You're going to buy Nier's game, right Sup Forums?
You're going to buy Nier's game, right Sup Forums?
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Yeah, thinking about what system to get it on. Cause while it will be on PC, I don't know how the port will be.
Revengeance port was pretty good.
No, I got the first game because people were praising it and it was garbage. Automata meanwhile just looks like Platinum yet again rehashing Bayonetta combat.
>Automata meanwhile just looks like Platinum yet again rehashing Bayonetta combat.
how is that a bad thing
Because we've had a bunch of Bayo combat rehashes by them and its lost all its luster.
>Niers game
you mean A2s
isn't this the game with dick girls though?
The game looks interesting, but I haven't played the first Nier.
Is watching a lets play sufficient? I don't want to undust my PS3
>yoshida doing the art
>platinum doing combat that actually looks good unlike all their recent licensed shovelware games
>same guy doing OST
You could watch the Liam/Pat playthrough. The game has great music and story though, so if you can I would play it yourself.
No, the first one was total shit despite Sup Forumss terrible opinion. So i'm not hyped for the 2nd one
Probably, still have to finish the first one though, and I think the mc in this one looks pretty fucking dumb.
Nier 2 is completely standalone, so I'd say don't bother.
It's contrived schlock anyways
unfortunately no
Do I have to play the other Neir game or any of the Drakengards to play this?
This game looks interesting.
I could swear I remember them mentioning dick girls in one of the development diaries.
Nier never existed, this is now Emil's game.
Except it still has framerate bugs and defaults to locked 30. But yeah it was fine and Platinum games work fine on PC.
someone tell him
Of course. Hoping that PC gets actual boxed release, and not just fucking steam code in a case.
That was the first game. And only one dickgirl.
good. dickgirls are disgusting
Well, there are returning characters in this from the original, and there's suppose to be a close tie to Drakkengard 3 from what I heard.
It's Platinum's first A-team game since Bayo 2
TMNT wasn't the same team lol
The PC version is not gonna be out for quite some time lol
I'll probably just buy Bayonetta.
That was the original Nier, not this one.
Glad there's a reversible cover.
Nope. It boggles my mind that people like such generic trash.
>Muh feels
Does not make a good game. Neither does being Japanese or grimdark.
>artbook only comes with a near 200 dollar collectors edition
fucking square jews
I-I-I preordered it guys
hotglue for me pls ;')
The reversible box art is an improvement but still kinda meh, totally clashes with the ugly blue PS4 case
Everyone point and laugh at the idiot who got a Yoko Taro game expecting good combat!
Any chance of this being available elsewhere? Last time I ordered from SE's store it took a month
of course, on PC
better versions require more work, its normal annon
I guess most people are willing to wait 6-12 months to play the superior version of a game.
>Except it still has framerate bugs and defaults to locked 30
Compared to the console versions which ran like garbage, the PC version is by far definitive.
It is only available at their store.
I chose 2 day shipping, they damn well better believe if I don't get it in two days I'm demanding money back on the two day shipping
>botched port no one cares much about, released to squeeze some money from the MEE TOOO audience
>better version
I really like your naive enthusiasm.
Do we even know if it will have a stable frame rate on my ps4 or do I need to upgrade to the ps4 goy edition or will that have an even worse fucking framerate which is the current trend.