ITT: THAT part

ITT: THAT part

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Gohan...let it go.

Is this Buu's Fury or LoG 2?

Either way, the Janemba portions of Buu's Fury were THAT part for me. LoG1 entirely is THAT part.


I think it's LoG2, I remember playing LoG1 and LoG2 and I thought both of them were challenging, granted I was a lot younger so maybe I was just shit at games or something.

I remember dying a lot, and getting my ass beat constantly.

I remember this part. You had to run down the mountain with the egg without getting hit. Definitely one of the worst parts of the game. LoG2 was the shit when i was 10, though.

>"Into Sandy's City" starts playing
>Don't want to play anymore

I quit because of this. I returned the god damn game to the store and got ed edd and eddy.


Got you OP

I think The Demon's Dead is a lot more groan-worthy.

Couldn't kill him, he killed me in 2 shots.
I uninstalled after I died because I could tell how hard this game would be if THIS was the beginning enemy.

Tried it, no one ever gets it. This is Sup Forums we're talking about.

Here's your (You)


LoG1 is pretty challenging at the beginning at least since you die from a sneeze unless you grind levels. I remember LoG2 being kinda difficult but Buu's Fury is piss easy.




It's 2. These are the generators before Dr Gero's lab

The Giant Clank segments were way worse.

>but Buu's Fury is piss easy.

Only because the weight things let you level up way too fast

It's Betty.

You son of a pig.

I don't think I used them. In general enemies just give way too much exp in Buu's Fury.

Hope he gets better soon


Clanker's cavern was excellent, he's a total bro and the entire level is an example of great design and subtle casual filtering

>I suck at videogames: the post

This killed my no-death run. What even the fuck, dude.


>ITT: THOSE parts

I feel like Symphonia was the only Tales game where they went all out with dungeon puzzles and that's why it has so many of "those" parts

the Tales games in general is a series that always has at least one THAT dungeon. But Symphonia has like 6.



Still has the best music


>oh em gee guise literally the hardest XD

Had some good music though. I liked the atmosphere of the level, and it picked up pretty well near the end of the chapter.

Not him but it's not hard. It's just really fucking tedious.

Which game was this?

You're not wrong

It's not hard. The level is annoying as fuck.

Cut that shit out.

For some reason I find this chapter to be my least favorite. Funny enough, my favorite chapter being chapter 4, the most disliked next to the General White side quest.

The beginning of Sun/Moon. What a fucking terrible first island


I know, I can play OoT blindfolded with one hand, it's just irritating when people constantly go to the water temple as the most difficult/tedious part of the game

>not the unskippable boring dialogue at the start
>not the intentionally paced out deku tree segment
>not any of the long speeches sheik or any character for that matter, makes

There's plenty of other parts in the game that are far bigger inconveniences than 'le meme water temple'

go back to plebbit fag. You don't belong here.

It gets worse until the third island user

>tedious first island
>were you paying attention? Second island
>oh okay I guess we'll leave you alone from now on third island

The worst of it is the shoe horning into cutscenes and boring dialogue that doesn't mean anything

Plus what was up with the whole
>malasadas or whatever the fuck constantly on tv

I agree actually. Chapter 4 was glitz pit right? Either that or twilight town. If it's Glitz Pit then I completely agree. If it's twilight town I'd say you're wrong but I understand why someone would like it, Doopliss is great, Vivian's whole story thing was cool, and I kinda liked the whole town/mansion thing.

"Did you get all that?"


>being under 20
>telling people to return to reddit

Go take a vape break to calm down, lad.

Nah, Glitzpit is "the shit", great chapter. Chapter 4 is Twilight Town, with backtracking and confusing puzzle galore. I just really enjoyed the atmosphere with people turning into pigs and feeds into one of my fears of someone taking my identity and having my friends turn against me. Also, Vivian is best girl, but nothing beats the classic ghost

I'm so glad I'm not the only one brehs

>when THAT part is five minutes into the optional tutorial

>projecting that much
How about you get that hot pocket now? It has probably cooled off.

When he flips the answers again but this time you're onto him and he says something along the lines of

"You're a clever child"

I always thought it was because he didn't trick me with the swapped answers

>mfw kaepora gaebora doesn't give a fuck about fourth walls

Fuck the mages tower.

You DO want that magatama, don't you?


LOG2 is really fun if you don't grind at all, Cell will fuck you up, so when Gohan goes SSJ2 you actually feel the power up by dropping him in a few hits, it's fucking awesome, while if you grind, SSJ2 doesn't really do anything, which is fucking lame

>Large as fuck
>Has complete invincibility at random for no reason
>Hits really hard
>Has some annoying moves that you can't interrupt because random invincibility

I hope the person responsible for this terrible boss got fired.

Is this meant to be hard? Learning the alphabet is harder.

I'm talking about the entire minigame, not that level.

It gets really fucking annoying in the later levels.

This part was such an insane difficulty bump for thin series that it really threw me off guard. Nothing in any other God of War game even comes close to this.

>not the 3rd stratum boss

That boss was the casual filter to push you to break the game

All of those stat increase items, though.

Yeah, had to use a walkthrough on that tedious cunt.

Let's see how strong are you.

I hate that hating this temple became a meme. Switching your boots constantly was really tedious on the n64

I had more trouble with the test of fear.

Tfw still can't beat.





>inb4 casual
fuck off, i was still new to souls when i got to this part
and took me longer than it should have to beat the stone knights, and then the fucking cats came out of nowhere and spooked the fuck out of me and i spagetthied and died.

The best strategy for that part is to just run past everything. The loot isn't worth it considering all the ammo and health you are going to lose against the suicidal android.

>tfw i love puzzles and had a lot of fun playing this

don't watch nigger shit. what is this?

Is that The Library?
Weren't there 7 corridors full of that shit? Who thought that was a good idea??

git + 5

Indeed it is. I loved the library in hindsight. By the end I was worn out, on edge, clinging to my shotgun for dear life, and tired of this damn ring.


My personal PTSD that part. Fuck I hated the sewers. It was such a slog through it and there was zero indication that it would be THAT long.

>that fucking key part
To this day I have to swim through the key and go back up for air three times to unlock. Getting the air bubbles is frustrating and I'm risking losing all my notes because the fucking fish isn't helping me.

Personally my fuck that part is more of rusty bucket bay. I enjoy the challenge but there is some real bullshit there. The engine room still haunts my nightmares.

>I loved the library in hindsight
Woohoo, the same hallway 8 times, riveting.

People should give this advice more often.
That shit was the most important aspect of the game by far.

Vitality my ass. Even a complete retard could beat any boss with a well upgraded weapon.
Except maybe Kalameet and Bed of Chaos

I have a level 2 gohan in that game for novelty purposes. I'm all the way at the Perfect Cell fight. You literally never have to level up gohan except that 1 mandatory level you get when you spend 3 years training for the androids and get a new move.

I've managed to sneak behind a rock in the cell fight and launch masenkos, but it's just too tedious for me to successfully finish the game this way so I don't know how much killing cell will level me.

Also fuck the dinosaur egg part, and fuck the switch part where you literally have to guess the pattern.

>I forgot the pic
Kill me

That and needing to continously go to the specific spots to raise the water level. It was never hard, just boring as all hell.

Shadow Link fight was pretty good though.

I can still remember the music for this stage.

Mass Effect peak 15


just use dark bomb on dark jak to kill the drone on the water and skateboard away

dark souls 3s *THAT part* lol swamp, lol cathedral swamp, lol hey another swamp haha :D

The fact that it's not that big a deal is why it's a meme. If you legitimately think that the water temple is a problem, it implies you unironically watch big bang theory.

I fucking love symphonia


Any desert level or act.

So fucking boring.