Now that 2016 has been a big disappointment what are you looking forward to in 2017?

Now that 2016 has been a big disappointment what are you looking forward to in 2017?

You fucks say that every year, just face it that you are cynical jaded fucks and hang yourself

2016 was fucking incredible though

Why do normies hate 2016 so much? It's not that bad. Better than the last few years, that's for sure.

What's with everyone bandwagoning the 2016 was their worst year ever? Is it just cause not many good games came out? Cause that's all I can think of that would impact a person directly and affect their year.

Good tier:
dark souls 3

Alright tier:
deus ex mankind divided

2016 was shit tier:
everything else

Americans think it's the end of the world because their election sucked.

Libtards made Trump won election

Name 10 positive things that happened this year

2016 is one of the best years in recent memory.

Lots of people died
Weird shit happened
Weird trends and events like pepe being connected to the alt right movement


Thank god someone made this image, it was my first thought watching it.

The alt right "movement" is just how news outlets have decided to label internet based political enthusiasts. There is no established political doctrine for the alt right, only hollow namecalling of "there's nazis associated with them"

It's literally just a strawman built to discredit people without mainstream opinions by lumping them all together and associating them with hitler

Just a reminder every year in the video game industry is basically 3 good games and the rest are trash

>Lots of people died
Nobody involved in their lives like friends or family. No reason to despair and declare the year bad.
>Weird shit happened
That's vague and can mean anything.
So? The individual will barely feel any effects.
>Weird trends and events like pepe being connected to the alt right movement
How would weird trends make someone's life worse?

Every person sounds like a huge crybaby getting depressed about things that didn't even happen to them occured.

North American Video Game Crash 2: The Squeakquel

The collapse of western society


My suicide by gunshot (livestreamed)

Fuck this world and everyone living in it.


>Trump won
>Castro died
>Alex Jones became mainstream
>Got to watch protestors get their asses beat on streams pretty much all year
>First probe to make it to Jupiter in nearly 2 decades
>China made the most powerful telescope in the world
>Ghost Radio came back
>Canada caught on fire for like 3 months straight
>The best is yet to come

Guts got off the boat

Zero good video games this year but man I had fun just playing oldies as usual

this post is so delusional

Lost my virginity
Trump as president
AJ Styles as WWE Champ
Got a new job
Made a friend
Saw my favorite band live
A shitpost I made got a lot of (You)'s
New car

Gravity Rush 2
Yooka Laylee
Sonic Mania
Probably some Switch games too but I'll have to see what they announce.

Explain to me the political beliefs of the alt right

2016 was a weird year man.
A town had to get a Batman cosplayer to pretendtofight clowns so kids wouldnt be scared of the fucking clowns that have been scaring people. That clown shit was weird as hell.

Good movies, good games, Cubs won, CRISPR might destroy cancer, Hillary lost, if you don't reply to this your mother will yell at you in her sleep, some good music

This isn't hard

>Implying TLC was good

>Lost my virginity
>Got a new job

Gravity rush 2.

Garflondo and Beepus 1 year anniversary thread

>Lost my virginity
>losing the chance to obtain magical power for a chance to get into smelly squid cave

Name 5 negative things that have any bearing on your life that happened this year.

>>Castro died
Kill yourself, American scum

A Trump presidency

*drops mic*

I think 2016 has been a great year for the most part. It only sucks if you only look at video game releases or celebrity deaths

Halo Wars 2
South Park
MvC: Infinite
Further content for TF2, Overwatch, and Halo 5

2016 was a good year, but not for videogames.

Looking forward to Rising Storm 2, Subnautica 1.0, and maybe that RIOT game.

>cuck tried to harness meme magic
>it blew up in his face
Fool knew not the power he was wielding.

Won't have to wait long.

Also 2016 was fine

>Dishonored 2

Also Shadow Tactics looks excellent

absolver, strafe, ds3 dlc, scorn, specter of torment, checking out risk of rain and terraria with friends

Obama pls

Negative not positive
*drops mic*


2016 sucked because Prince died, who gives a shit about bowie


>Bragging about shitposting

Man this place really has gone to shit hasn't it?

Things like these are why I no longer believe in logical and rational thought and accept our lives are absurd, full of unanswerable questions and the world we live in makes no sense.


except people call themselves alt right


People buy into identities for a sense of belonging, what else is new
That doesn't validate the """movement""".

Nah 2015 was pretty damn great. 2014 sucked ass though. 2016 isn't as bad as 14' but it was still a really bad year.

They're conservatives without shame. Done.

But they support trump who holds many non-conservative and outright democrat views. And not reluctantly, but because they agree with him
That means they're not true conservatives

That's why they're called the alt-right instead of just right/conservative. It's an ALTernative to full conservatism.

Grand Kingdom
Dragon Quest Builders

aside from OW turning out to be complete garbage I'd say it was a pretty good year

Best thread to happen in awhile.

well yeah it was a shit year for video games

2016 was a cartoon

But by holding non-conservative principles how can they still be called conservative?

>what i want
Less disappointment

>what i'll get
more disappointment

im preparing now

>Ghost came back
Fucking this.
Don't forget
>Good relations with Russia/China again
>Trump already bringing jobs back to America
>The pendulum has finally swung back towards conservatives

>But they support trump who holds many non-conservative and outright democrat views.
And I suppose those are the beliefs these people rally behind?

Not to mention Trump lies a lot. I don't think he believes in anything but himself.

Dilbertman has put me into a fucking existential crisis

>Trump lies a lot
Provide one example which does not involve a "fact checker" spinning the truth or using ambiguous logic

This was one of the greatest years of my life, but yeah for video games i guess it was eh.
Looking forward to
Ni No Kuni Revenant Kingdom
Gravity Rush 2
Last of us 2

I can't wait until Trump is in office so all the contrarians are liberal again.

some other celebrity deaths probably

((((((((((((((((((((video games))))))))))))))))))))))

Shit, He's onto us! He's starting to realize he is a spoon.

>tfw too intelligent for persuasion

He is a businessman who makes deals. He inherently suggests shit that's too heavy so he can tone it down later in negotiations. Look at all his campaign promises. He says not what he means, but what he believes will further himself.

>Trump being president is good
>Campaigned to crack down on Wall Street
>planning to repeal Dodd-Frank
>weakening the CFPB which would not have the power to investigate Wells Fargo during the accounts scandal otherwise
>planning massive tax breaks for his big business buddies
>Warren Buffet himself says "it's a good time to be big business, not so much to be an individual"

That's not lying, that's a well established negotiation tactic. Shifting your position is not a lie.

>taking bait

I like arguing on the internet user, let me be

>Human Revolution
>A decent Hitman game
>Basically every Xbox exclusive is coming to PC

2016 wasn't that bad.

It depends on the severity of those promises and how far they got you

He ain't building a wall, he may not even fence anything
He ain't draining the swamp of lobbyists
And he ain't locking her up, she walks free
And this was his plan from the beginning. To not deliver. He lied.

I want to go back in time and stop /n/ from being made. Forget Sup Forums, we should smother this little shit in his crib.

KH 2.8/1.5/2.5
Persona 5
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Sonic 2017
Yooka Laylee
Tekken 7
Days Gone

2017 is gonna be a good year lads.

>tfw no Metal Wolf Chaos 2

2016 was the shit.

>He ain't building a wall
lol which fake news site did you read this on?

Shit, I meant Mankind Divided obviously.

Witcher 3 was the last game I enjoyed. Was 2015 ?

people always ignore the stuff that actually matter like this instead of "lel hell kick out all the dirty niggers"

>China made the most powerful telescope in the world
>impliying this is something positive.

We used to have the biggest one, now chinks do.


Size isn't everything

Shut up you racist bigot. It was just a fluke that every liberal media outlet was slightly off with their election predictions, they're still the only legitimate news outlets out there idiot. Why else would they be popular?

Not what you are pretending to be, but what you really are

Yeah but when it comes to Telescopes it does and Benis too .

>can only resort to juvenile, context-less ad-hominem attacks in retort

I lose more faith in humanity every post. You idiots actually believe in fucking conspiracies. God damn political boards to hell. I only stay because of the anonymous posting setup. For example, none of you will who I am after I post this.

I guess I should just stay outta politics threads.

Next year is looking like a good year for video games.

I say this because I'm looking forward to four games coming out next year as opposed to only one game from this year.

>I lose more faith in humanity every post
Go cry about it on your tumblr

Why should you disbelieve something which cannot be proven false?

You kill yourself first you subhuman communist nigger

>using a computer or smartphone
>using the internet to post this
>while posting on a VIDEO GAMES forum, video games being at the forefront of technology-oriented entertainment
>will later literally tell a block of glass in your hand "Hey, tell me some good places to eat" and will get a wide array of results
>the entire wealth of human knowledge is at your fingertips
>humanity has developed incredibly rapidly over the past couple of decades all thanks to ambition and markets that compete to outdo eachother
>"capitalism is bad, muh communism"

The cognitive dissonance is amazing, I'm seriously beginning to wonder if liking communism is one big meme I'm not in on.

/r9k/ is for shitcunt plebs that actually care about such things.

>muh money