Did you play his game, Sup Forums?

Did you play his game, Sup Forums?

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its free so why not

pretty fun too

tried to.
Sys-6-00what the fuck ever error message when ever I try to play.

Have you tried turning the console off and on again

>go to a different floor or talk to a shopkeeper
>"connection error, you wanna quit?"
>"connection error, you wanna quit?"
>"connection error, you wanna quit?"
>"connection error, you wanna quit?"
>"connection error, you wanna quit?"
>"connection error, you wanna quit?"


I like it

It's fixed

>console only
It's trash.

look at the jelly pc fat autist and laugh :'D

Sorry it's not indie trash or a mobile game port like pcucks are used to

your loss scrub

Gee, all the Mario games sure are trash.

Played it at PAX earlier this year and loved it. I won't have the money for a PS4 till after Christmas though so I'll have to wait a month to play it which sucks but such is life.

Forgot your Umaru image, senpai.

>playing shadman's game

>b-but I can play old console games
How pathetic are pcucks, the best thing they can say about their hardware is they get to play things we already did a decade later
You can't even really call them gamers, they're leeches

Surprisingly fun

Gameplay is mediocre but it's got nice style. In other words, a Suda51 game.

What is this, 2007? Grow up.


that literally makes 0 sense

Pretty fun so far. I kind of like the whole 'constantly scrabbling for weapons' style it has.

>next response is related to "it's 2016"
I'm not referring to you, by the way.

There's a considerable lack of Lolicon for this to be a shadman game.

For a F2P game it has some decent production value put into it, tips&tricks Sup Forumsirgin is best NPC.

I feel like people are playing a different game then I am... Im constantly getting buttfuck by multiple enemies that stagger me on every hit.

So far just got to the First Don on floor 10, the boss fights are pretty well designed so far it seems

I play 3ds on citra and wiiu on cemu full speed

>le current year
Sounds like you got lost on your way to r/master race

>there are senpais that think Coen is a boss


I downloaded it yesterday night but was too busy fidgeting with a porn game to play it, then this morning I fell off from the second floor of my shed injuring my shoulder so I've been asleep all day. I'll play it tomorrow, promise.

>fidgeting with a porn game
What game?

Use dodging and blocking

Honey Select, not really a game though.

Kinda enjoyed it, not sure on the combat controls, and lockon seems absolutely terrible.

Cleared floor 3 just barely and nabbed a rare material along with at least 5 blueprints. Got the elevator and went home... then server error.

Just checked a few minutes ago, it says he's been haterfied. Had the money on hand to revive him, and he's missing items I had picked up earlier along with the level 3 elevator. Fucking annoyed.

Then tried to talk to the shopkeep - server error.

They had better fucking fix this, and this was like 10 minutes ago so their latest tweet means shit.

He's a common enemy on later floors, Coen is the casual filter

No way Lin-Die is the casual filter.

You are so predictable, it's not even funny.

The new ones are, actually.

So what should I be doing during the Lin-Die fight? I can't find a solid way to deal with her.

Hide behind pillars, wait for her to stop attacking and charge her and pray.

Worth a shot, thanks. Gonna stock up on frogs from the first floor before I head back in.

meant for

Why is everybody basically naked

Hey, is there any way to quick reload a gun short of firing the rest of the rounds in it?

The hand its in either L2 or R2 + X

That didn't work. It's a two-handed gun if that makes a difference.