49,665 is over one million

I get not liking certain genres, but that applies to any genre. The term is also calling games bad when what it really means is "games that I don't find appealing", which aren't the same thing.

that isnt true. i actually hate weebshit and jrpgs and am stil getting alot of mileage out of my ps4.


>Rounding 8,821 down to 8,000

I know you got that inner city education but damn


jrpg != weebshit

lost odyssey isn't the same as neptunia

>mfw abot 40% of the games being released in the next handful of months will be on PC
>mfw 95%+ of them are on PS4
>mfw there are still people trying to convince other people the best option is to have less games and get a PC

>all on PC at higher framerates
what even is the point of a PS4


wow, it's worse than nothing

>Mafia 3

I know it's a falseflag image but you gotta keep that shit plausible

>more games on PS4 than PC
Can you explain this Where are all these exclusives?

I can assure you those numbers are wrong.

>rational cause

It didn't release in 2016?

It didn't receive nominations at the Game Awards?

It isn't popular on NeoGAF/other Sony sites?

What's not plausible here?

Mobile tir shovelware doesn't count as exclusives though. Quality > Quantity. Greenlit games can come in the thousands but they don't count.

But you implied 50% of games won't be on PC? Did you mean LEGO Harry Pottter Collection Remastered? Is that what you meant?

I'm talking about games like Nioh and Persona 5. But even Legos would be a better quality and more funner game than anything greenlight could pump out.

PC gaming isn't what it used to be sadly. It's just sad that a lot of newcomers who don't know any better actually think the state of PC gaming right now is normal and how it's always been.

>get hyped after PSX trailers
>start looking at PS4 prices
>realize the only thing new was TLoU 2, I didn't even liked the first game
>hype's gone, go back to playing PC games

That was a close one.

>what even is the point of a PS4

ill show you pcuck.

My choice of words may have been questionable but the point is, all they wanted to do was get a game.
With the company that owns it it may be a lot to ask however signing a petition to get a game makes more sense than signing a petition to remove a critics review from metacritic because it was negative.

Well this is Sup Forums and we all agree that it's shit

>play any multiplat at 4k
>looks better than any PS4 exclusive

oh boy I sure can't wait to "play" the latest Naughty Dog interactive cutscenes in "4K" on my 1080p monitor at "30fps"