Buying guide books for your vidya

>buying guide books for your vidya

>not wanting to buy superior Piggyback masterrace

Enjoy getting lost, faggot

>not getting guides on the internet for free

fpbp lol

it was essential for some games back when you didn't have internet
but yeah it's totally obsolete now

>I took my tard meds today!
good for you, user

>Being a complete cuck

One of the reasons I've started disliking RPGs is the fact that you miss a ton of content, sometimes even the best content because it's all locked and hidden and unless you look at guides you'll miss it for sure.


I liked the art work and other extra goodies they used to throw in back in the day. ESP for JRPG.

>A cuck is this user, truly!

You'd think the internet would have killed physical guides.

Which is why I always feel a little shocked whenever I go to a store and see guides for extremely recent games.

This. Also who is this girl? Been seeing her a lot lately.

underage phone poster

>overused meme
you're gonna get raped

MC from Space Patrol Luluco.


Going to get raped you say?

I need to collect it all, I can't have holes in my collection

Now it's all photoshopped shit without any effort put into it

I bought the Chrono Trigger guidebook for the art

I have yet to see a french cartoon that doesn't drive my dick crazy
what's up with that?

Dark magicks

As a console gamer for a long time, I couldn't just alt-tab to a guide. Powering on my laptop or scrolling through my phone for when I got stuck was always way more of a hassle than a guide in my lap.

Also you have to remember the guide gets everything straight from the source the day of release.

I got fucked out of quests with obscure tiny plot triggers in The Last Remnant hopping on GameFAQS when the game was new because no one knew how to unlock everything