Well I guess it's over then

Well I guess it's over then
How will pancake ever be able to enter Tick Tock Clock without an A-Press?
Any dream of a 100% 0-press run is gone

He'll just focus on other levles in the game, while doing research with his fellow ABC runners on Tick Tock Clock. I'm sure they'll figure something out.

What the hell is an A-press?

Can't he use the built of Mario against somewhere in the castle to QPU misalign past the door of the chamber and skip the door opening animation, then use Mario's continued speed to rebound off the wall into alcove where the level is?

depress the button

there. solved it. Enjoy your autism, everyone else

Imagine if you were in a coma for only a year between 2014 and December 2015, and you suddenly entered this thread, not knowing who Pannenkoek2012 is.

>Pressing A
Fucking pleb

Watching that Rolling Rock video for the first time was one of the most fun experiences I've had. I legitimately thought it was bullshit but he kept going and it kept getting crazier.

It sucks knowing I'll never love a game that much.

That post depressed me.


Okay, TJ "Henry" Yoshi.

>t. TJ """"""""""""""""""Henry"""""""""""""""""" Yoshi

The first time I heard "But first, I need to explain parallel universes", it made me explode with laughter in a similar manner to someone realizing they've gone completely mad.

No, the second floor doesn't load unless you use the door

Spoilered for the weak of mind.
Those who cannot comprehend the multiuniverse would do well to not open this image.

Has someone made a "what i watched/expected/got" of that?

How does he enter TTC without pressing A to being with?

This. I missed the original threads about Pannen and when I finally took time to watch the video, it was both hilarious and fascinating.

I just wish he didn't feel the pressure to put something similar or better on his main channel. Not everything has to be a crazy, meme-filled hit.

you used about 3 of them in that sentence

Is this some kind of bullshit like he moves further if you hold button longer :^) kind of bullshit?

What is an "any key"?

Yeah, if you look at his channel he's apparently been doing Mario 64 stuff for years at his own pace, but that one video really blew up and now he's got a lot more people expecting more content from him.

It's more to do with how slopes affect his speed.


There are other commentated ones. But they've always been a very small fraction of his output.

He had to rename his second channel to 'uncommentatedPannen' because of autists like you

he didn't want to get super big, so he stopped commentating them to keep filthy normies like you out

>tumblr file name

>Well I guess it's over then
He always needed at least 1 A press to get into the level the first time. If it wasn't over before then it isn't over now. These strategies are just a back-up. As soon as someone finds a way to enter TTC the first time without an A press, then all of the re-entry A presses are eliminated.

He had hundreds of thousands of views back with the impossible coin stuff.
I've been following his stuff since a year before then, back when he wasn't even doing TAS.

He doesn't

This. I want this guy's videos as background noise while I browse Sup Forums stoned.

He has other commentated videos besides that one, pleb.

>Studying calc
>put mario 64 save file music on
>suddenly it becomes easier as my mind clears and I imagine panenkoek explaining integrals to me on youtube

Actually, We can do Better.
You see, while you think he might have done that sentence in 3 A-Presses, its actually possible to do it without any A-Presses, all he has to do is copy someone else's A-Press and paste them into his message

If you keep your pencil on the edge of the paper for 24 hours you will build up enough potential energy to do your homework

twice of half of an a press

actually it's more like 0.5A = 0A and 1A + 0.5A + 0.5A + 0.5A + 0.5A + 0.5A + 0.5A = 1A