Why didn't it save WoW?
Why didn't it save WoW?
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Legion DID save wow fucknugger
Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Because everyone who cared back then are grown ass adults now.
Because they expected you to only ever play one character and if you dare try to level an alt you realize there's a figurative mountain to climb in attunements and time gating that just suck out all of your enthusiasm and desire to play the game.
I leveled my brewmaster from MoP. Brew is shit. Tried leveling havoc and even though the gameplay is really great I just can't go through all that shit again.
Not even AK boosting will save it imo.
Where can I get a month and the xpac for cheap
It's a 12 year old game catering to an audience that's moved on to new shit.
Cause the class balance and pruning is SHIT.
It was fun for a month but the game railroads you into playing only one character and punishes you for picking another one
Having to pray to the rng gods for correct neck and finger stats is fucking stupid too with no reforging but secondary stats mattering more than anytime ever in the history of WoW
they really need to just rollback to MoP sans vengeance
Because it's not really that great. It's fucking amazing compared to WoD but so what?
The biggest fucking offender is how mythic dungeons reward better than raids
Mythics are braindead easy.
Brew isn't even shit you fucking casual.
WoD had good-high tier end-game it just didn't have any solo content. The raids were solid. I would without memeing say that there are definitely bits of WoD that are far superior to Legion.
>item level 840 shit
Mythic+ rewards better than raids and is harder than raiding.
Raiding is getting 10-20 gagglefucks on at once and hoping 2\3rds of them remember to breathe while playing wow.
brews are fucking shit tanks man. They are only good for cheesing large hits. They suck in every other aspect of tanking.
what the fuck is wrong with Helya? all i see is 7/7M 2/3 ***H*** guilds
>Wait to do raids because I'm busy doing mythics and M+
>okay I'm ready for raids now
>my ilvl can only be improved from Heroic/Mythic raiding
>M+'s let me completely skip normal
>don't feel like doing poopsock raiding I actually enjoy the casual nature of normal
>realize I beat the game without ever touching raiding
>uninstall forever
I don't know how they fucked up the end-game like this twice.
I meant mythic+
This pretty much exactly. Everything was great except the class "balance" is the worst it's ever been.
EN was a fucking cakewalk and people cleared it like the first or second day of ot being released so they made Helya actually challenging
No, fuck that.
EN is such a cakewalk nobody I group with can clear Cenarious. Fucksake.
>tank on brew
>keg's shit AOE range misses mobs in a pack and have to struggle for aggro
>breath of fire, our most important mitigation has a tiny AOE cone that will routinely miss mobs in front of you because of how they spread out to hit you, and it's range is shorter than the animation
>blizzard says they're a higher damage tank
>they're actually the lowest played perfectly
>they get a cool artifact
Yeah he's the only challenge in all 7 fights but hes not that bad
I legitimately feel awful for some classes.
Look at shit like Havoc, unholy, shadow which are braindead top dps. Then you have the poor bastards playing Demonology, Feral, Survival which require addons to basically play the class for you because the rotations are so retardedly complicated and that will only get them up to par on the rest of the dps classes.
Also Druid/Warrior/Paladin tanks are ez mode to the extreme and brews/bloods/vengeance require serious dedication and attention to just break even with the top 3 tanks.
Why do people keep pushing the lie that unholy is good, even with their bis legendary they still pull low-mid dps and frost has been outperforming it for almost two months now.
>play a shit class
>i-it takes more skill, s-so much fun
no it's just a shit class
because when the expac first dropped unholy was top dps, if i am not mistaken, and as scaling has occurred they have turned into garbage dps.
>unholy top dps
>shadow easy to do top dps
>survival/demo complicated
nigga what game are you even playing.
it was middle of the pack at best.
They've been actively nerfing unholy in every hotfix since August, the last time unholy was top dps was pre-patch before legion was even out
Since when?
Because Nostalrius is coming back.
>unique legendary artifacts are mass-produced and handed out to every john dick as reward for being able to breathe
>everyone is a special snowflake and leader over.... himself, because everyone is a leader nobody is actually leading anyone
>welfare legendaries from bear asses
>warforged warforged now with 50 additional itemlevels of RNG
>random stats on all items
>all pvp items are random drops
>greater rifts
>exponential item level makes anything that isn't the last patch obsolete
>"progressing" through one and the same raid 4 times with different numbers for hp + damage and maybe an additional skill here and there instead of progressing through different raids
>everything is menu-based and everyone can teleport everywhere
>everything is x-realm, instanced, phased, sharded, servers don't even exist anymore
>many classes had most or even all specs absolutely destroyed by the changes
>class balance worse than ever before
Instead of going back to a RPG or MMO, let alone both, they keep going further and further away while expanding on bullshit mechanics that never even should have invented in the first place.
My character is basically done with the expansion and I went from 98-110-endgame within 30 days and have nothing left to do besides pray for not shit rng drops on mythic raid and mythic + dungeon. Everything else isn't worth my time in the least. I didn't even no-life, I played maybe 3-4 hours on days that I did play.
I think blizz just can't make a good end-game anymore.
people who originally played probably moved on and are doing something with their lives instead of grinding for virtual items.
also with esport peaking last year wow and many other titles got less attention. i dont play it but i guess there are still a few million players monthly
m+ mobs should have been immune to aoe cc and silences then balanced around that, aoe dps is incredibly bad with classes randomly doing 1/10 dps of other classes while rolling their face on the keyboard, these problems should've been obvious cause it's the exact same shit that plagued challenge modes
Dude, Mythinc+ is broken dogshit. You know what the best possible setup for Mythix+ is? 4 DD and a Tank. You literally don't need a healer if people know what they are doing and you have a paladin to offheal in a pinch.
Literally the worst balanced expansion in WoW.
It's fucking boring
Class design is boring
The entire theme of the expansion is boring
Where exactly is this fucking legion invasion supposed to be? There's a couple of small demons camps lying around that are easily cleared by a levelling adventurer, and the main island with nothing on it. None of the other continents experienced anything. What the fuck is the big deal? Also why is Illidan on the cover when he's only in a couple of cinematics?
>asmongold meme
>implying it doesn't work
Reading these threads after the initial hypejobs is so satisfying. The truth always comes out.
The xpac could've lived up to it of they fixed the dogshit class designs and balance or put back in reforging
This thread brought me a memory of an old video I searched before I started raiding Ulduar.
The amount of love these guys put into the first expansions was immense.
We need to go back guys...
reforging was shit, rng gear doesn't change that
RNG up the ass, terrible class balance and killing alts.
nothing can save wow
Legion was nothing but adding more shit for their loyal subscribers to keep grinding. It was never meant to save WoW. Just keep the plebs on the treadmill to drain every last cent out of the game possible.
Started getting into blood a week later they ruin it for me.
It became Diablo 3 and everyone knows Diablo 3 is a very good game!
>old WoW
>gear you can use finally drops
>it's always an upgrade
>recent WoW
>game decides you get a gear drop
>it's a bad item for your spec or a duplicate
>bonus roll
>maybe next week
>current WoW
>gear drops
>it's the gear you want but it has the worst secondary stats
>it didn't roll a socket or third stat or upgrade to warforge or titanforge
>it's trash because of the above
>you might not see that gear drop again for weeks and it might roll just as awfully as before
Yeah, fuck current WoW. Gear dropping should be like christmas, not a 95% chance that you'll cry over how bad it rolled.
>blizzard refuses to post sub numbers anymore
>everyone hates the rng loot system
>more timegating than WoD
>making an alt is only for masochists
>saved WoW
Titanforging is second worst shit Blizzard has ever put in the game. The worst being the legendary system.