Is Witcher 1 the greatest pleb filter of all time?

Is Witcher 1 the greatest pleb filter of all time?

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yes, alongside with STALKER:SoC.

But STALKER is actually good past all the Slav jank. Even if Witcher 1 had no Slav jank it'd be a piece of shit

You are wrong. STALKER and TW1 are both GOTYAY-tier games, and only literal Xbots disagree.

nigga what? Witcher and Stalker are almost carved out of the same wood! I had tons of Stalker flashbacks playing #1 for the first time few years ago.

I tried playing it twice. Game is shit.

I liked it and I have shit taste so probably not

I played the game 4 times in a row. The game's superb.

you can't have shit taste if you dig TW1.
Kids these days can't even get past the first real chapter.

Man, TW1 has a lot going for it, but the amount of bullshit the game puts you through makes it really hard for me to say I like it. So much of the game was just a slog.

I liked it a lot more than TW2 but I did finish TW2 with a combat mod that may or may not have actually made it worse.

>pleb filter
>shit gameplay
Fuck off
If anything liking the Witcher series is a sure way to spot a pleb.

It's good shit, but it only gets really good after like the 4th chapter if I recall.

What's wrong with the gameplay now?
I enjoyed playing it way more than its sequels, that IMO are a good example of modern, fucked up game & UI-design.

I enjoyed the more open style of the earlier chapters myself, but I do understand where the praise for 4th chapter & up springs from. You gotta be some very cynical person to dislike the ending.

>What's wrong with the gameplay now?
The "gameplay" in W1 is you going around rotating your sword like an idiot 24/7. The combat is ass.

I was the playing the game fine until I got to the swamp. Then every person in the fucking place had a quest to do and it got tedious. Maybe I'll go back soon.

In that only lightweight pedants insist it's good? Sure.

>The "gameplay" in W1 is you going around rotating your sword like an idiot 24/7.
uh, that's animation. Not gameplay exactly.
Also, you never read the books? Geralt's fighting style is described to very akin to dancing, with lots of big, circular movements. Thus the whole "sword dancer" style, which IMO is more fun to watch and satisfying to use.

>The combat is ass.
How so? I really liked those stances and how fluid the gameplay was. On the opposing side, the TW2's endless rolling, being unable to use potions mid-fight, resulted implementation of regenerating health, and the overall feeling of Geralt being a total beta-bitch all the sudden annoyed me to no end.
It did not help that the UI and menus were some Skyrim-tier console styled list on top of list, the Mouse had no use outside the menus now (could not click on things & have Geralt go and do his stuff), and that there were some literal QTEs and ME-style vague, binary dialog "choices".

Agreed,i had given a lot of chances to W1 but can't stand this shit

Can I skip TW1 without getting confused about the storyline? I think I got to the part with the swamp and couldn't take the dullness anymore.

It's a game that looks like a standardish console 3rd person action, but is actually very much like a an old-school PC crpg. It filters out consolefags extremely efficiently. Whether or not that's the same as "pleb filter" is up to you.

No, you really cannot.
Let console plebs say what they say, TW1 is the best, most enjoyable and rewarding game in the whole game series. I have no idea what you kids have against the swamp exactly.

It's a CRP nigga, it's not supposed to have good combat.

Pretty much this.
Now that I think of it, and judging from this thread alone as well, all the complaints about Witcher 1 seem to boil down to couple, repeated, very subjective "issues":

>Combat is not what people expect (direct control, AKA "DaS style").
>People think that "gameplay" = "combat", and ignore / are ignorant of all the other ROLE-playing game's gameplay feats.

Apparently, the game's also "too open" and "too filled with things to do", so young players nowadays get overwhelmed, apparently because they try to finish and achieve EVERYTHING at once, no matter that it's simply not possible.

tl;dr: Witcher 1 is very "non-sexy" for the modern AAA-shit consuming crowd, because it expects more time and effort from the players, and does not progress in such straight manner as numerous modern titles.

"Slow burn - High reward" kind of games are greatly underrated these days, because typical player plays one game for few hours, then apparently ditches it completely.

I don't understand how people can make such statements so boldly.
I'd argue that the first game has a very good, smooth and easy to use combat, that highlight's the MC's unnatural traits and superb skills.
It shows that there's not been a new, real CRPGs like Gothic in a while.

the combat sucked worse than morrowind shit

Just read a summary on a wiki

Don't get my wrong user, I enjoy the combat a lot with FCR but I don't think I would call it objectively good.
Despite that though, that FCR hard playthrough was probably the most fun I have ever had with vida.

It's just the point where I stopped caring about the game. The entire storyline and characters were just plain uninteresting and flat. I couldn't give two shits about anyone.

>you can't have shit taste if you dig TW1
It's really not anything special. It's leagues better than the sequels that followed, but there are far better WRPGs out there. Sorry you have low standards.

>The entire storyline and characters were just plain uninteresting and flat
That is just your ignorance speaking. There's so much lore to cover, since the game is a direct sequel to multi-part novel series, after all.

That being said, TW1 does allow you to "ignore" all that with its amnesia / rebirth plot device. It's pretty much a "build your own tale" adventure, which lets you mold Geralt into the type of Witcher you want him to be.

I got plenty of enjoyment collecting them Sex-cards, just roaming the lands, playing with alchemy, and occasionally taking a quest or two to tackle.
What comes to the available story elements of the game ("available" as lots of stuff can be ignored / missed), there's plenty of subtle foreshadowing and introduction work going on in the first three chapters. Most people think Chapters 4 and 5 fondly, because that's the part the story really starts picking up and "shit hits the fan" for real.

Did I at any point claim that TW1 would be the best anything? I don't think so.
It however is a very good WRPG. Even more so considering the time it came out, and that there's not been such traditional, well done computer RPGs available for over a decade.

The fact that it is superior than its highly overrated and shilled sequels should already tell about #1's qualities.

Are witcher drones the worst?

I think I'll just skip to TW2.


enjoy your bad game.

I dropped this game HARD

how do you fuck up a game so badly? I was surprised at how well received 2 and 3 were considering how shit the first one is, I have a lot more I'm interesting in getting into than this schlock

vizima confidential, old friend of mine, and beauty and beast are goat quests.

Just use Igni to blow up the enemies. Or just run past them, the swamp really isn't an issue

W1 > 3 > > > 2

>The entire storyline and characters were just plain uninteresting and flat. I couldn't give two shits about anyone.
Literally the best in the trilogy when it comes to those two things. You're better off finding a series more suited to you in this case.


I like some witcher 1 but the combat was always annoying to me. I felt I had accomplished something when I beat it that's for sure.

>how do you fuck up a game so badly?

by using an engine made for top down rpgs and hacking the shit out of it to barely make it a 3rd person game.

Books > 1 > 3 > 2

Witcher 1 had better combat than Witcher 2. Whatever the fuck Witcher 1's combat is, atleast it works compared to Witcher 2's shitty attempt at Dark Souls combat. If you're gonna try and make the game have Dark Souls combat atleast make it not shit (hell even fast rolling in Dark Souls is faster and more responsive than rolling in Witcher 2).

Reminder that the art on the post-coitus cards looks better than any sex scene in any of the games.

I remember going after the sex cards and my buddy would hit me up to chill and I said "can't man, I'm trying to get into this chicks pants" and it wasn't until weeks later when he brought it up again that he found out I was playing a game. He called me a FAGGOT for a long time after that.

Dark Souls is just shitty Monster Hunter combat anyways

I own a boxed copy of TW1. It was borderline unplayable on release, I played for a couple hours and then didn't touch the game for years. I reinstalled it after Enhanced Edition patch and I fucking fell in love with it. I can't believe they used the same engine as Neverwinter Nights.

Why did you drop it? I didn't consider it to be fucked up at all. One of my favorite, more atmoshpheric games of the "last gen", though there technically ain't generations on a PC.

>I was surprised at how well received 2 and 3 were considering how shit the first one is
TW2 and 3 were console multiplat titles, and the only games most Xbots have played. TW2 was literally "we want DeS and AssCreed audience!" - the game, and the one reason I totally loathed the whole experience. One of the biggest buyer's remorses this decade, and I fucking pre-ordered DNF for fucks sake.

Maybe so but if you're gonna implement a shit version of a shit version of a combat system. That's pretty bad.

You're 100% correct. It's a shame that Sup Forums has a tendency of trying to trick people into wasting money on it.

You can only try to "fix" Bioware's shitty Aurora engine so much (before some idiot says it, CDP paid Bioware to license the engine, and modified for their own uses. I know this is not a Bioware game)

witcher 1 combat is nice and its supposed to be what geralt does; sword dancing. the problem is its just too easy to perform because you just click when prompted. its fun to watch when geralt leaps onto a guys' shoulders and shoves his sword down his throat (to the hilt) but there's just no difficulty involved at all.

TW1 is better than TW2. It doesn't rush you along and the environments and atmosphere was just much better. You want to explore every thing. In TW2, it seems like CDPR tried to make it a cinematic experience, the gameplay wasn't as smooth. I don't know about anyone else but I also preferred the combat in TW1 more. It felt very fluid and the different stances were nice to use.

>mfw people who can't read complain about combat


This. Thank god I'm not alone with this.
The sequels tried too hard to be "so maturr" experiences with their Barbie doll humping scenes, active spreading of curse words and random scenes of excessive violence, that it got boring very fast. I got a feeling TW2 is loved by Game Of Thrones fags.

Witcher 1 had the best non combat mechanics.
Getting drunk with people in order to get information was great.
Especially if they could hold their liquor better.

>Why did you drop it?

not him but the tutorial turned me off from the game really hard


>stopping at literal tutorial
Xbox 360 generation, ladies and gents

This. You have to be literally retarded if you think that there's anything wrong with W1 combat.

the combat felt like runny diarrhea, why would I keep playing when I had other games to try?

>played less than 30 minutes and already ragequit
Welp, seems like Witcher 1 is similar pleb-filter as the first Stalker game.

seconding that.

>there are "people" who didn't pick the neutral path and missed fucking the two nurses while shit is hitting the fan


>muh combat!!!
every time.
It shows that the term "RPG" has been raped into "Shooter / hack&slash game, with a level-up system" in the past few years.

Also, you really think that the first 5 minutes you spend in a TUTORIAL correspond to the late-game experience you will have?
I know it might sound totally mindblowing, but before Cowadooteh & modern Bethesda shit became the industry standards, games used to EXPAND and IMPROVE towards the end.

Go level up, get better gear, learn new skills, and learn to cook up some cool potions. Maybe get drunk and hit some chicks. That's what the game's all about!

you sound real assblasted I didn't like your game mate

I really enjoyed playing it in isometric view

Kill yourself for having a shit taste, underage faggot.

>It shows that the term "RPG" has been raped into "Shooter / hack&slash game, with a level-up system" in the past few years.

I prefer turned based RPGs to this shit any day.

>complaining about the swamp
A sure way to spot an underage shitter. Fuck off to Reddit.

So what are you even doing in this thread then? Kill yourself.

It's good but a bit tedious sometimes.
Also anyone who has issues with the combat is a fag.

getting really fucking sick of contrarians pretending that the first Witcher is anything but shit

I wonder how many people failed / didn't "get" the Detective quest line.
I admit I kinda fucked it up on the first run, but on my second playthrough I had one big "...Oooh shit nigga!" heureka moment with it.

>gold level sword talents
>suddenly geralt is doing backflips and applying multiple bleeds
>blood spraying all over the walls and shit

i wish the game had blood stick to you for a while like dragon age 1.

>pleb filter
>terrible story pacing
>horrendous combat
Y-your just to casual to understand!!

>D-do I fit in g-guys?

You sound like ADHD child with limited understanding of.... well, everything.

I'm getting really fucking sick of Xbone owners thinking they got "standards" or "skills".

It has good, calm pace and great combat.

>dark souls is monhun

they arent even remotely close to the same game
combat is completely different

>you will never fuck the Lady of the Lake ever again

>everyone complaining about the combat
>not the boring as fuck story

The combat was actually the best part of the game. Everything else was shit.

Because this isn't your fucking tumblr hugbox where everyone's just gonna ride CDPR's dick

man i remember when the staff got absolutely fucking butthurt and made xbot, nintendrone, and sonyfag ban you for 24 hours if you used any of them

>calm pace
I'm talking about the swamp part, if you don;t get why people dropped this game on that part then you are in denial. It's perfectly fine to drop a game when it is fucking shit, there's nothing hardcore about it you faggots

Also defending witcher's combat is like defending morrowind's combat. Both are fucking shit.

If you think the story is better in W3 then you are the cancer killing video games.

>It however is a very good WRPG
No, it's very average.
>Even more so considering the time it came out
You mean the same year as Mask of the Betrayer, Shivering Isles, Eschalon, and Depths of Peril? It was actually probably the one of the worst WRPGs of the year desu senpai.

Kys, xbox kid

I would rather kill video games if it meant not dealing with W1's turd of a story.

Swamp part was good unless you are a stupid ADHD cod kid with no patience or brains to do anything else than to kill stuff.

if i wanted to fit in i'd pretend that W1 is good


Souls copied MH out the ass with it's combat, but changed it in every way to make it worse

>instead of having 10 weapon types that do 20 moves each, we're gonna have a hundred that do 2 moves each!

>mask of the betrayer
completely different type of game, from the ruleset to controlling the character and the flow of combat. Apples and oranges.
>shivering isles
oh okay you're just trolling

>ITT idiots in denial call everyone who dares to criticize their favorite game underages or kids

>No, it's very average.
On what scale?
Sure, if you take all the stuff released in the past 25 years into account, it can be seen "OK" at best. However, as a modern-day CRPG? It's a fucking astonishing feat. Also much more accessible thanks to its basic, modern interface and visuals.

>You mean the same year as Mask of the Betrayer, Shivering Isles, Eschalon, and Depths of Peril? I
No, the time when Oblivion and Fallout 3 were the new "industry standards" for WRPGs.

Why are the Witcher 1 fags only coming out of the woodwork now? No one fucking likes your game.

that should say yamero

We get that you have a shit taste, now go play your newest CoD or whatever you babbies play.

there's nothing ADHD about it was slow as shit and it's easily the worst part of the entire series

>I'm being made to look like an idiot, so I'm just gonna call other people autists!
t. (You)

>Xbox kids = everyone