Rank the Final Fantasy games correctly or I'll beat the shit out of oyu

Rank the Final Fantasy games correctly or I'll beat the shit out of oyu


4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 8 > 9 > 7 > 13 > I don't care

I've never played one

You can't hold out forever

3 and 4 are good
6 and 15 are mediocre
The rest is trash

Like your punches hurt shit, frogfag.

5 > 9 > 2 > who cares about the rest

I hope you are prepared for my feels bus, pepe

Wrong answer! *punches hard in the face*

10-2 and 13-3 are the best.

You call that a punch? holy shit! even toddlers hit harder than you.

Is that a Jojo reference?

or can I?

Never really played any of them but from osmosis I know that 6 and 4 are supposed to be pretty good, 10's story is a joke and the game play is pretty good but it's overall pretty shit and the rest of them are invalid except for 9 which I played the beginning of.

9 > 5 > 7 > 10 > 4 > 8 > 3 > 2

Haven't played any or enough of the rest to rank them

Too bad. It was my after image.

tactics > shit > the rest

>Good Tier
1, 7, 10

>pretty bad desu tier

haven't played the rest.

Well how about this! *punches* **makes you spit blood** ***critical hit***

Hah! You disappoint me! Not to mention your taste!

Great job making me spitting my tomato juice, faggot.

Pfft. *spits out the blood to my side* Remarkable punch, Pepe. But you still haven't learned from our last encounter.. *teleports behind you and chops your neck, making you fall to the ground*
You're so much slower than I, imbecile. You thought you could catch up to me? *kicks you across the Sup Forums arena and teleports and sledgehammers you down* Take that and stay away from my waifu.

Heh. Exactly as planned.

I'm taking the shot.

Shit tier:
all final fantasy games

*in my head* ((Hah! How could he have fallen for something as simple as my Sharingan's Genjutsu. He think's he's actually won! *laughs manically* Little does he know he'll be stuck in this nightmare forever!))

You know what? Do it. I'm tired of living this dastardly life, Pepe. End it for me..

From top to bottom, assuming I can count spinoffs that take place in the same world as mainline games.
>Vagrant Story
>Tactics Advance 2
>Tactics Advance
>anything I didn't list
>Crisis Core
>Lightning Returns
>Dirge of Cerberus

My taste > Your taste

Poor Oyu.

I have a friend who enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus.
I don't understand how.

12 is the best FF game of all time.