I'm going to sell my PC to gamestop because I couldn't find any good exclusives besides LoL...

I'm going to sell my PC to gamestop because I couldn't find any good exclusives besides LoL. everything else was in early access which I hate. I would just return it, but gamestop doesn't let you return anything once you've opened it. So, I'm going to use the trade credit to buy myself a ps4 pro and one game(or as many games as I can get, if they are good) for 60 dollars. What games should I get? I would prefer something that utilized the cutting edge tech in the pro, but I have been eyeing bloodborn for a while now.

>pic related
it's the pc I bought.

Other urls found in this thread:


I was thinking I could possibly get the new call of duty, is it any good? I love the space stuff. I know I would have to pay for online, but you do on PC anyways so I guess it's moot.

>spending $1300 on a $700 PC
>trading it in for a $300 console
You stupid son of a bitch

>More than $1000
>GTX 970.

the fuck am I witnessing


I bought all that for 570

Honestly, I just wanna hear about some good ps4 games.

>I know I would have to pay for online, but you do on PC anyways
Ah yes, the PC Plus monthly subscription

Ps4 has good games moron.

You are retarded

No offense but you're a complete fucking idiot.


you're really, really dumb

How is the ps4 pro version?

cmon guys, post some recommendations or don't post at all.

>Spent 1300 on a 970


What games or emulators do you recommend for my laptop?

My laptop is of the HP brand

I have windows 10 home single language

Processor: E1-2100 APU with Radeon (TM) HD Graphics 1.00 GHz
Installed Memory (Ram): 2.00 GB (1.47 GB Usable)

System type: 64-bit operating system, 64-bit processor

And I have 383 GB of 440GB of free space on my laptop.

what does it matter, I'm making some money back by trading it in. I'm getting the ps4 pro anyways.

Its alot better in framerate and image quality on the pro but the game already beautiful on the ps4.


Cool, it's dirt cheap as well. That leaves me with roughly 40 in trade in credit.

I hate independent video games (indie games)

>I'll give you $25 credit towards your PS Pro, best I can do

windows is basically the cost, seeing as you have to spend hundreds of dollars every other year. way more expensive than ps+

bait thread

>Buying operating systems.

Better be a bait thread.

Just build the exact same computer, peripherals, wireless card and all for $945.

The only thing I didn't get the same was those sweet flame stickers on the case. They could be worth $400 though.

>buying your OS
even then it's only like a hundred bucks every four years or so, compared to console online at 50 bucks every year

I've already decided to buy a ps4 pro. Also, did you factor in monitor/os/gaming keyboard/gaming mouse costs?

>Until dawn
>Last guardian
>uncharted collection and 4
>Last of us

fine, fine bait

Ok, I think im gonna get Bloodeborne, uncharted collection and infamous for now.

> I'm going to sell my PC to gamestop

They don't take trade ins for PC.

Yeah they were all factored in, except the monitor because it doesn't come with one.


what do you think peripherals are, user

I realize this thread is bait but off the top of my head

>pillars of eternity
>any stalker game
>dota 2
>planescape torment
>any myst game
>unreal tournament
>any 4x game

Sure consoles have some good exclusives like halo and the last of us but seriously to say pc has no good exclusives is to say you have plebian taste

Like I said, I'm getting a ps4 pro so it has to beat that.

Good choices senpai.
Bloodborne is probably best game of this Gen. I'd recommend getting ps plus too even if your not playing online the games they give you every month are worth it alone (but this months gonna be shit desu)

lol fucking reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEtard

90% of Steam's is playable considering it's indie shovelware

you cant trade in a PC dumbass.

ps4 pro doesn't even run at the specs it claims.

CS:GO is on console and I really don't like those old games. I do wish I could play dota 2 on consoles, so I'll give you that.

If that was honestly the computer that you bought, you're not yet responsible to handle any sort of finances.

Please consider giving your money to a trusted adult who will make these kinds of decision for you until you come of age.

>some retard actually bought this
>unironically bought it when it has a fucking 970 in it
>trading it for a ps4 pro despite spending 1400 burgers on it
holy fucking shit


I'm getting rid of the pc, so that solves that. With the PS4 pro I'll honestly save so much on OS costs. I think I'm making a good long term fiscally decision.

who buys a PC for "exclusives"?

>I think I'm making a good long term fiscally decision.


You'll see 5 years from now.

>47 replies

>OS costs
is this some new meme

Decent bait thread desu

>I think I'm making a good long term fiscally decision.
ps5 is out in like a year, just chill for a bit imo.

>OS costs
You fucking idiot. Oh my god. You've never torrented in your life?

Why would I buy a pc when I can literally play every game + console exclusives?
>m-muh mobas

Why would you want to go outside in the rain?

we all know this is a bait thread so post asses till mods delete

>OS Costs
mah sides are in orbitz

>Flames on the side

Fuckin kek


Why don't they just make graphics cards bigger and thusly more powerful?
It's not like you move your tower around very often unless you're a massive faggot.

As an example, I wouldn't mind if my graphics card was as big as the entire rig and you just plugged things in around it.

what game is that?

>dumb russian steals my info to buy pic related
>raise hell with my bank and cyberpower for not verifying people
>end up getting this thing for free and all of my money back

I know its a laptop but what can I do with this piece of shit? I shouldn't be complaining since I got a freelaptop out of the ordeal anyway and its still in the box.


>have not seen anything about 970
>look it up

well fuck, i was going to upgrade my rig since i was gifted witcher 3 and was thinking about getting a 970 but now i just dont fucking know, any suggestions?


Trade it in towards a PS4 Pro

>I'm going to sell my PC to gamestop because I couldn't find any good exclusives besides LoL

the fact that people read past this part, even better have 90+ replied to this is proof Sup Forums is full of kids with low impulse control

because computers are more than just a graphics card

Yeah senpai. how much you willin to spend?

what's wrong with LoL? I really think it's a good game.


But really doe if you got that for free its pretty fucking sweet

I bought all that for 470

lol no
i did. its paperweight at this point since i dont use laptops but would a 960 be enough for bullshit like overmeme?

I got it for two dollars and a green lollipop

i dont really use laptops either m8 but desu im digging the design of that laptop

good work

>fiscally decision.
this is too obvious. You need to be more subtle. The post was great bait up until that last statement

fuck off, I meant to type fiscal

Second Scuba

My girlfriend plays Overwatch on High on her 960m laptop.

I made her buy the laptop because I play it on the big TV.

well i just wanted something to replace my old faithfull 550 ti, something to give me 5 more year of not having to think about upgrading, and since i live in HUEland everything will be expensive as fuck anyways so i really dont fucking know

>tfw you're not anthony bu- I mean OP

just go big and get a 1080

To play FPS games, don't tell me you play them on console because if you do I'll laugh at you.

>700 USD
>I7 6700k (minimum 300 USD), GTX 970 (minimum 300 USD)
>not counting HDD, PSU, RAM
>not counting sweet flame graphics tax

Not happening, cousin.

were you not already laughing at him

>he thinks the OP is real

Who else came here to see how many people took OPs bait?

Not that user, DOTA is much better.

Racing games at 1440p/144 FPS which choice of customizable controller set up. This makes a huge difference in racing titles (just like FPS)
Sim titles
4X titles

That's just off the dome...and better versions of console multiplats to boot.

PC is truly truly masterrace.

>inb4 a-all those g-g-games are shit anonkun
Can't account for shit tier taste.


It's not polite to laugh at disabled folk.

use it for Sup Forums on the go

Why is 70% of the cost of a prebuilt the processor? Why does every fucking manufacturer spring for an i7 instead of an i5 and bump the price of these things up by $500?

sure, I wish it was on consoles. I would love to play it on my ps4 pro when I get it. It would be cool in 4k.

Jesus that's like twice my salary! i think i will settle for a 750 or something slightly better

If you are the type to---on an absolute whim--throw 1500 USD to a shady garage company in California to build you a PC, you probably do not care enough to research cost-to-performance ratios and such. So you just click the "highest" option and pay out the nose for it.

I personally build with i7...totally aware that the gaming bump is not worth it but I like the hyperthreading and larger cache for other PC use.

this IS bait, right?

i mean i certainly hope so.

Does the PS4 have back compat yet? It literally has no games I'm interested on it atm.

Serious question

How many of you PCbros have any kind of water cooling or a monitor with a refresh rate beyond 60 hz?

Watercooling yes, resfresh rate no

I don't trust myself to do water cooling and I also don't trust others to do anything